Sentences with phrase «god given mission»

A hero has awoken a legendary warrior on a god given mission to save the souls of mankind, her name; Lightning.
Watch out for these two kind of fears: the fear of God that gives courage and wisdom to overcome the fears in the world and to accomplish your God given mission distinctively, and the fear of the world that gives you excuses and hinders you from fulfilling your God given vision.
For that matter, Dubose shared his concern that the missio dei emphasis distracted God's people from focusing on the purpose and focus of our God given mission.

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When we give in to this need for self exaltation, and organize others around our cause, then we recognize it as the warped type of social engineering you describe, where the goal is uniformity, not unity — promoting our own agenda, rather than participating in God's mission.
I mean, I love dance music, but more importantly, it's the mission that God's given to me to challenge lifestyles and worship and say hey, it's not about music, it's about lifestyles.
Our boundedness by Christ gives us the framework, center, vision and mission: We are the body of Christ, gathering around Jesus, dreaming His dream of the Kingdom of God and sharing His mission of living it (in unselfish service to our neighbour), preaching it and modeling it before a watching world.
He argues that God has chosen nations other than Israel to accomplish the task God gave Israel, and that the American effort to spread political freedom can be interpreted as a specific geopolitics that advances a providential mission.
God has given them, through nature, a set of instruments to use on their special mission to help Him in the creation (pro-creation) of children.
Given the present, God not only promises, he calls; «man» not only hopes, he plans 43 Here is the raison d'etre for Moltmann's political theology: the pro-missio (promise) of the Kingdom becomes the clarion call for a missio (mission) of love.
Jesus got a version of a patronizing pinch on the cheek and a tussle of the hair from his hometown family, right after sharing His God - given mission with his home community.
That the mission Jesus sends them on is a reflection of God's own gracious mission to humanity in himself is made clear by the saying, «You have received without payment; give without payment.»
The announcement God makes to him is always connected with an order God gives him, a service he expects of him, a mission he lays upon him.
Spouses need to sense the pride as well as the challenge of this God - given mission and duty.
If you can really, honestly say that you need a $ 50 million building to accomplish the mission God has given you in Dallas, then I say «build away!»
This is a God - given mission.
Art. 7 of the Decree on the Missions says in so many words that God can give in ways known to himself the grace of faith and thus the hope and love necessary for eternal life also to those whom the actual message of the gospel has not reached.
I judge that the greatest short circuit in the whole hookup of denominational and world church agitation for charitable mission lies in the failure to provide for the process of forming a convictional consensus on the part of church groups so that they own particular projects as their God - given task and opportunity.
Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, which tells of a new life beginning with care for the weakest in our world, which in its resurrection message gives new value to the importance of this earth and our life on it, defines the meaning of mission, communication and the close relationship between the two.
When God chose to incarnate himself in human form and Jesus accepted his God - given mission, this incarnation occurred within the stream of a particular history, the history of the Jewish people.
Partnership in mission implies a willingness to collaborate with Latin American churches in the fulfillment of the mission God has given them rather than doing things for them, as Protestant mission boards have too often done.
Churches in Africa were in effect saying to Western mission boards, «Give us the space to be obedient to God's calling in our own context in our own way.»
A church's concern for mental health is at the very center of its mission, at the heart of its God - given task.
What nerve the church has, asking that people give of their estates to help keep the mission of God going.
Those whacky Franciscan priests took special delight in burning entire clans in their kivas, and Onate was clearly filled with God's love when he killed 800 Acoma villagers, including men, women and children, enslaved the remaining 500, and amputated the left foot of every Acoma man over the age of twenty - five... because they wouldn't give up their winter supplies to support the missions.
In the third round, we explored our understanding of the word of God and found ourselves in agreement that Holy Scripture, faithfully interpreted in the community of believers, is the divinely given rule by which we are to understand our life and mission in obedience to Christ.
Spending money on mission is spending money that accomplishes our God - given mission on earth.
I believe with his followers in the early church that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, and our Savior; and that he believed himself to have a unique calling and God - given mission.
This is that Jesus was heavily indebted to his past, but was no copyist of it; that he spoke as an apocalyptist, but that his apocalypticism was probably distorted and exaggerated in the records of the Synoptics; more important, that he had a prophetic sense of mission as God's suffering servant and agent of redemption; that he deeply respected the law of his fathers, but gave it a new depth of meaning in self - giving love.
And what name will we give, when God's promise turns into our mission?
LOCAL CHURCHES, LOCAL MISSION... 11 NEWLY INDEPENDENT CHURCHES With her final breath, Mars Hill gave birth to 11 newly independent churches where, by God's grace, the gospel will continue to be preached, his name will be glorified, and thousands will be saved by Jesus.
The chapter headings give us an overview of the work: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ: the theological project of Joseph Ratzinger; The critique of criticism: beginning the search for a new theological synthesis; The hermeneutic of faith: critical and historical foundations for a biblical theology; The spiritual science of theology: its mission and method in the life of the church; Reading God's testament to humankind: biblical realism, typology, and the inner unity of revelation; The theology of the divine economy: covenant, kingdom, and the history of salvation; The embrace of salvation: mystagogy and the transformation ofsacrifice; The cosmic liturgy: the Eucharistic kingdom and the world as temple; The authority of mystery: the beauty and necessity of the theologian's task.
It's Rick Perry's hysterical passion that has deluded him into believing that God has given him a mission.
In the face of this horrible oppression, Jesus holds out a message of hope to his people Israel: God will liberate Israel from oppression, placing the vineyard into the hands of tenants who know how to care for it lovingly, and who will enable it to fulfill its mission; only non-Jews who are willing to protect Israel and encourage it to bear fruit will be given control over it.
On the threshold of a new age God has given us, through Edward and Agnes Holloway, a vision for the new millennium and a mission to re-evangelise and «rebuild after the blitz» of recent years in the Church.
More generally, there is a need for Church leaders to wake up to the serious failure of the Catholic Church to carry out its God - given mission to non-believers.
The kid is right in a way Religion is a way to enslave people to the thinking of that particular religion Jesus didn't come to form religion but to give us a way to get to Heaven through him The only mission of a church is to teach you about God's love to help the poor to love one another to do things that Christ would do There is a penalty for not being saved by the blood of Jesus There will be a separation from God for all eternity God made us for one reason to love Him the Creator of all The meaning of life
By the beginning of the twentieth century all the churches of Europe and North America were heavily involved in what they called Foreign Missions, by which they meant their God - given task of Christianizing the rest of the world.
God gave Jonah a mission, and Jonah tried to decline the mission, but God would not let him.
So long as this malady continues, there is little likelihood of either long - run statistical recovery or resurgence of faithfulness to God - given mission.
Then, having finished the mission God gave him to do and as if to dismiss himself from the stage of history, John the Baptist confesses: «He must increase, but I must decrease» (3:30).
Finding God is a personal mission, and we should all try to show tolerance and give respect to all people, especially those who are actively doing God's request to find Him and also show love, respect, and kindness to all of his children.
Whoever breaks one of the least of the commandments will be called least in the kingdom of heaven (5:19; Matthew substitutes «heaven» for «God»); what is holy must not be given to dogs, i.e. outsiders (7:6); the disciples» mission is not to gentiles or Samaritans but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (10:5 - 6; cf. 15:24).
This summer she has been invited to the Diocese of Portsmouth to conduct the Called & Gifted Programme: one - to - one interviews to help people articulate their relationship with God and discover the gifts they have been given for the Church's mission (more information on the institute's website).
Ed: What do you see in the church that is giving you hope that we are doing better at engaging in God's mission?
I highly respect you, and appreciate your willingness to give the academic missions world a chance to see Ralph Winter's position on God's foreknowledge and the authority of Scripture.
The existing churches live up to their nature and mission to the extent that their life reflects the paradigm of the liturgical event: that is to say, to the extent that they give evidence of the unity of Christians based on their unity with God in one faith, one baptism, one eucharist.
On the platform of the conference Methodist Bishop Melle testified to the gratitude of the free churches of (Germany for the «full liberty» which they enjoyed; following the injunction of St. Paul they pray for all who are in authority, and they are grateful «that God in his providence has sent a Leader» who was able to «banish the danger of Bolshevism in Germany and to rescue a nation of from sixty to seventy millions from the abyss of despair to which it had been led by the World War and the Treaty of Versailles and its wretched consequences, and to give this nation a new faith in its mission and in its future.»
But if the black church is to live up to its mission as a body separated unto God to do his work in the world, then it must give prominence to the question of commitment to Christ the Liberator.
Second, when he leaves the mission he enters business, and to success in business he gives something of the same ruthless devotion that Hale gives to the service of God.
«God» surely helped the hijackers in their suicide missions in giving them the «conviction» to carry out the attacks.
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