Sentences with phrase «golden mylk»

When you're creating the mix, add 1 - 2 tbsp turmeric to the mixture and make a gorgeous «golden mylk» turmeric chai latte mix!
We want our Golden Mylk ® range to be good for our customers as well as the planet and the people who provide our ingredients.
I was ordering golden mylk lattes at cafes (no shame - i'm one of those people), I was creating golden mylk hot chocolates at night and I was even making the below recipe, golden mylk smoothies, after the gym or pool.
I'm not going to lie, when the golden mylk trend started I was all over it like a rash.
Golden Mylk Smoothie / / Kenkō Kitchen.
Depending on the day we either start with a ritual morning cup of Golden Mylk, or we end a long day with some peaceful quiet time and the turmeric blend mixed with hot oat milk and chamomile.
• Turmeric Golden Mylk Super Blend offers a modern adaptation of the time - tested Ayurvedic recipe used to boost the body's natural defenses with ginger, raw honey, bee pollen and chia seeds.
I found that turmeric and collagen based golden mylks helped me manage my symptoms immensely, then a client of mine with adrenal fatigue asked me what brand of golden mylk I would recommend buying because she didn't want to make it herself at home.
Use it straight up as a nutrient dense, natural shake or follow our recipe instructions to make matcha tea lattes, chia pudding / breakfast, golden mylks

Not exact matches

You may already be aware that of how quickly this spice has grown in popularity over past couple years as a healthful spice that can be added to everything to waffles, to pancakes, nut mylks (i.e. golden milk), cookies and (now) chia pudd!
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