Sentences with phrase «generally over trading»

Generally over trading is the external results of bad internal self controls.

Not exact matches

Congress has formal authority over trade policy under the US Constitution, but it has generally delegated much of its authority to the executive branch in modern times.
The site will contain all kinds of things i.e. what is generally important in stock market trading including book reviews, analysis of people who have been successful over the years as investors, comparisons of some brokers and their usefulness plus much more.
Over time, the stronger global environment could also generate further upward pressure on commodity prices and hence manufacturing costs, and on traded goods prices more generally.
Generally, it's expected that more live transactions and solutions will start appearing over the rest of this year, in the trade finance space.
This option might be especially attractive if you use mutual funds with no transaction fees, giving them a cost advantage over ETFs, which generally require trading commissions.
I'm not splitting hairs over the exact trade value, but generally talking about moving back in the first for a value of a couple hundred at least for perhaps less than a hundred of value in return.
That means that bad as retail performance has generally been over the peak trading period it wasn't worse than expected.
«Hurricanes almost always form over ocean water warmer than about 80 degrees F. in a belt of generally east - to - west flow called the trade winds.
Even the generally conservative U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC) recently predicted that global demand for energy, food and water could easily outstrip supplies over the next decade or so, triggering trade - disrupting international conflicts.
Given that the flex cash varies and that what they get is what they get and generally used, throughout the month, in order to sweeten multiple deals, whether by throwing on as bonus cash or by over allowing on a trade, for example, you're kidding yourself if you think they're going to throw the entire amount on a Vette.
Managed futures as an asset class are historically non-correlated to the stock and bond markets over long term periods and encompass a wide range of trading strategies (generally taking long / short positions in futures contracts on equity indices, commodities, financials and currencies).
So long as you pick companies with a sustainable competitive advantage, you will generally do well over longer periods, should you have the fortitude to not trade frequently.
They are generally looking to invest in the long term growth of these companies and make far more than a few cents a trade over a long period of time.
An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities or bonds, and generally trades close to its net asset value over the course of the trading day.
In swing trading, the profits expected is generally 5 - 10 %, which may seem less but the strategy is to make cumulative short profits over a short period of time to give big overall returns.
Commodities and currencies are generally traded over relatively short periods of time, even weeks or days, and often using contracts for delivery of a commodity at a specific time.
Retail forex trading is generally done over the internet on all electronic platforms.
Research from Dalbar (a U.S. financial research firm) indicates that investors underperform the funds they invest in by 3 % + per year over the long haul because of poor behaviour — e.g. reacting adversely to market news, chasing short - term returns, and generally trading too much.
At the national level, these days any Washington talk of a rising cost on carbon generally comes up only in debates over why cap - and - trade legislation failed.
I am generally in favor of open trade, but it boggles the mind how we have exposed ourselves by letting rival nations entirely take over so many industries.
It is generally understood and this post will demonstrate that it is really driven by the Trade Winds over the ENSO region.
Businesses often envision that litigation over trade secrets will generally involve a direct lawsuit by or against a person or company that steals or...
So if confidentiality is important (such as a dispute over trade secrets) it is generally a good idea to expressly state that both the arbitration itself and all information disclosed during the process is confidential.
On April 30, 2018, BLU Products, Inc. («BLU») reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission («FTC») over allegations that BLU allowed ADUPS Technology Co. LTD («ADUPS») to collect detailed personal information about BLU's consumers without their knowledge or consent, despite BLU's assurances that it would keep the information secure and private, and that BLU generally failed to implement appropriate security procedures to oversee the security practice of its... Continue Reading
Those believing a hard Brexit would have a positive effect on the economy generally felt, as might be expected, that we would have greater control over our economy through the freedom to negotiate trade deals with other major countries.
An individual who is receiving compensation is generally presumed to be an employee, unless the individual can be shown to be free from direction and control over the services provided and also the individual is engaged in an individual trade or business.
Often, alternative investment fund and account managers have total trading authority over their funds or accounts; the use of a single advisor applying generally similar trading programs could mean lack of diversification and, consequently, higher risk.
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