Sentences with phrase «gold as a medium of exchange»

Gold as a medium of exchange became only possible between global central banks.
It's hard to think of using gold as a medium of exchange in an age where almost everything has been digitized.
Bitcoin Surpasses Gold in Popularity For millennia, humanity has used gold as a medium of exchange and store of value.

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In this analogy the age of Bitcoin's blockchain is similar to the thousands of years of recorded history where gold functioned not only as a store of wealth but also a real medium of exchange.
So yes, people will probably always use gold as money, but that doesn't make the money worth anything, it's just a medium of exchange.
There is really no economic or financial justification for that as gold and fiat currencies have the value that is ascribed to each as a medium of exchange.
Questions that arise in discussions about gold often include: if the financial system falls apart, what would we use as a medium of exchange?
Today, we use the system of «fiat money» which says that currency is intrinsically worth only the paper it is printed on is is used only as a medium of exchange for the supply and demand of goods and services in an economy, including precious metals like gold and silver, with the value of money allowed to fluctuate based on market forces.
The debate also focused on whether Bitcoin holds the potential of being treated only as a store of value like digital gold or both as a store of value and a medium of exchange like digital cash.
The idea is that Unikoin Gold, the token that was up for sale, will act as a common medium of exchange for bettors to use on the platform, which allows for placing bets on games like League of Legends, Defense Against the Ancients (Dota) and CounterStrike, among others.
The company's comments echo those of others in the digital currency space, such as Max Keiser, who see Bitcoin as a sort of «Gold 2.0» rather than a medium of exchange:
More people now view bitcoin as a «digital gold» than a «digital currency» and 86 % of the community believes ethereum can be used just as well as a medium exchange or payment method
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