Sentences with phrase «half of the glass of water»

To a marked degree, Singer possesses the Hasidic sense of the excitement hidden in the commonplace, the theology which recognizes a cosmic act in the proffer of a glass of water.
This may take the form of glasses of water, foot massages, bringing you up a meal, holding the baby whilst you have a shower, talking over the birth experience, postnatal exercises, chatting about baby names, offering you the evidence for episiotomy or scar healing and much more.
The same two transparent tables creating an obstacle course for Ed to avoid, the same perhaps excessive number of glasses of water.
[The entropy of a glass of water comes from the many possible equivalent arrangements of the molecules within.]
Research shows that people who drink a couple of glasses of water before a meal will eat less food.
Now, pretend there is a heavy weight resting on the table instead of a glass of water.
«There is no single number of glasses of water that is required each day,» Sheth says.
To meet the RDA of minerals you would have to drink hundreds of glasses of water a day and who knows what other toxins would be present?
I have been drinking a couple of glasses of water and eating about half of a banana right after I get up in the morning for about 2 - 3 years.
Then I threw a couple of glasses of water in his face.
In 1974, he exhibited his iconic piece An Oak Tree (1973), which consists of a glass of water standing on a shelf high on the gallery wall.
The seminal piece An Oak Tree (1973) consists of a glass of water on a shelf, paired with text declaring that the glass is, in fact, an oak tree.
In 1974 Michael Craig - Martin exhibited a work entitled An Oak Tree which, through the text alongside a glass of water displayed on a bathroom shelf, claimed that this work is an oak tree in the form of a glass of water.
The iconic Retroactive II, a Rauschenberg silkscreen that features a prominent image of John F. Kennedy alongside an image of an astronaut, a weather gauge, a Polaroid of a glass of water the artist took, and several other images, seems to be held in particular esteem by the Tate, since it was used on all of its advertising materials, including the catalogue cover.
I have changed the physical substance of the glass of water into that of an oak tree.
The actual oak tree is physically present, but in the form of a glass of water
An Oak Tree, now at the Tate, is composed of a glass of water sitting on a small, glass bathroom shelf.
The work consists of a glass of water standing on a shelf attached to the gallery wall next to which is a text using a semiotic argument to explain why it is in fact an oak tree.
Some of the extended bits that Fadem pulled off in that time: sitting down on a rubber stool, kicking a hole through a stage that would eventually collapse in full, slamming a weird sort of metal gate / screen - door combination affixed to the building's wall, jumping into the East River and then reappearing inside of a barrel of vaseline that was treated to looked like toxic sludge, hurling himself into a pile of cardboard boxes and then sounding the world's most pathetic airhorn, addressing the performance's one heckler with a drawn - out gesture involving his middle finger, drinking a number of glasses of water in rapid succession before moving to a sort of thick, clear liquid that he repeatedly spit up and attempted to drink again (I heard an audience member worry that this would trigger a series of chain - reaction vomiting in the audience.
Luke Fowler and Tsunoda Toshiya's collaborative film installation stands out: A fan ripples parachutelike material that becomes a film screen for shots (of a glass of water filled to meniscus point, a blue sky diagonally bisected by a piece of rope, a pile of powder or maybe a snowscape) that periodically cut out as the screen is shocked by floodlight.
Mr. Ausubel and his colleague Mark Stoeckle, a senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment, have pioneered a method for learning about species populations in the oceans simply through the collection of a glass of water.
It's less rational than talking about the risks of drowning in an article about the accidental spillage of a glass of water.
Most resumes are dry (so dry you need to drink a couple of glasses of water just to get through them) because they focus on boring job duties.

Not exact matches

But they also apparently have advanced internal «rumble» haptics, which Nintendo demonstrated by suggesting you'd be able to distinguish between the feel of ice tumbling in a glass (by shaking the Joy - Con), or the altogether different vibrations of someone pouring water into it.
«The Fed is attempting to water down the punch and even take a few glasses away, while the administration and Congress are sneaking flasks of grain alcohol into the school dance to spike the punch,» Swonk said.
Every morning I start off by drinking two to three glasses of water, then I do a five - minute work out, shower, drink a cup of black tea, eat a large cup of yogurt, and head to office.
Your body can easily add that water weight back on after a salty meal or a glass of wine.
«An environmental services team member found it in a glass of water by one of the slot machines.
While your normal glass of whiskey would be «proofed» and diluted with water, cask strength is sold the same way it comes out of the barrel.
If you don't like plain water, flavor it with a splash of juice instead of pouring whole glasses of juice.
When you can stroll over to a tap whenever you like and help yourself to a glass of clear, cool water, it is hard to believe that one of the biggest business opportunities of the 21st century — and one of the best opportunities for business to give back to society — lies in supplying fresh water.
When she was satisfied with the amount she'd eaten, she immediately pushed the plate across the table and slid her water glass in front of her, grasping it with both hands.
Speaking Wednesday during a live iConic AMA event on Facebook, Brown revealed that her current routine involves drinking a «giant glass of water, with some lemon in it,» which helps wake her up, and a double espresso with coconut milk.
Whether it's good or bad that tech giants like Facebook, Google, and even Tesla are hiring some of best AI talent and hoarding people's data to improve their services depends on how you view that glass of water.
She advises starting out by stretching, drinking a glass of lemon water and meditating.
Speaking in depth about the accident, McDermott described the moment when he fell down the stairs at his brother's home while carrying a glass of water.
What started with matching shoe sales with donations has turned into a whole suite of socially responsible services, including access to clean water, glasses and eye treatment, safe birth services, and even bullying prevention programs.
This large, thick, giant water glass ends up breaking and becoming a part of my anatomy.
But here goes: provide a tall glass of water to each participant, and have everybody drink at the top of the meeting.
The cleanse consists of a daily regimen of six to 12 glasses of water mixed with lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, plus a laxative at bedtime.
Our bodies are constantly losing water, which is why drinking a glass of H20 once a day is not enough to keep the body replenished.
Like a half - empty or half - full glass of water, robots in the workplace are either going to kill jobs or create new ones.
«Interrupt the conversation by sitting silent for a brief period, standing up, or moving to get a glass of water.
In case you're looking for something you can run through the night, the humidifier does come with a night light, which is especially helpful considering the device could get hot and you won't want to accidentally kick it at night while trying to get a glass of water.
So we'll raise a glass to their good sense with the only cocktail that seems appropriate: two ounces of bourbon... and a small splash of water (McArdle explains why).
«As an independent consultant, I found myself missing «water cooler» conversations, professional development opportunities, a sounding board and someone to have a glass of wine with at the end of the day,» says Stephanie Goodell, founder of Samaya Consulting and Business Engagement Lead at IBIS Consulting Group.
Indeed, this duration of couchification is the most telling aspect of the study: Those who got up more frequently — presumably, even to stand and fetch the cable remote... or a glass of water in the kitchen, let us hope — were less at risk.
This week, President Obama travels to Wall Street, where he'll demand — in light of the Street's continuing antics since the bailout, as well as its role in watering down the Volcker rule — that the Glass - Steagall Act be resurrected and big banks be broken up.
Cooper is a mellowed out old lady and Pinot is a puppy who will destroy something in the time it takes to fill up a glass of water.
«' Three years ago, there were more than 40 of you who jumped off the diving board with me, believing that there would be water in the pool by the time you got there,» he said, raising a glass of Cristal.
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