Sentences with phrase «gender wives tales»

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Talk about all the old wives tales, fun gender prediction tests and share your scan pictures to see what others think.
Another old wives» tale is that your cravings predict the gender of your baby: A mom expecting a boy will crave for sweet and fatty foods, while the mom carrying a girl will want to eat sour foods.
Your cravings may predict the gender of your child according to an old wives» tale...
Also, not sure how true this old wives tale is, but if you are carrying «low» vs. «high» to determine gender (although this is more obvious toward the middle / end of pregnancy).
There are certain signs which can tell you the gender of your baby according to old wives tales.
One study in Dublin found an old wives - tale that appears to be true for gender.
Either way, there are more old wives» tales about guessing the gender of your baby then there are babies, it seems.
Are baby gender predictors and the old wives tales true?
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