Sentences with phrase «general perspective of»

The above description, however, sets out the general perspective of most Realtors in California.
His first chapter is «The Point of Departure and General Perspective of Universalism in the Old Testament.»
I don't see the value of the buttons as anything more than a general barometer of the general perspective of other readers... and without the ability to reflect both positive and negative there is no real value at all.

Not exact matches

To put this into perspective, we're talking about the equivalent of the market caps of Disney, Ford, Starbucks, and General Mills being vaporized in just a few weeks.
«Try to approach an employee or another manager with whom you have a trusted relationship, and ask for their general perspective,» says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of «Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.»
A 2009 memo from then - Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department is to advise the White House on pending criminal or civil investigations «only when it is important for the performance of the president's duties and appropriate from a law enforcement perspective
While different industries and segments have their own unique terminology, from our perspective, «sales leads» is more of a general term.
By engaging all types of organizations that support startups across the country, this report provides a wider perspective on opportunities for funding and support as well as the general state of the startup ecosystem.
Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
My own view of all of this, as a practicing social scientist interested in the relationship between religious faith and empirical science, is that the general perspective taken by Evans - Pritchard, Douglas, and the Turners is not only entirely reasonable but close to the best account we might give.
Read Absence of Black Holes means Stephen Hawking has finally accepted that there are serious problems with both Newton's perspective of Gravity & Einstein's General Theory of Relativity because both require Black Holes at the center of the galaxies.
The latter is a tangled problem at best, but it is clear that among the important founders of the process perspective — specifically I mean James, Peirce, Bergson, Whitehead, Dewey, and Hartshorne — it is Hartshorne's work which comes closest to being a kind of personalism.1 Whitehead explicitly sets aside the personalist perspective in Religion in the Making, considering its claims beyond the possibility of being established.2 On the other side, a number of personalists have been sympathetic to process thought, and Brightman is surely principal among them.3 Here I will not investigate the question of whether personalism in general, or even the idealistic type, is reconcilable with process thought.
From the perspective of black theology, it is important to observe that Hartshorne's account of theological ethics displays a sensitivity which is characteristic of liberation theologies in general.
And so the concreta of history, viewed in an epistemic perspective, can in fact manage to transcend their space - time settings to instantiate general patterns.
They are often specially trained to critically analyze arguments, to seek clarification of terms and root out presuppositions, to provide a general perspective that covers a variety of details, and to convey a continuity of valuable ideas derived from a distinguished line of predecessors in the history of philosophy.
The theoretical tradition initiated by Max Weber nearly a century ago has remained a popular perspective from which to examine religion, ideology, and, in general, the processes of change in these cultural systems.
I shall indicate briefly what each of these four traditions suggests about changes in the relations between religion and politics and then consider some of the more general presuppositions that these theoretical perspectives illustrate.
The meaning of the event is seen in a post-resurrection perspective «as a manifestation of a general redemption for the whole people of God.»
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke do, after all, fall well within the general scheme of the kerygma, though they subtly alter its perspective.
«1 With the broad perspective of one gifted with metaphysical genius, he affirms that an adequate philosophy of religion can only be developed within the framework of a comprehensive general philosophy; but the elaboration of his system makes clear that the doctrine of God is not just one facet but, as with Aristotle, the very zenith of his cosmology.
In general, a biblical perspective on the power of physical intimacy suggests that the sexual bond between two persons can be a force for good or evil because it is full of mystery, grace, and the fascination of the unknown.
From a phenomenological perspective D would identify three general differences: (a) the scope and status of the principle of functional ultimacy; (b) a different concept of soteriology that derives from (c) a dissimilar view about the benevolent character of ultimate reality.
Boff has undertaken the task of formulating, based on the general ecumenical consensus — that it is the triune God in whom Christians believe and that it is necessary to reflect theologically on this — what are, in his perspective, the contextually relevant implications of this doctrine.
This principle is congenial to the perspective of general systems theory and the insights of process philosophy with its dynamic - organic model of natural and social reality.
The systemic perspective can provide the general principles for developing the sorely needed sociotherapies for the larger groups, institutions, and socio - economic - political systems, which collectively determine the healing - growthing climate of our communities and of our world society.
Rather, the issue is whether theology expressed in the particular form of one historical perspective is more convincing than a general cosmic perspective.
6 While some variation of the «vitalist» hypothesis appears necessary in historical perspective, the recent findings of Nobel - laureate chemist Ilya Prigogine regarding the tendency toward self - organization and greater complexity in dissipative chemical structures shows that the evolution of complexity is itself compatible with, rather than contrary to the general physical principles of thermodynamics.
We may add here, therefore, parenthetically, that whatever else we may mean when we speak of inspiration and revelation in the Old Testament, we certainly do not mean any radical or miraculous emancipation from the general mores, perspectives and knowledge of the age.
One pastor replied, «We still have a need for the kind of missionary who is knowledgeable about the historical, cultural, political and theological perspectives of Argentina in general and of Argentine Methodists in particular.»
There is no reason for us to reject the possibility that in a similar way the chaotic and monotonous episodes of all experience, ours as well as nature's in general, may also contribute to the value of the whole when viewed from a cosmic perspective (to which of course we do not ourselves have access).
I'm counting on my friend Roger to bring his historical and theological insight to the conversation, which means I'll be sharing a bit more from a personal perspective, incorporating my own story with some of your stories to make some general observations about what I think is happening in evangelicalism and why some of it makes me excited and some of it causes concern.
Konrad Raiser, now General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, uses it to describe, a change in theological perspective which affects the whole range of ecumenical work.1 His colleague and former student Martin Robra applies it specifically to a change in perspective on social ethics in World Council work.2 K.C. Abraham describes it as a change in theological and ethical perspective brought about by the participation of the Third World in the ecumenical movement.3 They all make important points.
And then comes: the taboo subjects; talking about people as if they are not there (or as if they are an «issue», not a person); assuming everyone (who counts) is of a certain race, ability, class, language, sexuality or gender; various non-biblical behavioural rules; the targeted enforcement of church rules (whether «biblical» or not) on particular groups; and the general reluctance to see things from another's perspective (even if this is a skill that churchgoers use all day, every day, outside thw church).
One is a historian of religions not by virtue of mastering a certain number of philologies, but because one is able to integrate religious data into a general perspective.
There is no other perspective in which religio - historical data can better be integrated than that of the general science of religions.
In brief, while the research on symbols in general and religious symbolism in particular by specialists in other disciplines deserves his consideration, the historian of religions is obliged in the final analysis, to approach the subject with his own means of investigation and in his proper perspective.
Liberals believe that the most important of these procedures is the machinery of rationality, of those laws of logic attached to no agenda or vision, but sufficiently general in their scope as to provide a normative perspective from the vantage point of which any agenda or vision can be assessed and, if necessary, corrected.
First, the theoretical perspective of Talcott Parsons still exercised a powerful influence over the discipline in general.
Projective geometry, the geometry of perspective, allows more dramatic transformations and hence reveals more general invariants.
I love hearing your perspective on the whole thing, not only in terms of my Hashimoto's disease, but simply your thoughts on medically restrictive diets in general.
«Chef Ortiz brings a fresh perspective to the cornerstone restaurant of Malliouhana, upholding The Restaurant's longstanding reputation as the best spot for a memorable dining experience on the island,» said John Vasatka, General Manager of Malliouhana.
On a seemingly slight tangent though ultimately related note, the latest Star Wars movie can give us an indication of the more general perspective about the distribution of earnings.
Apologies for having a different perspective from the general view, i need us to see beyond pure professionalism but a balance of ruggedness and professionalism that was displayed by the City players when this same beast tried getting under their skin.
And from a betting perspective, the general public took notice of the 27 - point blowout.
«Caring about the world in general» includes going out of one's way to hack off part of a nonconsenting person's body, that's your perspective, very uncivilized.
I finally decided to comment today because I think that your general green perspective on parenting would really complement the other voices in an online green social network that I've been a member of for the past 6 + months.
They will actually end up developing a bigger number of secure attachments to loving adults, and having relationships with new people who can teach them new things and offer perspectives that their parents can't have (because we're all limited in terms of what we can know, and how we view things) and in general, their squad of caregivers is going to expand and that is nothing but good.
2007 College of Obstetricians of Tuscany, conference on «New Perspectives on Birth,» General sessions on «The Postmodern Midwife» and «Birth Models That Work,» Livorgno, Italy, November
this book provided an amazing view from a teacher's perspective and how the over parenting for which I'm prone could be detrimental at best to my child's development and general feeling of self worth.
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