Sentences with phrase «health experts expressed»

Health experts expressed cautious remarks on the study findings.
While the weight loss product is heavily promoted because it was created by one of the most well - recognized personal trainers, it is because of this that many Michaels fans and health experts express concern and confusion over why such a staunch proponent of natural weight loss would create a synthetic and potentially harmful weight loss supplement.
35 Celebrate Fitness and Sports Month in May; rising food prices hurt more healthful - lunch initiatives; health experts express concerns about in - school coffee shops; network links community, classroom, and cafeteria to promote wellness.

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But while the three companies bring successful management, technological expertise and substantial capital to the venture, many health industry experts expressed doubts about whether their results would match their ambition.
There were librarians and archivists focused on copyright term extension and digital locks; several doctors spoke to the impact of the TPP on public health and access to medicines, food experts highlighted the dangers associated with food security, environmental activists focused on the TPP and climate change, and speakers of all ages (including a 92 year old woman) expressed concern with the investor - state dispute resolution provisions.
Trump has expressed a willingness to keep only parts of the law, but most health - care experts have roundly condemned cherry - picking Obamacare's greatest hits as unworkable in practice.
Multiple experts from health professions expressed concerns that a lack of genomics training is hampering roll - out of genomic medicine; the report raises concerns about the current plans to reduce funding to the Health Education England (HEE) Genomics Education Programme, and instead underlines the imperative for the Government to increase support to HEE, as an essential element for the National Genomic Medicine Sehealth professions expressed concerns that a lack of genomics training is hampering roll - out of genomic medicine; the report raises concerns about the current plans to reduce funding to the Health Education England (HEE) Genomics Education Programme, and instead underlines the imperative for the Government to increase support to HEE, as an essential element for the National Genomic Medicine SeHealth Education England (HEE) Genomics Education Programme, and instead underlines the imperative for the Government to increase support to HEE, as an essential element for the National Genomic Medicine Service.
The report quotes public health experts who express concerns that carbon emissions associated with coal use will contribute to climate change and add to future public health problems - on top of the serious consequences of coal burning we are already seeing today.
Keep in mind, however, that some health experts have expressed concern that low - calorie or zero - calorie sweeteners (like aspartame or sucralose) may change the way you taste food and may even cause you to eat more.
Despite the concerns expressed by many health experts in the past, there were zero reportsof serious adverse effects that were attributable to either diet.
Other veterinarians and health experts have expressed concern about bacterial contamination in raw meat diets, especially E. coli and Salmonella, and Freeman and Michel found substantial E. coli contamination in one of the diets they analyzed for their report.
Cause: The exact cause of the disease is unknown, although a number of cat health experts are expressing their suspicion that diet is at least a contributing factor.
The need to limit global warming is urgent, according to two experts from the Harvard Medical School and Duke University speaking for the nonprofit Civil Society Institute, who expressed their concern earlier this month that droughts fueled by unchecked global warming would touch off more wildfires and a rise in related public health problems.
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