Sentences with phrase «high gain satcom»

Our laptops in turn permit large screen display and direct client consideration of, real - time internet and office intranet resources, by link to our encrypted wireless «Wi - Fi» network from its high gain broadcast access point.
But though the proposition may feel high risk, it can also offer high gain... and you won't have to take the chances alone, or depend on your wits!
Just as in business, being a good listener requires preparation, research, and asking high gain, open - ended, insightful questions.
Many major announcements in the industry also contributed to this high gain in price across the board.
The results: a Dell XPS 13 with an internal 802.11 ac Wi - Fi card, and the same laptop with a high gain 802.11 ac USB Wi - Fi adapter plugged in
A sniffer with high gain antenna can capture wifi packets up to 50 meters distance, then send ARP attack and do man - in the - middle attack.
Considering the high gain in car prices and the shine in the status of the economy today, so more people have begin to think leasing a car instead of buying a new car.
He couldn't replace the life insurance policy by «investing the difference» because he couldn't get the high gain on his investment.
If the insurance company is having a profitable year, or just coming off a high gain, they may lower rates to attract more customers.
«Exposure» was quantified as changes in climate suitability for plant growth categorized for each country as follows: «high loss» for countries experiencing reductions in suitable plant growing days in excess of 30 %, «medium loss» for countries experiencing losses of 30 % to 10 %, «no change» for countries that gain or lose up to 10 %, «medium gain» for countries gaining 10 % to 30 %, and «high gain» for countries gaining in excess of 30 % more days.
At high gain, the geological record would show violent oscillations between extremes of warming and cooling.
The point is that a small flow (convection) can't make up for changes in a large flow (radiation) unless you postulate an unrealistically high gain.
But if it happens that you get it right, you stand the chance of recording high gain by the time the price starts to rise.
Short - term lots sold at a loss (high loss to low loss, or highest cost to lowest cost) Long - term lots sold at a loss (high loss to low loss, or highest cost to lowest cost) Short - term lots sold at no gain or loss Long - term lots sold at no gain or loss Long - term lots sold at a gain (low gain to high gain, or highest cost to lowest cost) Short - term lots sold at a gain (low gain to high gain, or highest cost to lowest cost)
The PowerPoint was made for a training workshop (Pirelli Stadium) for Low Impact - High gain strategies for all subjects / abilities to enable quality teaching, planning, AFL and Differentiation It also contains resources to help teachers looking to incorporate De Bono «s 6 Thinking hats technique in their lessons.
Schools are divided into six categories: (i) «gaining ground schools» which have met standards but have only minimal gain scores; (ii) volatile schools, whose performance varies significantly from year to year and criteria to criteria; (iii) «national challenge schools», who meet neither the norm standards nor the gain score standards; (iv) «good to great schools» which do not meet norm criteria but have high gain scores and (v) great schools which have high norm results and high gain scores.
In fact, with the possible exception of minority boys from the Caribbean, schools whose student population had shifted from white working class to minority were usually schools with high gain scores.
The Celestion V30 sounds full and modern, very good for modern high gain tones.
The Cassini spacecraft (top left corner of the image) flies over with its High Gain Antenna pointed at the probe.
Special emphasis is placed on attracting young investigators into GI cancer research, high risk / high gain projects, and emerging technologies and their application to GI cancer research.
Engineers discovered a hardware problem with one of the craft's two solid state recorders used to store science data before being transmitted back to Earth via its 83 - inch dish - shaped high gain antenna.
The high gain antenna enables us to communicate with MAVEN at a high data rate between Mars and Earth.
The spacecraft is currently flying in «late cruise mode,» which positions the spacecraft with the fixed high gain antenna pointing directly at Earth as MAVEN gets farther from our home planet.
Photonics researchers have created such a high gain optical amplifier that is compact enough to be placed on a chip.
Providing high gain on such a small footprint could enable new opportunities in low cost broadband spectroscopy, precision manufacturing and hyperspectral imaging.
«We use a proprietary platform called ultra-silicon-rich nitride, with a material composition of seven parts silicon, three parts nitrogen, with the large nonlinearity and photon efficiency needed for high gain amplification, through the efficient transfer of photons from a pump to the signal.
Earlier this year, Slutz and his team published other simulations in PRL that showed that if a more powerful pulse generator was built to produce higher currents — say, 60 million amps — the system could achieve not just break - even, but high gain.
This delay in recognition can place authors of «high risk / high gain» papers at a disadvantage in the contest for funding and career advancement, because their work does relatively badly on the «classic bibliometric measures» of article impact that generally «use short citation windows» of only a few years, the authors note.
Low risk low gain, high risk high gain.
When an investor exchanges his digital currencies in any one of the notable digital currency exchange, he can enhance his token value, thereby getting a high gain.
And the study participants who frequently read for pleasure made the highest gains on the test.
It was down by 77 % since its highest gain in 2017.
On the one hand we need to accumulate as much as possible because of our age and lost time to make up for, but for the same reasons we can't afford the losses that go along with those higher risk / potentially higher gain stocks.
Money is put into more than one property to minimize the risk of loss and increase the likelihood of high gains.
This is the highest gain since 2007.
Earlier in the week, oil prices had their highest gains in two months.
A new study shows that students who achieve the highest gains on standardized tests do not show improvements in their cognitive skills.
Superintendent Kriner Cash said he's concerned about unusually high gains for the Class of 2015 — particularly among students who earned their diploma after taking summer credit - recovery classes.
The Cook Political Report Wednesday forecast a net gain of 48 to 60 seats for the Republicans, with higher gains possible.
We believe this is one of the highest gains demonstrated at the telecommunications wavelength to date on a CMOS chip» said Prof Tan.
They could potentially get even higher gains by increasing the number of protons injected into the machine.
If you plan your food and meals in advance like this, taking your pre-made meals to work and keeping snacks in the car or purse or backpack, then you will carve those hunger pains and start your journey off right with potentially high gains.
Multiple styles sold out in 24 hours and sales grew double digits across the women's category, with the highest gains in America, Japan and China.
Given all this, it is perhaps unsurprising that the biggest ever study on teacher evaluation, the Measures of Effective Teaching Project (MET), revealed that even the very best observation approaches had limited success in identifying the teachers also associated with the highest gains in pupil attainment.
Since 1999, for instance, eighth grade math students in Massachusetts have made the highest gains of any participating nation on another international exam, TIMMS.
A teacher one standard deviation above the mean effectiveness annually generates marginal gains of over $ 400,000 in future student earnings, assuming a class size of 20, and proportionately higher gains with larger class sizes.
The proportion of the nation's gross domestic product spent on education increased from 6.7 percent in 1983 to 7.9 percent for this school year — the highest gain for a 10 - year period, said Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley.
Pupils who live in the least deprived areas, which is measured by the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index, will experience the highest gains.
The results echo findings from a 2012 OECD analysis, which showed that countries that invested in their schools in more targeted ways — such as through teacher salaries or early childhood programs, or by supporting struggling students — were the ones with the highest gains on PISA, not countries that spent the most overall.
These schools — among the district's most challenging — have kept pace with a district achieving the highest gains among America's major urban systems.
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