Sentences with phrase «guard worker bees»

Guard worker bees instantly attacked the parasites, but...
Guard worker bees instantly attacked the parasites, but the thick - skinned beetles had little trouble warding them off.

Not exact matches

As non-reproducing females, the workers feed the queen bee, guard the hive entrance and cool the collected liquid by fanning their wings to transform it into the thick, sweet honey we know and love.
Instead worker bees guard the entrances of these chambers, which often allows the beetles enough time to mate and produce their hive - trashing larvae.
Worker bees from those first eggs are needed to clean and guard the nest, find food and tend to the next batch of eggs.
The small hornet elicited 2.4-fold more stop signals per bee from foragers than from guards, leading to a significant effect of worker type (F 1,190 = 6.98, p = 0.009).
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