Sentences with phrase «great avoiders»

Dogs are great avoiders, so if your dog decides to get up and leave a situation with a child, it's smart to include a rule that the child should not pursue the dog to keep up the interaction.
But the domestic scandal over tax avoidance — the outraged bluster of Margaret Hodge's mock trial of the Great Avoiders before the UK Public Accounts Committee; David Cameron's barely - veiled threat at Davos to corporations who needed to «wake up and smell the coffee»; UK Uncut's shop - floor protests — has done little damage to its targets.

Not exact matches

Whether you're a whiteknuckle gambler or a play - it - safe risk avoider, we think you'll find that their stories offer intriguing glimpses into what makes a great investor.
However, in our own research we found that all three styles (which we called Avoiders, Validators, and Volatiles) were functional — stable and happy — if and only if the ratio of positive to negative interaction during conflict was greater than or equal to 5:1.
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