Sentences with phrase «hawaiian beach boy»

The other pioneer who brought surfing back to life is the Hawaiian beach boy Duke Paoa Kahanamoku.
And on Oahu, Hawaii Nancy learned to surf on a surfboard for the first time from a Hawaiian Beach Boy as a little 9 year old girl.

Not exact matches

Discover romantic Waikiki Beach, where you can people - watch and learn to surf from Hawaiian «beach boys.&rBeach, where you can people - watch and learn to surf from Hawaiian «beach boys.&rbeach boys
The idea is that it's worth getting underneath the Arcadian patina of optimism to say that the alibi of the boys and girls that run in slow motion along Hawaiian beaches with their hair blowing in the wind and their smiling white teeth because their toothpaste is infallible, is in actual fact an alibi that won't stand examination, not for one second.
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