Sentences with phrase «gravid females»

Gravid females eat less than normal as the eggs develop filling the abdominal cavity.
In fact, according to diagnostics manufacturers, infestations due to males, non-gravid females or less than two gravid females are difficult to identify by serological tests and can produce false negativities (Schrey, 1996).
Although microorganisms also produce volatile metabolites that attract gravid females to infusions, these odorants do not induce egg - laying.
Based on these observations, we postulate that the final decision by a gravid female Ae.
In 2013, a 22 - month - old child from Arizona recovered after surgical extraction of a gravid female O. lupi nematode from around her cervical spinal cord.
Detection of D. immitis microfilariae in a seronegative dog, can occur when only a single gravid female lives in the pulmonary arteries of the host.
Stebbins (1954a) reported finding a gravid female from Santa Rosa Island on 8 December.

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According to the Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council: «Lac cultivation is done by putting sticks of lac encrustations (broodlac) which contain mature female (gravid) insects, which are about to give birth to young larvae, on suitably prepared specific host plants.
Any gravid — pregnant — female that wants to leavethe marsh must make a small contribution to science before she «spermitted to seek out a place to lay her eggs on the other side of thefence.
Nitrogen metabolism of gravid and nongravid female swine fed every third day.
Gravidus and gravid come from the Latin for heavy and a pregnant female is sometimes referred to as He started dating Khloe Kardashian in May 2014 before splitting in December of that year.
Total time from being bitten by an infected mosquito to infection by mature heartworms is typically 5 — 8 months, depending on the ambient temperature, and antigen tests can not detect an infection until there is a gravid (pregnant) female present.
The specific antigen detected during testing is produced by the gravid adult female worm's uterus.
Microfilaria (remember the juvenile stage) are then produced from these gravid adult female worms (6 - 7 months post-infection) to circulate in the bloodstream awaiting the bite of a mosquito to keep the reservoir of infection in the area.
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