Sentences with phrase «god upon a church»

St. Paul knows that in the very act of writing his letters he is conferring the grace and peace of God upon the churches.

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Martin Luther King said «the judgment of God is upon the church as never before.
Your holiest look down upon the sinners, your prayers are scripted, your music is pre-planned out, you adhere to a schedule and you meet at specific times on a specific day as if to say... «if we arrive at church at 9:30 Sunday morning, God will meet us in this place.»
Gods judgment rest upon all the corporate and local churches temples, tabernacles, TV evangelists, ministries and congregations ever for all their false teachings and deeds, and God does not want any of His people to suffer the spiritual plagues which are being brought upon them.
It is truth that today's manly - made churches are in actualities a mimmickery of wanting to establish mankinds» on and upon earth Christendoms being their idolized and adorned perceptions and variations of God's True Kingdom Domains being of our bodies that are God's buildings!
If, as the Church had always taught, the Bible contained God's revelation to man, every man (they urged) ought to be able to read it for himself, and not to be dependent upon what might reach him by indirect channels.
The church that refuses to listen to such movements of God upon the face of the earth is the church that also fails to hear the whisperings of God to their own hearts and minds.
But the church is confronted also with the reality of the judgment of God upon unrepentant idolaters who subvert the will of God and oppress the neighbor.
He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God.
The teaching that men are to be the «spiritual leaders» of their homes is found nowhere in Scripture, and yet I — along with far too many young evangelical women — spent hours upon hours fretting over this in college, worrying I'd never find a guy who was more knowledgeable about the Bible than I, who was always more emotionally connected to God than I, who was better at leading in the church than I, and who consistently exhibited more faithfulness and wisdom than I. (In fact, under this paradigm, I came to see many of my gifts as liabilities, impediments to settling down with a good «spiritual leader»!)
So serious did matters become that the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church issued a public warning in 1798 that unless America turned from deistic infidelity, God would assuredly visit his wrath upon it.
If Advent were a time when Christians and the church reviewed the quality of their relation with the poor and oppressed, people could focus upon the true meaning of the coming of God's kingdom.
There is an old saying that history is but a series attacks upon the Word of God, like a blacksmith hammering away with great force against the anvil, there are times when it looks as though the church will not survive another strike.
There are numerous avenues by which this idea is presented in church settings, but most often it revolves around the idea that we serve a powerful God, and God has dispensed some of that power upon all believers, but especially the leaders of the church by giving them wisdom, vision, and special spiritual gifts.
Certainly, Jesus changed some of the Kingdom expectations through His life, teaching, and ministry, especially in the areas of what sort of Messiah King He was going to be, and how the Kingdom of God would exist and function upon the earth, but the overall hopes and dreams of Israel, especially as presented within the Prophets, remained intact through the teachings and ministry of John, Jesus, and the Early Church.
I was brought here by the Florida Dove's Church man of God upon his threat to burn the Quran and what I found was that all here were cursing and few being moderate or defending and found that the majority who were cursing to be either atheists or similar while those defending were those of Heavenly faiths.
Pastors are recognizing that if God has made orphan care a key component of the church's functional DNA (James 1:27), it will have an impact upon the church's practice.
In this time of waiting, in this age marked only by the absence of faith in Christ, it is well that the modern soul should lack repose, piety, peace, or nobility, and should find the world outside the Church barren of spiritual rapture or mystery, and should discover no beautiful or terrible or merciful gods upon which to cast itself.
«Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, when he was about to offer himself once on the altar of the Cross to God the Father, making intercession by means of his death, so that he might gain there an eternal redemption, since his priesthood was not to be extinguished by death, at the last Supper, «on the night that he was handed over», left to his beloved Spouse the Church a visible sacrifice, such as the nature of man requires, by which the bloody sacrifice achieved once upon the Cross might be represented and its memory endure until the end of the age, and its saving power be applied to the remission of those sins which are daily committed by us.»
Since, as well as before my change, my theological thinking centers and has centered in its emphasis upon the majesty of God, the eschatological character of the whole Christian message, and the preaching of the gospel in its purity as the sole task of the Christian church.
Ultimately, however, the question of whether Israel can see in the church a sign that is fundamentally congruent with God's plan of salvation for the world depends upon the church's attitude toward the Jewish people.
Certainly no one less than God could carry the weight of God's church upon his back; thus Jesus referred to Peter as well as Himself in that verse.
The declaration's negation, following immediately upon its affirmation, makes this clear: «We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church could and would have to acknowledge as a source of its proclamation, apart from and beside the one Word of God, still other events and powers, figures and truths, as God's revelation.»
It is noteworthy that while Paul's reflection upon the saving facts of the death and resurrection of Christ leads him to the love of God as the supreme principle exhibited in these facts, it is his reflection upon the Spirit and the charismata or gifts of the Spirit in the Church that leads him to love or charity as at once the greatest of all charismata --» the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us» (Rom.
Is it so surprising that positions in churches or schools that are based upon faith in God are denied to someone who denies that faith?
I had the benefit of coming from a church where my faith was built upon my understanding of God.
GODS JUDGEMENT has come upon the churches.
The government will work with Evangelical churches and leaders to define and enforce laws of morality based upon God's clear biblical mandate.
The first thing they did whenever they wished to stop at a particular place, was to erect a tabernacle or temple to their false god for the duration of the time they expected to stay there, and they built this temple in the middle of the site on which they had established themselves, the ark being placed upon an altar such as is used in a church, for the idol wished to imitate our religion in many ways, as we shall afterwards show.10
Under all variations of form, they continued to affirm that in the events out of which the Christian Church arose there was a conclusive act of God, who in them visited and redeemed His people; and that in the corporate experience of the Church itself there was revealed a new quality of life, arising out of what God had done, which in turn corroborated the value set upon the facts.
This assurance bears the clear implication that since the Church exists through the prior and present action of God's grace its dependence upon that action ought to be its distinguishing mark.
The independence of those vehicles in turn depends upon whether church personnel are willing and able to relinquish their monopoly on God talk about the nation and whether other persons (in nonreligious roles) are willing and able to adopt such theological rhetoric.
The Scriptures of the New Testament, or in other words, the documents of the New Covenant, are the authoritative record of that act of God by which He established relations between Himself and the Church; and they are the charter defining the status of the Church as the people of God, the terms upon which that status is granted, and the obligations it entails.
I certainly hope for the Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, as I would hope for myself and others with me, if found out to be of Christian faith and a modern order, not unlike the Christians who walked with Jesus as a man and Pastor who, as it were, was finally offered up as a sacrificial offering to God upon a cross after being found guilty of offending the then Church of Israel who then proposed his death sentance to be carried out by a Roman Court, though he was innocent of the charges.
That flow of conviction about God's self - disclosure in the Bible is surely the main claim of the apostolic faith, a claim upon which the church fundamentally agrees.
For it is as true of us as it was of the Corinthians that we have shamefully lost the knowledge of God and must renew our faith in the resurrection and the claim it lays upon the church of Christ before we can get on with the mission of liberation.
Now I understand the deepest meaning of my earlier experience: God Himself had disavowed theology and the Church founded upon it...
Josiah Royce with a quite different philosophical orientation from Ritschl expressed the same truth when he described the Church as the community which is sustained by its memory of the atoning deed of Jesus.21 What is supremely important here is that knowledge of God's forgiveness does not depend upon a private and subjective illumination of the individual believer alone.
What could Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith call upon for help but religion) AA's answer for alcohol abusers was a simple form of spiritual healing through the Grace of God, but without the trappings of formal religion and churches.
Churches — run by mere human beings and therefore fallible by default — take upon themselves, or attempt to, glory and obedience AND relationship due only to God Himself.
Yet if Jesus were God and not man at all, there was no ground for the author of the fourth Gospel to say, «And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth» (John 1:14), or for the church to build its faith upon this foundation throughout the centuries.
The church is founded upon faith in God; in spite of the historical corruptions into which it has fallen it bears the «oracles of God
He is called to be «a seer, a revelator, a translator, and a Prophet, having all the gifts of God which he bestows upon the head of the church.»»
Until the church understands this, we will always fail to understand how the Kingdom of God works and how the Kingdom of God spreads upon the earth.
The Christian church, he declares, is constantly confronted by the Bible and in dependence upon its message proclaims the fact of God's revelation.
The church is challenged by the widespread query whether its dependence upon God and its cultivation of religious knowledge and action is not superfluous.
Christian humanism, present to a minor extent in denominations and schools, but widely prevalent in the «latent» church which seems large and important in America, is strong in its devotion to the Son of Man; reliance upon the Son of God is more characteristic of the ecclesiastical institutions and of the majority movement in the community.
It may well be that we are entering upon a period in the church's life wherein men's minds must be shocked open to entertain the suspicion that there are realms of meaning, promise, and judgment which ensconce God's incarnate action for their vague disquietudes.
The church's declaration of independence can begin only with the self - evident truth that it and all life are dependent upon God, that loyalty to him is the condition of life and that to him belong the kingdom and the power and the glory.
According to Alan J. Bailyes, there were five theological issues between the ecumenical and evangelical positions: Church and world, the nature of conversion, Gospel and culture, Christology, and hermeneutics.3 Bailyes explains that a sound and solid ecclesiology has long been a weak link in the evangelical chain of theology, «coming a poor second or cven third behind its soteriology with its emphasis upon the individual and his / her relationship with God.
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