Sentences with phrase «hinoki cypress»

«Next Gen's products are designed with a purpose, so ingredients like green tea or Hinoki cypress not only serve as a pleasant, natural scent for the litter, but also help control the odor in the litter box by suppressing bacteria growth,» says Janice Yamamoto, director of marketing.
Tapping into the local resources of Japan, the company also uses the wood of the mold - resistant, anti-bacterial Hinoki cypress in its Cypress Fresh and Forest Fresh products.
The company, which uses wood in its cat litter products, launched Timber Fresh, all - natural litter designed to provide excellent odor control, invoke a woodland feel with the power of Hinoki cypress, and resist bacteria and mold without the use of harsh chemicals.

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Hinoki oil comes from the Japanese cypress tree.
And the market has room for all types of natural litters, including but not limited to the wheat - based sWheat Scoop offered by Pet Care Systems of Detroit Lakes, Minn.; the recycled paper formula found in the Good Mews products manufactured by Stutzman Environmental Products of Canby, Ore.; the corn - based formulas offered by World's Best Cat Litter, and the newest wood - based formulations offered by Next Gen made from a type of cypress tree called hinoki.
His most elaborated work of ten years, completed in 2007, is a re-creation of a fallen and rotting tree he had found in a meadow, re-carved in Japanese cypress (Hinoki), a different wood than that of the original tree.
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