Sentences with phrase «god on behalf of his people»

But none of these ideas are essential to the nature of the expectation as an eschatological expectation; what is essential to that is the idea of a last, decisive, all - transforming act of God on behalf of his people.
Nehemiah wept and cried out to God on the behalf of his people.
On the cross, Jesus experienced the retributive justice of God on behalf of his people.
There, indeed, priests, strictly so - called, performed cultic acts, in properly consecrated sanctuaries, acts addressed to God on behalf of the people.

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He also said that while pagan gods maintained their positions in the universe by punishing people, the Christian God acted profoundly differently by punishing himself on man's behalf - something unheard of before that point.
There is no evidence of a God and many of us have seen belief in God sometimes lead to bad things — probably because people assign power to God and then speak on his behalf (they «hear» what he says).
Saints are considered role models for people still on Earth, and are capable of interceding with God on someone's behalf when a request for help is made in prayer.
It means to see the suffering we go through (whether we want it or not) from the perspective of Christ, Paul, Peter, and countless people who suffered for the sake of their faith and offered their suffering to God as a sacrifice on behalf of others.
They are shepherds of God's people on behalf of Jesus who is «The Bishop and Shepherd of our souls» (1Peter 2: 25).
Peter responds on behalf of the Twelve, that is on behalf of the new people of God, on behalf of the Church, and for all time: «Lord, to who shall we go?
At Jesus» trial, the high priest, on behalf of the Jewish people, rejected the application of the title to Jesus, whereas at his crucifixion, a Roman centurion, on behalf of the gentile world, declared, «Surely, this man was the Son of God
God intervenes in history on behalf of God's people — delivering them from bondage in Egypt, protecting them in the wilderness, kicking out the Amorites from the Promised Land to make room for them.
it is in the message of the prophets that we first meet this conception, for it is in their message that we find the idea of a future act of God which will be decisive for the salvation of the people in a way in which his past acts on their behalf were not.
The true renunciation of ecclesiastical privileges, a giving up of the gifts of the church to the world, therefore, corresponds to the central movement of the Gospel, the path of God to people, i.e., the saving renunciation of the Son of God on behalf of the world.12
Our prayers are not on behalf of one group or congregation: they are the cry of the people of God for the places in which he has set them.
It saddens me that people could believe that this is the type of God who went to the cross on our behalf.
Christ is a «representative personality», who in some sort includes in Himself the whole people of God, and acts on their behalf.
Freed for the Sabbath by the events of the Exodus (i.e., by God's gracious acts of freedom on behalf of his people), the Israelites kept the Sabbath: they refrained from work.
If one reads the biblical record carefully, one will observe the importance of play even within the more dominant biblical discussion of God's saving activity on behalf of his people.
For example, the Yahwist version seems to be present in the story where Moses is elected, chosen, and authenticated by God himself, where Moses is appointed by God as the intercessor on behalf of the people.
(Colossians 2:11,12, 3:1 - 4) In other words, it is in Christ, in what He did and suffered on our behalf, that the renewal of God's people is accomplished.
Another point about the common tradition that requires note if we are to make progress toward sorting out the relation between authority and office is that, within it, authority is a term that is applied in a proper sense only to persons, either the divine Persons of the Trinity or human persons who act on God's persons, either the divine Persons of the Trinity or human persons who act on God's Persons of the Trinity or human persons who act on God's persons who act on God's behalf.
We witness the movement of God's Spirit calling on new leaders and generations of persons to take a stand on behalf of the most vulnerable.
«To bear the image of God is to be the person whom God has entrusted to rule the world on God's behalf.
The people of God do not work for peace on behalf of their denomination or theological perspectives.
We know from Abraham's appeal on behalf of Sodom and Gomorra that God will spare a whole city of sinners for the sake of a handful of righteous people.
In dying to the Law, and rising into newness of life, Christ had made the decisive transition, on behalf of the whole people of God.
The people of God do not work for peace on behalf of their individual ethnicities.
Divine protection was sent from God in response to the prayer of Moses on behalf of the people (Exod 14:10 - 31).
A pastor is expected to see that all of the people of God do the work of the church, not to do the work of the church on behalf of the people of God.
people won't sign up to die for for someone else's riches, but they will sign up to die on behalf of the one true god, whatever name it's taking that millennium.
We also need to remember the biblical stories and the times in the past when God has worked on behalf of His people.
God elected and predetermined a destiny for his people in full knowledge of what they were, what they would be without his intervention, and, most significantly, what they would become as a result of his grace on their behalf (Klein, The New Chosen People,people in full knowledge of what they were, what they would be without his intervention, and, most significantly, what they would become as a result of his grace on their behalf (Klein, The New Chosen People,People, 164).
These steps, and countless more specific steps in the life of each and every person, are the sorts of things God has done on our behalf to call each of us to believe in Jesus for eternal life.
Instead he makes successful (vs. 14) intercession on Israel's behalf, as it were reminding God that Israel is his people, whose destruction would frustrate the glory of the Exodus (vss.
Clearly, there are no real gods, or if there are, they don't really care what people believe — they're fine with holy wars and millions of people with conflicting supernatural beliefs all certain that their beliefs are the really true magical divine truth of the real invisible universe creator In any case, I'm sure we can both trust that real gods can manage peoples beliefs on their own and don't need you to manipulate others on their behalf.
«On behalf of my family, the Government and people of Delta State, I congratulate you and pray that Almighty God continues to strengthen, guide and prosper you,» adding «As you deservedly celebrate this anniversary, it is my prayer that Almighty God continues to bless you with robust health and many more years of happiness,» Governor Okowa wrote.
«I'm going to run on the issues and anyone who wants to run against me, God bless»em and I'd like to see what they want to put up in comparison to that in terms of a record of achievement on behalf of the people of this city.
«I'm gonna run on the issues and anyone who wants to run against me, God bless»em and I'd like to see what they want to put up in comparison to that in terms of record of achievement on behalf of the people of this city.
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