Sentences with phrase «getting on the same page before»

Either way, get on the same page before booking the fire juggler and bounce houses.
Talking about money with a future spouse can be tough, however, being upfront and getting on the same page before getting married can help both of you to avoid conflict down the road.
You just want to feel more secure that you are starting off with the best road map for making your relationship work if you can get on the same page before walking down the aisle.

Not exact matches

and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
Before I respond to your posting in more depth, I would like to get a bit more information from you, so we are «on the same page» so - to - speak.
Coach Wayne Tinkle said the Beavers put «0 to 40» on the board before the game to put the onus on each player, whether «you play zero minutes or 40 minutes, everybody's got to be on the same page with the plan.»
However, consistency is important for toddlers, so it's important to get everyone on the same page before you begin.
Before things get too far though, let's clearly define our terms, so everyone is on the same page.
The different chapters provide excellent suggestions on questions the affianced couple should discuss well before getting married to ensure they are on the same page in regards to goals and expectations.
But before we get into that, let's define «mind wandering,» so we're all zoning out on the same page, as it were.
However, before I get too far into the lore of the kettlebell please let me get everyone on the same page.
Discuss your intentions and your wants before you get together to make sure you're both on the same page (and to get to know each other a bit first before you launch into anything).
And so I managed to get five actors together that could walk that line, so they're all on the same page before we start.
Effectively its a stealthy way of synchronising content, meaning you can start reading with your phone on the train before switching to exactly the same page you left off on the reader once you get home.
To get us all on the same page, a few housekeeping notes: This survey has floated on our gases here before.
Before your puppy starts school, we'll schedule a convenient time to meet in your home for a 60 - minute consult to meet in person, give you some immediate relief from any current puppy hassles, and get you and your puppy's teachers working on the same page together so you see maximum results from day school at home.
Get the letter in writing before signing on for legal services, so that both parties can be on the same page.
So, before even deciding you might want to divorce, let me recommend Discernment Counseling to determine if you can get both partners on the same page with regard to either an all - out attempt at reconciliation or a divorce.
If you have not thoroughly discussed each of these topics with your partner, you might want to make sure you are on the same page before you get married.
Then let us facilitate all the important discussions you ought to have before you get married to insure that you're on the same page as you start your new life together.
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