Sentences with phrase «good old pallets»

Not exact matches

Speaking of aged wood, there is no better than an old pallet.
We, meaning my husband (with my supervising, lol) built a table out of a pallet, and I've been trying to decide whether a plain old painted white would work better, or a whitewash effect.
There's a lot to love about the Kalos region, but also a few little quibbles that leave us moaning under our breath about the «Good Old Days» in Pallet Town.
You start out as a 10 year old kid from Pallet town (AKA Red) with the goal of collecting all the Pokemon and becoming the very best Pokemon trainer there ever was.
The rustic feel of the pallets go so well with the old bottles.
Well we weren't sure it could be done, but the Diva of DIY herself, Leanne Lee gives pallets yet another purpose and demonstrates how to make a wall clock from old pallet.
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