Sentences with phrase «green lunch system»

Go Green lunch system: 100 % leakproof design.

Not exact matches

But after blogging about «How to Pack a Cheap and Easy Waste Free Lunch», the «Challenges of Going Green in the Schools» and my son's Camp Eco-Challenge, I realized that purchasing a «waste - free lunch system» is just one more expense that many would rather aLunch», the «Challenges of Going Green in the Schools» and my son's Camp Eco-Challenge, I realized that purchasing a «waste - free lunch system» is just one more expense that many would rather alunch system» is just one more expense that many would rather avoid.
I think it would be great to win the Citizen Kip lunch system - I am trying to make more positive choices in life, and going green is one of them.
In addition to the breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes, my Body Fuel System readers get 2 new green smoothie recipes a week to include in the 4 week clean eating program (that also has daily menus, grocery lists and food prep)-- plus a user guide to show you how to create sustainable eating habits on your own!
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