Sentences with phrase «gi tract disorders»

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«Oregano is an amazing herb from a health perspective, and has been traditionally used to treat respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual cramps, and urinary tract disorders.
Recipe courtesy of The FODMAP Friendly Vegan «Oregano is an amazing herb from a health perspective, and has been traditionally used to treat respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual cramps, and urinary tract disorders.
IBS is a chronic and debilitating functional disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract which affects around 10 - 15 per cent of the western population.
IBS is a debilitating functional disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Crohn's disease is one form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a disorder that's characterized by inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
This causes a disorder to your GI tract, which can dramatically increase or decrease your gut motility.
The toxins they generate can damage your cells and your GI tract can go into a severe disorder as a result.
«Oregano is an amazing herb from a health perspective, and has been traditionally used to treat respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual cramps, and urinary tract disorders.
Additionally, researchers concluded that «probiotics may profoundly affect the gut - brain axis and attenuate the development of stress - induced disorders in the upper and lower GI tract
Celiac disease — Wheat gluten sensitivity — Enterolabs, Cyrex labs, antigliadin antibody Chronic autoimmune disorders - entire list of autoimmune diseases Chronic hives Cognitive Dysfunction and Dementia from B12 deficiency Dermatitis herpetiformis (herpes)- typical for wheat gluten sensitivity Depression - Leaky Gut with LPS (see articles by Michael Maes) Diabetes — Autoimmune type one Eczema Gall bladder disease — associated with hypochlorhydia Graves disease - Autoimmune - Elevated TSH receptor ab - Yersinia molecular Mimciry with TSH receptor Hepatitis Iron deficiency - Low Iron and Low ferritin Hyper and hypothyroidism - Autoimmune - Hashimotos Thyroiditis Lupus erythematosus - autoimmune Myasthenia gravis Neuropathy and NeuroPsychiatric Disorder from B12 deficiency Osteoporosis - from Calcium Malabsorption Pernicious anemia — Parietal Cell Antibodies - B12 deficiency - gastric atrophy Psoriasis - autoimmune Rheumatoid arthritis - autoimmune Rosacea Sjögren's syndrome — Autoimmune Thyrotoxicosis - three types: Graves, Hashitoxicosis, and Txic Nodular Goiter Vitiligo Chronic intestinal parasites or abnormal flora - GI - Fx shows parasite DNA Undigested food in stool - Demonstrated on GI - FX test Chronic candida infections - from gut dysbiosis Upper digestive tract gassiness - from dysbiosis
(10) Abnormalities in the structure of the GI tract, motility disorders, depressed thyroid function, and mitochondrial disorders decrease small intestine motility, causing food and ingested bacteria to stagnate, which may promote bacterial overgrowth.
Yoga postures provide the necessary action, stretching to the digestive tract, and aid in treating the several GI disorders.
When bad bacteria outweigh the good, the lining of the GI tract can break down, allowing leakage and a wide range of inflammatory diseases — from skin allergies, urinary issues, and kidney problems to arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis and skin disorders.
It is an essential diagnostic tool for pets with disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
An unexplained link between disorders and the GI tract and epilepsy has been recognized for some time.
This procedure is extremely helpful in diagnosing malignancies in the GI tract as well as GI disorders, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
It should be mentioned that infections, diseases and disorders of the GI tract can cause excess gas production so if your dog has any other symptoms apart from flatulence get him checked by your veterinarian.
A project completed during his residency allowed him to develop a strong interest and ability in gastrointestinal endoscopy and disorders of the GI tract.
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