Sentences with phrase «high internal consistencies as»

Conclusion: Due to high internal consistencies as well as convincing criterion and construct validity the SSUK can be recommended for further use for chronic ill people.
: High internal consistencies as well as strong correlations with comparable neuropsychological tests are obtained.
The Persian version of this test demonstrated very high internal consistency as well as high test - retest reliability.

Not exact matches

Until we can establish a reasonable level of internal consistency and empirical adequacy, declining to interpret model - based probabilities as decision - relevant probabilities isn't high skepticism, but scientific common sense.
The VOCI total scale as well as its subscales demonstrated very high test - retest reliability and internal consistency.
The DAS has acceptable psychometric properties as an assessment device, with high (0.96) internal consistency [12].
Previous studies have found TCSQ to have high reliability and validity as a measure of coping style in China.49 50 In this study, Cronbach's α for the total scale was 0.845, and the internal consistency coefficients of the subscales were α = 0.823 (positive coping) and α = 0.863 (negative coping).
The same could be said about the SCL -90-R: its online version could be taken as being equivalent to its classic paper - and - pencil version, and its internal consistency is high.
High internal consistency has been reported with Cronbach's alpha reported as.92 (Neff 2003),.91 (Krieger et al. 2013) and.96 (Werner et al. 2012).
In the current study, Cronbach's alphas for the 29 items rated as dependent interpersonal stressors ranged from 0.88 to 0.90 for Canadian adolescents and 0.91 to 0.94 for Chinese adolescents across administrations indicating high internal consistency.
The high internal consistency and replication of the factor structure across both samples suggest that parenting behaviors, such as assisting with problem - solving and responsively balancing provision of assistance and autonomy, form a parenting behavior construct that may be described as collaborative parent involvement.
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