Sentences with phrase «good skeptical arguments»

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If you want your essay to be effective you must provide both evidence and valid arguments good enough to satisfy the skeptical reader.
I did reference it, true, and I must say I'm skeptical, but the argument that most puzzles me is best exemplified by what Stefan wrote here:
How skeptical is he and how good are his arguments?
The e-mails, attributed to prominent American and British climate researchers, include discussions of scientific data and whether it should be released, exchanges about how best to combat the arguments of skeptics, and casual comments — in some cases derisive — about specific people known for their skeptical views.
Wally says: «So, going back, the fact that you can't differentiate good skeptical stand points or arguments from those pushing a religous belief as science, shows you're quite ignorant of the scientific process, and the differences between conjecture, hypothesis, theory and blind blief.»
Unless any of the many, many people who have argued against the conclusion that Jelbring's work is completely wrong and should have never been accepted in the first place wish to keep arguing, perhaps the more polite ones can concede in one last post and we can wrap this up and move on to N&Z, the «existence» of a real, live GHE, and maybe, just maybe, get to where the skeptical arguments on the list are much better informed and less likely to play fast and loose with the laws of nature or thermodynamics.
In fact both teams have done their jobs in that the skeptical arguments are well known.
In the report (PDF), which recants many of the popular skeptical arguments regarding climate change, Schwartz claims that [Al] «Gore's brand of over-the-top climate hysteria has nothing to do with reality,» and that «Most of the greenhouse effect is natural and is due to water vapor naturally in the atmosphere, as well as natural levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and a few other greenhouse gases.»
I wavier in this, in that sometimes he is good at refuting poor skeptical arguments, although he usually includes the a gratuitous insult at the entire skeptic community in that response.
What I am pointing out is the ABSENCE of those skeptical arguments regarding a period that is less well known that the current period.
There are several posts on Skeptical Science (also check the «argument» page and recent archives), with links to published papers, as well.
Or Skeptical Science, the well - presented guide to scientific responses to «skeptic» arguments —
I am also skeptical of the argument, advanced by Joseph Avray on behalf of the advocates» society, that the hearing fees are wrong because it is somehow impermissible for the government to charge for what is «a public good» — understood not in its strict economic meaning, but simply as something that benefits society as a whole.
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