Sentences with phrase «heavy slam ball»

CrossFit Sanitas — CrossFit Teens Workout Of the Day Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds For Time 100m Sandbag or Heavy Slam Ball Carry 10 Bench Press 20 Wall Balls 100m KB Farmers Carry

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There are slam balls that are designed to take a large amount of force and not bounce, and some that are solid rubber designed to bounce once thrown or slammed for repeated explosive reps. Finally, there are also softer oversized medicine balls with heavier weight and durability.
I was intrigued by all that they shared: group workouts by a personal trainer, mainly body weight, uses sand bags, slam balls, TRX trainers, bands, and a heavy dumbbell.
The district's design criteria also state that designers and builders need to select construction materials that act to minimize the impact of noises from the exterior environment, such as: traffic; activities, such as sliding furniture on floors above a learning space; heavy rains on roofs above a learning space; slamming of locker doors in hallways near a learning space; aggressive writing on chalkboards attached to a wall shared with another learning space; and bouncing of balls in a gymnasium near a learning space.
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