Sentences with phrase «god willed»

«I had been sick from junior high on, I barely finished high school, and I had no college degree, but the real estate company took a chance, and as God willed it, I excelled,» he says.
The man of God who has been avouched critic of the former Ghanaian leader said he believes John Mahama became President because God willed it.
Right was not right because God willed it; he willed it because it was right.
Yet does this imply that just as God willed to save the one man, God also willed to destroy the other two hundred passengers?
Agree or disagree that is what God willed it to be, and so it will be no matter what evil and self serving mankind will have to say about it.
The consequence was confusion between what the people wanted and what the imperial power wanted; and there was a contradiction between what God willed and what the empire willed.
From Abraham sprang a people, so the story continues, through whom God willed to fulfill His purpose.
It had to be so, for God willed it:....
Therefore, using magic, a sky fairy by the name of god willed it to occur.
From this we must deduce a magic sky fairy by the name of god willed it to be
You see Koresh, the hijackers, the wacko in the Netherlands, the clowns in Jonestown, the zealots in Wacko, the loonies on Ruby Ridge, the PLO, the Klan, the IDF or ANYONE who kills because they believe God willed it is no differnt than the others.
You kow everytime you fall when playing sports or tripping on something or everytime you drop your pen or keys to the ground it's because God willed it, right?
Every murder, every rape, all torture is done because God willed it?
If my hypothesis is true, isn't saying «God willed your children to die in a burning car while you watched» the same thing as saying, «God sent a flood upon the earth so that everything which had breath died a horrible death by drowning»?
In a January 16, 2006 article in L'Osservatore Romano, Fiorenzo Facchini states: «The spark of intelligence was lighted in one or more hominids when, where and in the ways God willed it.»
He knows that God willed this world as it is, for otherwise it would not exist, and that even what is merely «permitted» is only permitted as a factor in something divinely willed (and not merely permitted), and that what is willed can and must be hoped for, not only as the revelation of God's justice but also as the revelation of his infinite loving kindness to man.
For Scotus, the world is the way it is only because that is how God willed it to be.
Let a person kill himself or kill someone else by careless — not to say drunken — driving, and a kind of residual Calvinism will prompt some to say that «his time had come» and «God willed it so.»
Gods will is for us humans today to evolved to a level of conciousness that will prepare us for the challenges of our future survival, Scientists now predicts of hardships in the future due to over population and changes to the natural environment.and that is happening now with activists through out the world are reminding us of protecting nature.That is why we need a phsychological revolution to hasten the evolution of consciousness that will address the problems.Ideological and philosophical enlightenment had the past great minds to develop ideas and belief because God sent them to reality in their times.Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and many other religious leaders to teach humanity the doctrines that God willed to be appropriate and applicable in those periods of their existence, Also great philosophers in another dimension of social involvement were born to interprete and connect philosophically as the second element of our conscience, Kant, Marx and countless of them also were born.To complete the triangular structure or dimension of our conscience is knowledge.
In the basic theme of religion, every person that dies is dead because God willed it.
The ironic tragedy is that God willed us precisely to become co-sharers of the Divine Nature through the Word made flesh.
God willed that the Syrians should be delivered, probably from the Assyrians, and he chose a servant to do it, Naaman.
And this similarity indicates that the human, the only creature on earth whom God willed for its own sake, can attain its full identity only in sincere self - giving.»
Then God willed the creation of the universe.
Teaching from the pulpit, for example, that God willed Adam and Eve to sin, that cancer is predestined by God, that prayer doesn't cause anything to change in the world, and that evangelism has no purpose since sheep are sheep and goats are goats?
He starts off the treatise by stating that marriage is an unequivocally good thing, that God willed to create man and woman in friendship, and that the first natural bond of human society is man and wife:
Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and has for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred.
The gods willed that she should have a halo.

Not exact matches

But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will — not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord... Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God - willed.
Yet as long as we remain with Jesus and walk with him, we may be assured that nothing can happen to us that God has not foreseen, willed, and promised beforehand.
On the other hand, time was willed and created by God as a reality distinct from himself.
God has willed to show forth his goodness in men by mercifully sparing some of them, whom he predestines, and by justly punishing others, whom he rejects.
it is your misconception of Who, what is God in the scientific theology, God is the integral forces, matter, conciousness and all reality that exist in the universe, we humans is just part of Him after the big bang when he willed 13.7 billion years ago to become matter.E = mc2.
He is still convinced that God does not want to be worshiped except on the soil of this land which he willed to give to his people.
We must testify of the God who willed the cross of Christ, that this selfsame God is love.
But biblical prophetism proclaims that the great contemporary events in the world are part of a process willed and in outcome determined by God.
Is God responsible for evil, both natural and humanly willed evil?
They did not have his conviction that God so willed it.
Yet it is our faith, and we must testify of the God who willed the cross of Christ, that this selfsame God is love.
He does not try to say that after all his secular service is willed by God even if it involves apparent worship of Rimmon — one can not make omelettes without breaking eggs, it is impossible not to have dirty hands.
To not be God - willed is the greatest sin of all.
So creation is a freely willed act of our God who loves and who, St. John tells us, is love.
It reminds us that love for God is not only an emotion, a passion and a willed commitment to the Beloved, but also a fixed attentiveness on trying to understand the Beloved.
Once God had decided upon this predestination of Christ's human nature, then he willed the union of Christ's divine nature with his human nature in the person of Christ since only a human nature united to the divine nature in one person could love to the highest extent, the extent to which God loves.
I am saying that your false and slanderous accusation of «give someone a doctrine», you pulled out or your God rejecting self willed basket of ways to assault the Word of God.
«God» is a crutch for weak - willed people to blame things on.
On the one side is the king, who is the normal and legitimate guardian of established and institutional religion, which is also willed by God (as we so often forget).
That means God has willed genocide, murder, rape, cancer, abuse, and the torture of children.
If God ever willed the violent death of an innocent child, then that God is not Jesus» Abba or worthy of a Christian's worship.
you have done your willed job for the present and with that you have to be congratulated, but we have more to do, at the present we are only begining to effect His will of change so wl have to concentrate on todays change, which is the the acknowledgement of a scientific God, whose origin is energy and we the willed product or consequence of it for the realization of His will.
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