Sentences with phrase «health action foundation»

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In aiding this action, your foundation is assisting in the undermining of the International Code, of breastfeeding, and ultimately of infant health.
We joined together to build a broad coalition of public health, environmental and healthy schools advocates to successfully secure this critical foundation to protect children and point the way to future actions.
We educate, inform and mobilize stakeholders for collective action and impact to ensure all Georgia families achieve the economic, community and health benefits of setting a strong foundation prenatally and in the first five (5) years of a child's life.
The foundations for lifelong mental health and wellbeing are laid down in the early years — the first 1000 days are particularly important, and even small actions can make a very big difference at this stage.
Everyone at Smiling Mind are excited to partner with nib foundation to deliver an innovative preventative program that aims to encourage changes in attitudes, beliefs and behaviour so that taking action to look after your mental health becomes a normal and routine part of life, embraced by the majority and made as simple and commonplace as brushing your teeth.
The parents were amazed to learn how their actions were truly affecting their son, and how his emotional health was the most important foundation that must be first carefully guarded, upon which to build his academic success.
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