Sentences with phrase «goldilocks porridge»

They are also a common element of the human microbiome because they like to be not too hot and not too cold, like Goldilocks porridge.
The «Cute Ute» has been boiled down to a formula (we'll call it Goldilocks Porridge Reduction) and you could certainly argue that Honda's CR - V has, historically, had the winning recipe.

Not exact matches

Like Goldilocks facing those three bowls of porridge, you need to aim to find a balance that's not to hot and not too cold, but just right.
In the investing world, a Goldilocks economy is served up just how Goldilocks likes her porridge: «Neither hot nor cold, but just right.»
So you can see I'm as particular about my brownie as Goldilocks was about her porridge!
Neither boring nor bitter, Munich helles is, like Goldilocks» porridge, a most delicious happy medium.
Goldilocks got lucky when she got to taste baby bear's porridge, mom hasn't had a hot meal since baby bear was born.
Goldilocks was right about the temperature of porridge.
Fertility rate is like Goldilocks's porridge: It has to be just right (approximately 2.1) to generate a robust and self - sustaining population.
Goldilocks had to try all three bowls of porridge to find the one that was just the right temperature.
It is neither too hot nor cold, just like the porridge in «Goldilocks and the three bears.»
Enter the Goldilocks Mindset - First the porridge was too cold, and now it's too hot.
As Goldilocks wanted something in between the hot and cold porridge, so too do bodybuilders need a middle ground in order to use both lifting strategies to maximize size AND strength.
Unlike you, I am so a cake person and could devour this like Goldilocks did that baby bears porridge!
You see, Goldilocks had to try and try again to find just the right porridge, the right chair to sit in and the right bed to rest in.
Like Goldilocks with the temperature of her porridge: not too hot or too cold.
You may remember for Goldilocks, the first chair, bed and bowl of porridge were too big, the next ones too small and, finally, the third ones were just the right size.
Pretending to be Goldilocks in the cottage of the three bears, the child picked up a large bucket and sampled some imaginary porridge from it.
Not much about the CR - V will excite Goldilocks» inner Danica Patrick, but when it comes to an extremely usable, dependable, and very well put - together compact crossover, this porridge's lack of spice means it'll appeal to many and offend very few.
Were it a bowl of porridge, the GT4 might see Goldilocks pushing it away with a scalded mouth.
Think of the Honda Civic as bowls of porridge in the classic Goldilocks fable.
Goldilocks would have had a RAV4 and some vanilla ice cream to go with the porridge that was just right.
The third - generation Honda Pilot SUV is like the third bowl of porridge Goldilocks sampled: just right.
While any sized pooch works for me, many prospective pet owners feel like the storybook Goldilocks checking out the «too hot», «too cold» and «just right» porridges.
(This is the physics error in the original Goldilocks tale: you'd expect Papa Bear's porridge to be too hot, but Baby's would be too cool and Mama's, in between in size, would be just right.)
Earth's temperature is comfortably in - between: «just right,» like the bowl of porridge that Goldilocks ate.
Like Goldilocks and her exquisite taste in porridge, modern legal customers are quick to disregard any content they deem too long, too short or too... whatever.
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