Sentences with phrase «god at our conception»

Our sex is gifted to us by God at conception; our pronouns are given to us by virtue of the relationship between sexual difference and language; and our forename is chosen.

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It is absolutely committed to the negative doctrine that there is no divine revelation that delivers genuine knowledge of God; it is absolutely committed to a radically apophatic conception of Christian theology, so that no human language or concept, no product of reason at all, can adequately express the mystery of the divine; and it is absolutely committed to using theology to articulate Christian doctrine given the needs and idiom of the day.
That God knew you before you summersaulted out of your mom, means to some Christians that you had a soul at the moment of conception.
On the subject of abortion, if all life is sacred and life starts at conception, why does God allow millions of the unborn to die from miscarriages and spontaneous abortions, more than die from abortions performed by humans?
Or how was a man named David, a simple shepherd at one time some 3,000 years ago, able to specify that we are formed by means of a set of detailed instruction within our DNA, that makes each of us unique, saying: «Your (God's) eyes saw even the embryo (up through 56 days after conception) of me, and in your book (the instructions in DNA) all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one (organ) among them»?
Read Jeremiah 1:5 It clearly says that God FORMS us using the information he finds at the time of conception.
The Christian conception of GodGod as God of the sick, God as spider, God as spirit — is one of the most corrupt conceptions of God arrived at on earth; perhaps it even represents the low - water mark in the descending development of the God type.
This was a movement that attacked the Christian conception of God, scoffed at the Bible and sacraments, detested the ministry, and denied the necessity of the Church.
It ought to be apparent that in most respects this conception of God, which Charles Hartshorne has called «neoclassical theism» or «the di - polar conception of God,» is a natural consequence of the more general process way of seeing things or looking at the world.
For, as Caldecott highlights, the Catholic tendency, from Thomas Aquinas through to the contemporary Catechism (one might also add St Augustine and the 14th - century papal Encyclical Benedictus Deus) has been to emphasise that the human soul is not physical, but rather spiritual, in the image of God's divine nature, and directly created at conception.
Mormonism has no authoritative doctrine about how this conception occurred, but placing the origin of at least some aspect of Jesus» body in God the Father seems to deny the traditional teaching that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.
William of Ware, Scotus» teacher at Oxford, devised the argument «it was possible, it was fitting and therefore God did it» in order to defend the Immaculate Conception (an argument sometimes erroneously attributed to Scotus himself) but it is not certain whether this was before or after his pupil had so brilliantly defended the doctrine in public disputation in Paris.
At the very least a non-Whiteheadian theologian can entertain the supposition that Whitehead's conception of the consequent nature of God has both a christological and an eschatological ground.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
This points to the relevance of Hartshorne's conceiving of God as «God in the making,» a conception Shalom seems to find comical at best and absurd at worst.
The juxtaposition of these two comments on the threefold character of an actual occasion indicates that Whitehead expressed at least two different conceptions of God in Process and Reality, and at least some of the passages depicting the final concept are insertions.11 It turns out that all of them can be so construed, except for the main text (V.2.3 - 6) which Whitehead reserved for the end.
In the five thousand one hundred and ninety - ninth year of the creation of the world from the time when God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth; the two thousand nine hundred and fifty - seventh year after the flood; the two thousand and fifteenth year from the birth of Abraham; the one thousand five hundred and tenth year from Moses and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt; the one thousand and thirty - second year from David's being anointed king; in the sixty - fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety - fourth Olympiad; the seven hundred and fifty - second year from the foundation of the city of Rome; the forty - second year of the reign of Octavian Augustus; the whole world being at peace in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and nine months having passed since his conception, was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary, being made flesh.
If God really thought human life began at conception, he would probably have made the success rate a little higher.
Less obviously, transmuted feelings are the physical and perceptual basis for the descriptive generalization by which Whitehead arrives at the conception of the consequent nature of God.
If Heidegger's project was never intended to build a conception of God, and certainly it was not, it at least establishes the philosophical justification for thinking that we, as authentic human beings, have at our disposal the means by which to do so.
Thus I shall be contending that the Hartshornean corpus leaves standing the possibility that a coherent, plausible, religiously adequate, and even true conception of God can be formed that combines the Hartshornean position on the attributes of the first group with a Thomistic, or at least something closer to a Thomistic, position on the attributes of the second group.
It is the Thomistic conception, or the general ways of thinking about God given definitive shape by Thomas, that Hartshorne takes as his chief rival, and he takes one of the basic recommendations of his position to be that it succeeds at those points where Thomas fails.
The pope explained it in terms of the fittingness that the Son of God should have such a mother, the Church's liturgical practice in celebrating the Feast of the Conception of Mary, and the teaching and practice of previous popes, which he reviews at some length.
At first glance it would seem that those higher expressions of religion which proclaim the triumphant realization of the Kingdom of God, or the sole reality of Brahman - Atman, or the blissful totality of grace or Nirvana, do not fall under such a conception of religion since they transcend a tension or opposition between the sacred and the profane.
The form in which men recognize God and the conception which men have of Him can not, to be sure, come into being without the cooperative participation of the creativity of a human person, but what is at work there is no myth - projecting fantasy but man's way of going forth to the meeting.
Sin is this: before God, or with the conception of God, to be in despair at not willing to be oneself, or in despair at willing to be oneself.
In A Preface to Morals, an attempt at humanistic theology, Lippman charged Whitehead with having a conception of God «which is incomprehensible to all who are not highly trained logicians,» a conception which «may satisfy a metaphysical need in the thinker,» but «does not satisfy the passions of the believer,» and for the purposes of religion «is no God at all.
This conception of power is at home with Descartes» definition of a substance as that which requires nothing but itself (and God) in order to exist.
In stating in summary fashion the Christian conception of the Kingdom of God we are not pretending that we can see perfectly what this means, nor are we saying that we can arrive at a formal principle which can act as a rule by which all Christian value judgments can be simply made.
«15 The result is a «conception of organism, of societies of entities feeling each other, compounded of each other's feelings, -LRB-(which)-RRB- is Whitehead's primary achievement... «1 6So «God is the compound individual who at all times has embraced or will embrace the fullness of all other individuals as existing at those times.
Of course, it is possible to reply that the alleged stumbling block occurs every day according to Christian teaching, because what here in the case of the first human being is felt to be contrary to the fundamental conceptions of metaphysics and the methodological basis of natural science, happens continually at the origin of every individual human soul, at the genesis of every single human being, for such souls equally with those of the first human beings, are created by God directly out of nothing.
Other thinkers (e.g., Schrödinger) 11 arrive at a pantheistic conception of God.
However, at the moment of the Incarnation the male is not present and it is God Himself who determines the potential of the womb by the by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is therefore to be a virginal conception,.
Thus in this presentation it is not at all clear that God's plan entailed Mary's supreme and sovereign free consent to cooperate with the conception of Jesus before the Holy Spirit overshadowed her.
Whatever fault we may find with that document in other respects — and Anglicans may be grateful that it is no longer commonly said, as ancient prayer books required, at public worship on certain great festivals of the Christian year — it gives us the right understanding of this triunitarian conception of God when it affirms «This is the Catholic faith: that we worship Godhead in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity.»
These observations have already set forth certain fundamental aspects of Jesus» conception of God, and points at which his view of God differs from the Jewish, in spite of all they have in common.
It may be impossible to demonstrate that Christianity contains a new idea of God — every element in the formal Christian conception can be found, at least implicitly, in the Old Testament — but even an «objective» outsider will recognize that in Christianity the reality of God is experienced in a new way.
And yet precisely when God is seen as Judge and man as sinner, there is a possibility of a unified conception of God; a possibility of closing the chasm between God distant and God near at hand, between future and present, between hope and belief in providence.
Throughout church history there have been 3 basic schools of thought: The soul is is created at conception, it is genetically passed on from the parents, or God created all souls at some specific time in the past and places them in the individual.
What was at stake was the conception of man, the character of God, the work of Jesus, and the history of the Church.
I see no reason why an actual occasion (later knowing itself as I) can not come into being on the occasion of conception, having been created in accordance with God's will at such a point, or at any other point.3 But I am not sure that I understand Hartshorne at this point.
In the 18th century, as I will attempt to show, there was a common set of religious and moral understandings rooted in a conception of divine order under a Christian, or at least a deist, God.
It portrays Jesus as a «peasant Jewish Cynic,» whose conception of the kingdom of God involved «a religious and economic egalitarianism that negated alike and at once the hierarchical and patronal normalcies of Jewish religion and Roman power.»
Responsible theological teachers did not take at their face value the pictures of heaven which were found in hymnody, nor did they regard the somewhat extraordinary set of images in Revelation as being an exact representation — indeed, these images, laden with Jewish eschatological conceptions of the nature of the Kingdom of God when there should be «a new heaven and a new earth» were sometimes felt to be slightly embarrassing.
At this point Jesus» conception is opposed to a specifically ascetic attitude, that is, to the belief that self - annihilation is the behavior demanded of men by God.
In a letter to Darwin, Kingsley acknowledges that he has discarded the idea that God created immutable species at the beginning of time and that he «has gradually learnt to see that it is just as noble a conception of the Deity to believe that he created a few original forms capable of self - development into other and needful forms.»
The current conception of the trinity was adopted in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea, after centuries of often heated debate over the nature of God and the divinity of Jesus.
If God is a creator ex nihilo, then there was a point where God had not yet produced his creation, or at least this is the popular conception.
And since now in our enlightened age when people find all anthropomorphic and anthropathic conceptions of God improper, yet do not find it improper to think of God as a judge in likeness of an ordinary civil judge or solicitor general who can not get at the rights of such a prolix affair — they conclude then that it will be exactly so in eternity.
Not surprisingly, our strongest objections arose in regard to the Immaculate Conception, the belief that Mary was preserved by God from original sin, and the Assumption, the belief that her body was taken into heaven at the end of her earthly life, the first declared by Pope Pius IX in his 1854 Ineffabilis Deus and the second by Pope Pius XII in 1950 in Munificentissimus Deus.
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