Sentences with phrase «growing water fight»

Lawsuit over Paso Robles Vineyard Wells Reveals Growing Water Fight: A lawsuit in California's Paso Robles wine region could impact how vintners in an increasingly thirsty region get their water...

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«Not only do we now have the blessing of the Atakapa - Ishak Nation to carry on protecting the water on this land,» Foytlin told me after the couple drove off, «but we also have a growing list of neighbors who are ready to assist in the fight to stop the pipeline.»
Our goal, and the reason why Dogwood continues to organize, is to sustain a growing population of engaged neighbours who fight for the integrity of the air, land and water.
«Eric is fighting to preserve New Yorkers» access to affordable healthcare, clean air and water, and a growing, diverse economy that respects New York values,» the campaign said.
Dark Soil is a mix of Dark Souls and gardening, having players planting seeds, sprinkling them with water to raise them into vicious vegetation, then fighting the sinister plants they've grown.
If you breathe air, drink water, eat food grown in New York, you've got skin in this fight.
HEMP is a good answer — no wars were fought for hemp and cooking oil, no harmful pipelines were built and leaked for that oil, no ocean life was ruined due to offshore drilling, no one's health was effected for that vegetable oil, the air is cleaner with that oil due to no green house gases released — this oil can be recycled from our food — hemp can replace fibers, pulp, plastics and it still makes food and grows in under 3 months (and it does not need much water, no fertilizer and cleans the air!!
So too, these days, do our efforts to meet our energy needs, feed a growing global population, ensure peace and security, and fight poverty and disease rely on wisely managing water resources that we can no longer treat as limitless.
Another major catalyst of the summit was the growing tension between dozens of countries, who are fighting over rivers, lakes and glaciers — an issue that must be addressed not only for the well being of the water - deprived populace, but to maintain peace in general.
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