Sentences with phrase «having this surgery performed early»

Having this surgery performed early will prevent your pet from surprising you with even one unwanted litter.

Not exact matches

The chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has performed more than 6,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) operations since the early 1980s and is a world leader in anatomic reconstruction of the ACL.
She said the doctor who performed the surgery was the same one she had fired just two weeks earlier which made for a very awkward situation.
Never again, they vowed, would the planet be forced to sit by, powerless, while oil execs confessed — after the fact — that stopping a leak at such depths is like performing «open - heart surgery at 5,000 feet in the dark,» as BP America's chairman and president, Lamar McKay, told ABC News about the early attempt to plug the well by triggering the failed blowout preventer.
«Studies have shown that the earlier surgery is performed, the better the outcome.»
Note an early moment in the picture where Dwight sets up an ambush and doesn't pay it off, or that standard thing in movies now where the hero goes to a drugstore to pick up the supplies they need to perform self - surgery, which here ends with... that would be telling.
Unfortunately the vast majority of hip surgeries are performed on mature dogs that have developed severe arthritis, are painful, and have not responded adequately to medical management since early detection of hip dysplasia can be quite difficult and require specific tests.
There are several surgical techniques that can be used to relieve this pressure and if the surgery is performed at an early stage, before irreversible damage has occurred, the outlook can be quite good.
If the surgery is performed at an early stage, before irreversible damage has occurred, the outlook can be quite good.
The best outcome for your cat is to catch a tumor early and have aggressive surgery performed.
Represented a vascular surgeon charged with failure to diagnose an emerging cardiac infarction in a 60 year old man on whom he have performed vascular surgery 2 days earlier.
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