Sentences with phrase «high frequency means»

Saying that the low frequency noise is much lower than the high frequency means that you have an idea of its power spectral distribution (a blue noise in this case).
«Higher frequencies mean shorter wavelengths and hence smaller antennas,» he says.
The higher frequencies mean that optical clocks «tick» faster than microwave atomic clocks and could thus provide time - stamps that are 100 to 1,000 times more accurate, greatly improving the precision of GPS.
The prolonged CPU usage translates into heat, and heat added to the high frequencies means extreme throttling on your phone, which is the reason why it's so slow and laggy.

Not exact matches

In the airline industry, it means carriers don't compete aggressively (they keep fares higher and frequency of service relatively lower) in anticipation that competitors will respond in kind.
«It means that high - frequency hearing fundamental to echolocation evolved through the same molecular route,» says Stephen Rossiter of Queen Mary, University of London.
Although Phiar's metal - insulator technology could become a crucial component of future high - frequency imaging systems or communications networking equipment, it is not meant to perform the kind of processing that silicon does so well.
This time, researchers looked for a change in the frequency of waves — with shorter wavelengths meaning a higher frequency, and vice versa — in a type of laser in atomic clocks.
«The seminal point about moving to higher frequencies is that there is more bandwidth available, which means it's faster,» Moddel says.
The analysis of high - frequency surface air temperature, mean sea - level pressure, wind speed and direction and cloud - cover data from the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 from the UK, Faroe Islands and Iceland, published today (Monday 22 August 2016), sheds new light on the phenomenon.
The results found that the subjects have significantly greater body movements, an increased heart rate and a higher frequency of waking in the room that has the AC with a mean velocity of 0.14 m / s.
This means Yanoconodon not only picked up the high frequencies associated with modern mammal hearing but also the vibrations transmitted through the ground.
«Financial data is high frequency, which means there are a lot of fluctuations in the data.
MacGregor believes that the high frequency of stroke or «apoplexy» in the 19th century stems from the salt preservation of food, which meant that people ate twice as much salt as they do today.
High - frequency signals can also be reused across short distances by different cells in a network, meaning the available spectrum is used more efficiently.
The study is the first to show that animal populations can adapt and already have adapted to higher temperatures and increased heat wave frequencies — two results of climate change — by means of evolutionary changes in their heat tolerance.
Having signals of different frequencies in the 7 - 15 years band, the amplitude of the signal in the higher band may correspond roughly to the 11 - year signal by accident, but that doesn't mean that there are no other influences.
However, ENSO also increased the mean and variability of MHW duration in the northeast Pacific Ocean (Supplementary Fig. 1E, F), the variability of intensity off Western Australia and California (Supplementary Fig. 1D) and the variability of frequency over much of the Tropics in all ocean basins as well as the mid - and high - latitudes in the Pacific Ocean (Supplementary Fig. 1B).
As you become more conscious — meaning, more aware of the energy of love that you're created from — your frequency rises, and you'll attract people at that higher frequency.
Couple that long duration and high frequency with a repetitive movement and you not only have greater chance of injury, you also have greater chance of boredom (which sometimes means giving up on exercise altogether because «it just doesn't work for me»).
It seems that a lot of people get somewhat crazy with high - frequency training nowadays, and by «a lot of people» I mean me.
This means you will train the target muscle with a higher volume and frequency than normal, whilst training your other body parts with a lower volume and frequency than normal.
Full Body Workout Routine Experience level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Days per week: 3 Workout Type: Full Body Workout Summary: Full body routines involve high - frequency training, meaning that you train each major muscle group very often — during each workout session (3x / week in this case).
Meaning, having periods where you train with a higher volume and frequency, and lower intensity; and, conversely: periods where you train with a higher intensity and lower volume with the option to increase the training frequency or keep it as is.
Higher training frequencies ensure you get enough repetitions to practice the craft of the Power Clean, lower exertion levels mean, that you won't have to worry too much about limited recovery.
Questions promote after - reading discussions and quick skill lessons build language arts skills, including phonological awareness, phonics, high - frequency words, word structure and meaning, and grammar and mechanics.
As with most series - parallel transaxles, the 2MT70 employs the rotational inertia and spring action of a damper disc, mounted between engine and transaxle, to filter out high - frequency engine torque oscillations while transferring mean engine torque.
The message so far has been that the lower volatility in the markets, in part due to algorithmic and high - frequency trading, means that active traders have shied away from trading this market.
For this sort of fund, a higher frequency of trading means that the fund is repeatedly buying strength and selling weakness.
If you want to learn more about how I trade «Low - Frequency» price action strategies on the Daily Chart time - frames; check out my price action trading course and member's community; my trading philosophy is based on trading only the highest - quality price action trade setups, which means less trades and less stress!
So, as we can see from the example track record above, higher - frequency trading does not necessarily mean higher - profits.
Another point that I would like to make is that aiming for a monthly or weekly goal that is too high means you will have to increase the frequency in which you trade.
Short - frequency estimates are much higher, even assuming mean reversion.
PS — does that mean we shouldn't investigate Goldman Sachs to see if they aren't front running the market with their high frequency trading?
Similarly, a large amplitude, slow frequency cat - like tail swish means the dog reeeeally doesn't like you and a high frequency, small amplitude vibration at the tip of the dog's perpendicularly held tail, generally signals the animal is extremely tense and stressed and about to react.
Years after I visited scientists determined the limestone seats minimize low - frequency background noise while magnifying higher - frequency voices, which means actors could deliver full performances without modern microphones, so the effect is a bit less magical than when I was there.
Raiden wields a high - frequency blade, which to you and me essentially means a bloody nasty piece of kit that can slice through metal and concrete like it's a fermented milk product (butter), raising the immediate question of how anything is actually a challenge to Raiden since he can simply slice right through it like it wasn't even there.
It also uses a higher frequency than most wireless headsets, as it uses 5.8 GHz wireless technology (meaning clearer sound and further range).
The low r2 numbers indicated that it isn't useful for the high - frequency variations in the earlier part, but that the overall mean does have some skill.
Slight errors in this process and the generally weaker representation of common long - timescale variability expressed in groups of trees mean that low - frequency chronology variability is not as strongly expressed as the high - frequency given the same number of tree core samples.
While the changes in both the mean and higher order statistical moments (e.g., variance) of time - series of climate variables affect the frequency of relatively simple extremes (e.g., extreme high daily or monthly temperatures, damaging winds), changes in the frequency of more complex extremes are based on changes in the occurrence of complex atmospheric phenomena (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms).
As ECS showed in their paper (Table 1), the high - frequency correlations with NH mean annual temperatures after 20 - year high - pass filtering is only 0.15.
Their effect is strong enough to affect the outcome after the the removal of high frequency phenomena but lumping that effect with the others in the sawtooth sounds rather overfitting than potentially justified by other means.
Projections of future summer mean WBGT under the RCP8.5 emissions scenario that are constrained by observations indicate that by 2030s at least 50 % of the summers will have mean WBGT higher than the observed historical record value in all the analyzed regions, and that this frequency of occurrence will increase to 95 % by mid-century.
This means that: 1) the annular modes vary on timescales as fast as weeks; and 2) the high and low index polarities of the annular modes do not reflect two distinct states of the climate system, but rather the wings of a normally distributed frequency distribution.
Lastly, extreme high water levels will occur with increasing frequency as a result of mean sea level rise.
High - frequency variations (black) are five - point running means of the original data [4], whereas the blue curve has a 500 kyr resolution.
«Working with data pertaining to 7450 cardiovascular - related deaths that occurred within Budapest, Hungary, between 1995 and 2004 — where the deceased were «medico - legally autopsied» — Toro et al. looked for potential relationships between daily maximum, minimum and mean temperature, air humidity, air pressure, wind speed, global radiation and daily numbers of the heart - related deaths... scientists report and restate their primary finding numerous times throughout their paper, writing that (1) «both the maximum and the minimum daily temperatures tend to be lower when more death cases occur in a day,» (2) «on the days with four or more death cases, the daily maximum and minimum temperatures tend to be lower than on days without any cardiovascular death events,» (3) «the largest frequency of cardiovascular death cases was detected in cold and cooling weather conditions,» (4) «we found a significant negative relationship between temperature and cardiovascular mortality,» (5) «the analysis of 6 - hour change of air pressure suggests that more acute or chronic vascular death cases occur during increasing air pressure conditions (implying cold weather fronts),» (6) «we found a high frequency of cardiovascular death in cold weather,» (7) «a significant negative relationship was detected between daily maximum [and] minimum temperature [s] and the number of sudden cardiovascular death cases,» and (8) «a significant negative correlation was detected between daily mean temperature and cardiovascular mortality.»
Also, RGB at Duke would scold R.Gates for making the «schtick» «First, the climate now is not warmer than it was in the Holocene Optimum (do not make the mistake of conflating the high frequency, high resolution «2004 ″ data point with the smoothed low frequency, low resolution data in the curve — even the figure's caption warns against doing that — for the very good reason that in every 300 year smoothed upswing it is statistically certain that the upswing involved multidecadal intervals of temperatures much higher than the running mean.
The limitation to satellite era also means that one can't compare the current high - event frequency period in the North Atlantic to the previous ones, unfortunately.
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