Sentences with phrase «html code so»

And it also allows you to insert your Google Analytics code in the HTML code so you can track visitor statistics for each of your listings.
For promotion, I made a big post on my fiction blog here, with all the links and a link to all of the authors» websites — then I shared the html code so they could repost (they should edit and rearrange, not post identical content... but, having us all link to each other's sites and having lots of keyword - anchored links to the book on Amazon is great for long term visibility.)
It seems I forgot to properly close the blockquote HTML code so the comment I just left looks a bit wonky.
The way the Better Book Description Tool works is it generates the ASCII version of the HTML codes so it can support the various HTML tags.

Not exact matches

So he cobbled together a relatively easy - to - learn coding system — HTML — that has come to be the lingua franca of the Web.
Viewport not configured — There's some not - so - fancy HTML coding web developers have to do as Step 1 to make their sites responsive.
Keeping your website fresh and current is essential in your marketing, so learn how to work WordPress and learn some HTML code
Tracking code installation requires at least some basic HTML knowledge, so if you have no such knowledge then you better leave this to the experts or you may have to pay your webmaster to install it for you.
Okay, here's the goofy reason: I get so tired (woe is me) of adding all the ASCII / HTML codes to commonly used French and other words that I keep them all in a document where I can easily cut and paste them as I need them.
Could you give me the html code (on my blog comments, please) so it links back to your site?
Just a note, it would be SO much easier keeping track of where we've visited and where we haven't if the «visited link» color («alink» in the html code) was different.
Something was glitchy last week when I was creating the html for the party so it might of spaced the code out like it was doing to everything else.
Most generate abit of HTML coding that their users plug into their MySpace profiles to collect IP addresses of visitors so they can then log on to spy sites and see who has been visiting.
Lectora is very flexible because it outputs content as HTML code, so it can be viewed on any device, unlike other tools that build Flash content.
Ebooks are essentially like formatted webpages, so they use the same HTML and CSS coding as the web.
And if you dabble in code, Shopify gives you 100 % control over the HTML & CSS of your storefront, so you can customize every aspect of your shop.
An ebook is essentially a mini-webpage or it uses HTML coding, so, a learning curve is required if you want your book to format well and validate.
But if I have taken the time to hand - code the HTML so it's perfect, and someone has just slapped up their book and the formatting is all over the place - they will both look the same.
About the only thing I haven't gotten done today is uploading excerpts from each book... my brain is fried and my eyelids are etched with html code, so I'll have to tackle that next week.
webOS uses HTML as part of its code base so websites and web applications are a natural choice for webOS app ports.
The difficulty was something embedded in the HTML code, so I had to go through and manually edit to get each one.
We added semantic HTML to our HTML course so you can write much more readable and meaningful code
Dev and Admin -[company name]'s was unable to provide data - driven subscriptions (due to only have SQL Server Standard Edition) so I created a workaround by coding HTML structure and CSS styling within SQL and used a WHILE loop to cycle through customers; by doing so, this allowed me to deliver data - driven customer Freight Tracking on a 30 - minute interval.
But it would also be cluttered up with HTML code, so that wouldn't be ideal.
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