Sentences with phrase «god dying for the sins»

... a man sentenced to a horrible public execution or the Son of God dying for the sins of the world.
It is a thought with some merit, but the way I've come across it has been to deny that the one and only Son of God died for the sins of the world, including my own.
You just must be grateful as a creature that the Son of God died for your sin.
The incarnate God died for our sins on the cross.

Not exact matches

Before the «Dispensation of Grace» of God, by which we are saved through «Faith in Jesus Christ» as Lord and our personal Savior, Jesus Christ fulfilled the «Law of God» on our behalf during His ministry on earth, died on the «Holy Cross» for the «Remission of Our Sins» once and for all, descended to hell and defeated death, then rose from the dead on the third day bringing us «Eternal Life» and «Reconciliation» with God the Father!
I'm about to go preach the Gospel to indigenous people in Mexico, I love Jesus with all my heart and believe that He died for my sins as the Son of God... you think I'm going to hell?!? To which she replied «yes».
AND THAT WHEN WE DO sin we have an Advocate — Jesus Christ — who took the penalty for sin so that when our bodies do die, OUR SPIRIT can move into ETERNITY with God.
If you have faith in Jesus and accept his sacrifice on the cross where he died for my and your sins, you will be saved and you can enjoy God's presence eternally.
Believe with all your heart that God send his only beggoten son Jesus on the cross to die for your sins and was raise 3 days later for our justification, if you believe that and ask him to forgive you and save you he will all you need is to have faith in him and ask him to save you.
It was Gods plan from the beging we all played apart of nailing him to the cross he died for all our sins.
Given that he rejected the Holy Spirit... it's obvious that he was wrong, and they'll as Mohammed said, have to answer for all their sins... to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... in that they reject Jesus dying on the cross for their sins.
Is there a step of faith in believing that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came and died for a sinner like me and that He rose again to prove that He is God and that He defeated Satan, sin and death and has given eternal life to all who believe in Him?
They only crossed out the name of the Christ, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the one sent by God to die for others sins, those that believe him, repent, and do the will of God.
So I will say Hi to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thank you for sending Jesus to die for our sins.
If you're a Christian and believe that Jesus was pre-ordained to die for our sins and save the world by doing so, doesn't it seem just plain wrong to blame and hate the people who were the supposed instruments of «God's plan»?
I've prayed for those families, for the souls that died... that they did in fact believe in God, accepted Jesus Christ as they're savior and asked God to forgive them for their sins so that they may be welcome into the gates of Heaven.
And though He died for the sins of the world, God's forgiveness is only granted to those who receive it by grace through faith.
I thought that God sent his only begotten son to die for your sins.
I think there is this fallacy that dying people all want to confess their sins and ask god for forgiveness.
Regardless of some pagan uses in the past, Easter today is the day to remember and be thankful for a God who sent is only begotten son, who was without transgression, to die for our sins and then be raised from the dead that all who believe in Him may have eternal life.
Then God said you will go forth and and you will die for our sins be beaten, spit on denied,, betrayed and then crucified.
We get the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and his son Jesus that died for our sins and raised again the third day!
The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf, died on the Holy Cross for the remission of our sins (became sin and curse for us) descended to hell and defeated death (keys of which were held by Satan,) rose from the dead on the third day bringing us eternal life and reconciliation with God the Father, then ascended to Heaven promising us the Holy Spirit and preparing the place for us.
It only clarifies that what the apostles had written and testified about Jesus as Son of God, as God, and as one who had died for the sins of mankind, who was raised to life and will return literally in this world in their writings ARE ALL FALSE TESTIMONIES about Jesus, which means the apostles had presented to us a false «Jesus», for Jesus still says in Rev. 22:16 that he will send an «angel» or messenger to testify about him (Jesus).
God is more than enough for me, and I thank him for creating the universe, and sending Jesus to die for our sins.
@Chad «there are some theological principles that are rarely if ever misinterpreted: Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins in fulfillment of scripture.
This is great, but if you really want to see what what God's love looks like, look to Jesus dying on a cross for the sins of the world, including the sins of those who are whipping his back and legs until his skin is gone and then laying that back on a rough and splintery wooden cross to crucify him, and continuing the torture until he's unrecognizable as a human being.
I am not the most religious of people, but I do believe in God, and Jesus... but many people seem to forget that God's SON sacrificied himself for our sins... in my book, a SON is part of a FAMILY... God put us on this earth to be of free will and to make our own way... Love being the biggest part of that way... we love God and we love Jesus... but we are also all part of his FAMILY... He made us all to be part of a unit that has hope and faith and love... we were meant to procreate... so what does it matter if a person who is dying does not automatically think of God, but of their loved ones?
So then no Adam and Eve = no original sin = Jesus didn't need to be sent to die for my sins by a God who concluded «He» couldn't forgive us without one more blood sacrifice.
Let's review, God creates man, man disappoints, God kills all men except for one family, God restarts his experiment, God is further disappointed, he interjects himself into a virgin, lives a mortal puppet - like life, then has his puppet die for our sins... And Judas is the one that is at fault....
jesus died for your sins so there is no need for animal sacrifice, eating kosher, avoiding a woman when she has her period, etc etc. god suddenly became much more of a sweet and loving god, where before he was jealous and prone to killing people that defied him.
Oh yeah we Christians are really in a bind over that verse lol, the one where pretty much the whole chapter is about the coming messenger that would come head to announce the arrival of Jesus (Yeshua) the Son of God who would die for the sins of the world.
If God is not concerned with humanity, why did He send His only begotten Son to die for our sins?
Why have a son (why not God himself), and why did he have to die for our sins?
god hates you, you will all die in the name of god, you will be punished for all your moronic sins against the human race.
God bless and have faith in Jesus Christ, he died for sins like these.
How many people has God actually saved since his son apparently died for our SINS.
So that being said, if I think someone is delusional for their certainty in god, how do you think I feel when that same individual says «and not only that, but I have this list of 10 things he doesn't want me to do, and I know what happens when I die, and I know jesus took away our sins, and I know Mary was a virgin but got pregnant anyway, and I know he turned water into wine...» and on and on ad nauseum.
That said, there are eye witnesses that went to their deaths saying that they saw Jesus die on a cross, and saw him again days later alive, then later still saw him raise up into heaven, all the while proclaiming he is the Son of God sent to do that for others sins so they could be saved.
A big cool thank you to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for making the universe and sending Jesus Christ of Nazareth to die for our sins if we repent and believe him.
It's also obvious that Jesus died for our sins and raised again the third day, for those that believe him and repent, and do the will of God.
Jesus Christ IS the Son of God, DID die for our sins and WAS resurrected.
They follow him as God's son, as the one who, «died for their sins».
Jesus came her to die for our sins, and God made the ultimate sacrifice when he offered up his one and only son.
Seems to me that the foundation of Christianity is that God sent Jesus (himself actually) to earth to serve a a sacrificial lamb, to die for the sins of man because all people are born into sin.
Stop making Jesus a hippie who accepts everything in the name of love and portray the Jesus shown in the bible: the Son of God who came to fulfill the law, die for our sins, love the people of this world enough to show sinners that they were sinning, and give us the ability to live freely and eternally if we ADMIT our sins and live in a Christlike manner.
You are so accustomed to hearing about the wonderful cross, the glorious cross, and how thankful we should be to God for sending His Son to die for our sins, that it is an affront to your theology to hear someone say that the crucifixion was evil.
«I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for my sins, that he will come again.»
Among other things, this means that when we sin, he tells God, «Yep, I died for that one too.
God wants humanity to understand that nothing and nobody is beyond the scope of His redemptive purposes, and so by sending Jesus as the fulfillment of the most violent of religious texts, God not only revealed Himself by way of a stark contrast to that violence, but also showed how to reinterpret and understand those violent events in light of the self - sacrificial God dying on the cross for the sins of the whole world.
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