Sentences with phrase «green election issues»

7 Key Green Election Issues - More, more, more advice.

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The Green Partyâ $ ™ s previous strategy was to win as many votes as possible across the country to obtain more public funding, build toward future elections, and bring more attention to environmental issues.
This rise of the environment as an election issue is due to a number factors, including greater public interest in environmental issues (such as global warming) and the appearance of green politics at the federal level.
For the first time in Australia, state elections in Tasmania in 1989 brought five «Greens» into parliament, which resulted in them having the balance of power with the prospect of a major change in direction in environmental issues in that state.
Prior to the last general election, for example, I found the Green Party inspiring on several issues: support for refugees, higher top - tier tax rates, free education, and radical environmental policies.
To receive backing from such a highly respected campaigner, who has been so prominent in the battle against fracking and broader issues of climate change, is a real boom to the party as we look to translate the «Green surge» into votes at the general election in May.
The call from Joan Walley, who chairs the Commons» environmental audit committee, comes as the opposition party draws up its policy on green issues ahead of next year's general election.
They are second - order elections with little reason NOT to cast a protest vote; they are fought under proportional representation, which helps non-traditional parties such as UKIP and the Greens; and they concern Britain's relationship with the European Union, the very issue that brought UKIP into being.
On August 9, the Sixth Circuit issued a 7 - page order, denying the request of Tennessee election officials to remove the Green Party and the Constitution Party from the November 2012 ballot.
«I'm proud that my record on environmental issues facing the Hudson Valley and New York state encouraged Green Party members to write in my name to represent their party this election,» he said.
Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate said, «Two issues in our campaign are, one is public campaign financing so that our elections aren't dominated by billionaires and I think the other is renewable energy.»
The voters could easily switch to the LibDems (Calamity Clegg he may be but he appeals to women whilst Vince Cable comes across as well informed and sensible), the Greens (the fruits of a quarter of a century of green propaganda in our state schools and the Greens are the only party not seen as sleazy), the BNP (as the depression bites and unemployment rises, immigration will become a huge issue) or UKIP (Nigel Farage, the ace communicator, dispenses common sense in a straightforward manner and UKIP will become prominent in the EU Parliament elections next spring).
After years of being ignored by the media and the major parties, Green Party candidates believe 2014 may be the election cycle where their issues are heard.
Speaking with WRVO, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins says even though he lost the gubernatorial election, he's committed to working on issues facing voters.
... in an election year that has been dominated by environmental issues like fracking, the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Sandy, and what to do about climate change, the Green Party candidate for Governor, Howie Hawkins, is resolutely carrying his message across the state....
And in an election year that has been dominated by environmental issues like fracking, the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Sandy, and what to do about climate change, the Green Party candidate for Governor, Howie Hawkins, is resolutely carrying his message across the state.
Hawkins insists that the Green Party is earnestly competing for votes with an ultimate goal of amassing so much support that Democrats will either for forced to adopt their issues, or they eventually get enough backing to win an election.
Green Party leaders congratulated voters in Kent, Ohio, for passing Issue 43, which called for a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood and abolish the legal definition of money as free speech, as well as establishment of an annual «Democracy Day» public hearing for residents to testify on the effect of big contributions from corporations and the wealthy on elections.
Just 13 % expect the Conservative party to be the party most focused on green issues at the next election.
School funding proved to be an important doorstep issue in the election - and Ms Greening announced that an extra # 1.3 bn of the education department's budget would be moved to schools.
There's an ambitious bi-partisan coalition (spanning greens to evangelicals) around using the movie as a catalyst towards making climate the dominant issue in the 2008 U.S. elections (the Climate Elelections (the Climate ElectionsElections).
Case in point: Tom Steyer (who made most of his fortune in the coal industry but is now heavily invested in «green» projects) gave $ 50 million to Democrats last election cycle in exchange for their promise to elevate climate change as an issue.
The reason, Leiserowitz suspects, is that outside of political and green spheres — where the debate is certain to be ferocious over the coming months, and into the midterm elections — the general public isn't particularly engaged on these issues, or even very clear on the specifics.
He has covered a wide range of stories and issues, from two US presidential elections to the Haiti earthquake, AIDS in India to oil exploration in the Arctic, education for displaced children in Colombia to green energy investments in California.
As the investigators reveal, the billionaires» green network transfers millions of dollars from individual, corporate, and «charitable foundation» donors... through tax - exempt «educational» nonprofits that do not have to disclose donor names... to activist and pressure groups that work to influence elections, legislation, regulations, legal actions and public perceptions on energy and environmental issues.
Andrew Weaver, the Green Party leader who holds who holds the balance of power in B.C., isn't prepared to vote down the government on Site C (and cause an election over the issue) despite the fact that he is equally outraged.
... our complaint is that, in the context of the current election and in the specific circumstance of the sole public debate for party leaders that is devoted exclusively to foreign policy issues, the effect of not including Ms. May is to diminish the standing of the Green Party of Canada in the mind of the electorate, which amounts to an indirect opposition to the Green Party.
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