Sentences with phrase «here are the usual»

I'm a little late in getting around to posting this, but here's my usual half year summary.
Hi Jen - here is my usual response to that.
Here is our usual View From The Enemy feature, and this week we have an interview with the West Ham manager Slaven Bilic conducted by the official West Ham website.
Here are the usual symptoms in order from the first ones to be experienced to the more severe, later stage consequences.
Speaking here are The Usual Suspects screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie and directors William Friedkin (The French Connection), Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential), Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth), and Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend).
To help you out with making the right decision, here are some usual things you should look for in an e-book reader.
OK, here's my usual pair of Excel files, which includes (for your reference) my exact valuation figures & calculation for each of the companies above.
Here's my usual (updated & re-ranked) TGISVP file:
Here's my usual (updated & sorted) TGISVP file:
Here's the usual pair of Excel files, which includes all companies covered to date, plus updated share prices (as of cob 25 - Mar - 13):
To help in planning, here are our usual pick up and drop off times.
Before we dive into our appraisal of Book Four, here's our usual bit of housekeeping for our episodic reviews.
Here's the usual picture of the Famitsu spread that's so small it'd make an ant squint.
The error limits here are the usual ± 2 standard deviations or 95 % confidence limits)
All you need here is a usual placemat and some birch bark print adhesive paper — just attach it to the placemat, and that's it!

Not exact matches

What you can take away here is that you don't always need to focus on all the usual bells and whistles.
The usual price of that breakfast is only $ 1.78 (99 cents for the breakfast and 75 cents for the coffee), so it's not as if you're making out like a bandit here.
When asked about his brother, Dan maintains his usual upbeat, grateful attitude: «We're in such a great place with the company and Lucas helped me get here.
Always stingy with pay, he had offered employees the usual startup promise: We'll give you an exciting place to work, and you'll learn so much you'll eventually be financially successful — either here or elsewhere.
That's great news for Kelly, NASA, and the future of manned space flight, but it's also interesting for the rest of us stuck here on earth amid the usual small hassles and daily annoyances of a planet - bound existence.
Here in the land of disc - gaming, players are going to be stuck with broken game consoles that need to be updated with new patches, fixes and firmware every day while, as usual, the future will arrive first in Japan.
And of course, the river of email into your inbox keeps flowing whether you're away or not (here's one creative solution for dealing with the usual pileup of messages).
After Fowler's post, Uber investors and longtime diversity advocates Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein wrote an open letter on Medium, noting that «Uber has been here many times before, responding to public exposure of bad behavior by holding an all - hands meeting, apologizing and vowing to change, only to quickly return to aggressive business as usual
The major difference here is that bonus points won't help you elevate your status, though you will be able to redeem them as usual.
First, currency movements have been following some unusual patterns — for example, rising after central bank rate cuts (Japan, Australia; typically, we expect currency values to fall after rate cuts) and jumping around here in the US with more volatility than usual, highly sensitive to winks and nods from our Fed about their next rate move.
Wolf Richter is one of the very few who have described very clearly and in layman's terms the usual destiny of a retail chain purchased by a Private Equity (PE) firm: read any of his articles here about the retail meltdown and the dynamics will become depressingly similar after the third «victim».
A little bit later than usual, but here are the link building articles I enjoyed reading last month:
Koran 9:123 Answer to Carl here: As usual you are again proved a liar here.
The problem here is that there is only sporadic confrontation, the usual procedure being an avoidance of the issue of the nature and function of Christian community.
The Messiah is here, and business as usual, even spiritual business, needs to be interrupted.
As usual, nothing is resolved here and nothing will be resolved until the day of judgement.
A simpler assumption is that here, as in the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus used a more elaborate story than usual to convey a more elaborate idea.
I still likely won't be posting much for the next month or two — instead of usual prolific 5 posts a week, it may be more like one or two — but I'll be around here and there.
My dad will be here again very soon as usual with some neatly copied and pasted paragraphs for you to read through.
But the usual and normal Scriptural method, as seen in all of Christ's prayers and all of Peter's prayers and all of Paul's prayers — including this one hereis to pray to God the Father, through Jesus Christ (which is why many of us say, «In Jesus Name»), and in the Holy Spirit.
The church is packed with the usual Easter crowds along with the normal padding of snowbirds who've been here in Florida since after Thanksgiving and will fly back up to Michigan and New Jersey next week.
Here the field is wide open, not merely for the indictment of wrong in another person or group which is the usual approach, but for the appreciation and creation of right through the spiritual resources released in prayer.
Their usual cop out answer is that god was always here, but in some other dimension.
Tu fecisti nos ad te, domine, et inquietum cor nostrum donec requiescat in te — so Augustine said, in words I quoted in English earlier, I have given the Latin here because I wish to correct the usual and mistaken translation so often found, which makes Augustine say we are made «for God.»
McLaren's politics are another dramatic departure from conservativism - as - usual:» «The Lord is my shepherd» becomes «the Lord is my president,» ready to sacrifice 10,000 lives of noncitizens elsewhere for the safety of U.S. citizens here... it sickens me,» he says.
I notice the comments here though, are as usual, from alot of the «unbelieving» left, heh.
Here is another story of an exorcism, but one with more details than usual, and more difficulties.
So here's what I think about the election: The forecasts — based on complicated models — found in the APSA's PS by real social scientists — with the exception of the one by the astute James Campbell — are, as usual, too timid in terms of picking up the impending surge....
And he is at his usual best here, casting fresh light on biblical truths, engaging readers with the compelling metaphor, turning the arresting phrase, and reminding all that the love of God is more powerful and sweeping than we can imagine.
Also, please keep this also from the encyclopdeia «There is here verified what is the usual fact when two inspired writers narrate synchronistic events.
Excellent «toon, David, but there are a couple of vociferous ones even here, and right now I can't take being attacked by them, so will refrain from saying too much... but I get it, and as usual, you've hit it «spot - on»....
My point here is I don't think the usual listener who first encounters the Duke via one his «suites,» or through numbers like «Koko,» is going to quite catch the magic, the magic which the popular audience caught all through the 20s - 50s.
[1] I am aware that the reader may initially take the reference here to «seed» in the usual (though restricted) biological sense of the male semen.
It may be objected that it is my development of Whitehead's thought in the preceding section that is in trouble here rather than Whitehead's usual formulations.
The reason for this is that it is usual, even natural (to use here the question - begging adjective), for human sexual expression to be with others precisely because (as I have argued) human existence is a social existence, where sociality is the correlative of personality.
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