Sentences with phrase «hebrewic doctines»

Paul told Timothy, «Watch your life and doctine closely.»
Then a couple of folks wanted to talk in private about their dislike of my points of view and doctine.
Hence in order to hold that the classical doctrine of creation is compatible with the neoclassical doctines of relativity, contingency, etc., I must also show that the latter are compatible with the nontemporality of God.
We of who does speak and write and read based upon the KING's English have many variants of the Hebrewic doctines yet it is not in our edifying of such doctrines but like you stated above did write, «Christians have a bad habit of not translating the Bible well» is an exact truth!
We allow for opinion on some doctines, and will not recognize as equal or even a true teaching other doctrines.
The false doctine these guys spew out isn't REAL Christianity.
Their doctine up until 1978 when mitt was 31 years old stated that Black skin was the mark of evil and sin.
'' We say, pronounce, sentence, and declare that you, the above - mentioned Galileo, because of the things deduced in the trial and confessed by you as above, have rendered yourself according to this Holy Office vehemently suspected of heresy, namely of having held and believed a doctine which is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture: that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west, and the earth moves and is not the center of the world, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture.»
The world knows that the RCC isn't going to change its doctine to suit the political zeitgeist.
The doctine of original sin is surely an aberration of what the bible really talks about and could be said be an example of «doctrine before people»; I guess Augustine was a child of his times in that sense.
To which I add further... and is craftily manipulated by the Global Socialists for that very end... As a non humanist religion and worship of the world as a «living thing» complete with a doctine of Environmentalism and «sustainable living».
What we see with I term GWA (Global Warming Alarmism — as opposed to simple AGW or Anthropogenic Global Warming) is not simply an argument of science, but a complete cannon of belief and doctine which rivals the world religion.
What we see with I term GWA (Global Warming Alarmism — as opposed to simple AGW or Anthropogenic Global Warming) is not simply an argument of science, but a complete canon of belief and doctine which rivals the world religion.
All that remains for it to be a book of dogma is to go through it and indicate which truths are held to be dogma, doctines essential to the faith.
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