Sentences with phrase «historical research also»

Historical research also suggests that nighttime waking, which many classify as disturbed sleep today, was an expected part of life for centuries.

Not exact matches

Fidelity research has also shown that picking low - cost funds is one way to improve average historical results of large - cap stock funds relative to comparable index funds.
Yet despite extensive and ongoing research and historical testing, I still have not identified considerations that would have allowed us to substantially increase our exposure to market fluctuations last year, without also resulting in a large increase in historical losses, and generally a deterioration in overall long - term performance.
I also think I will enjoy your posts on Genesis 1, since I have done a lot of research on that chapter myself in its ancient historical context.
There is also a fifth, more detached, philosophical way of looking at these issues without appealing to «direct historical influence» as if it were some sort of causal connection as Lowe claims it is.7 Of course the fourth line and fifth lines are outside ordinary present - day historiographical research, excepting undergraduates in general education courses (who seem inevitably to find, in spite of the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberally).
[3] There have also been several attempts to bring to the «popular» level the technical aspects of the attempt of historical reconstruction, [4] and also to present the distillation of extensive and detailed research in the form of books, which have reached the status of becoming «best - sellers.»
Making a place for faith beyond the support of historical research is also removing faith from the threat of historical research, which means security par excellence.
of this program he enunciated several years later in his book on Christology, translated as Jesus — God and Man (Westminster, 1968): The resurrection of Jesus not only provides a preview of mankind's apotheosis and, as such, a mini-model of world history; it is also verifiable according to the usual canons of historical research.
It also has to be distinguished from the historical Jesus because the results of historical research are not a determining factor in the constituence of this figure; like the Christ of the gospels, the Jesus of one's faith - image is a mixture of historical reminiscence, at a somewhat distant remove, and myth, legend and idealism.
For the purpose of our articles, our research team also «cleans» our data — to ensure our historical data is useful for our articles and our Members.
Our research team also cleans our betting data with various systematic techniques — as well as «by hand» — to ensure our historical data is useful for our research articles and our Members.
We collect the opening and closing lines (and «line movement,» for various sportsbooks) as well as final scores — and perhaps most importantly, SIs» proprietary «betting trends percentages,» Our research team also «cleans» our data — to ensure our historical data is useful for our research articles and our Members.
In the pursuit of such an examination, he challenged participants to develop a research agenda «with teeth» by not only observing particular events but also linking contemporary and historical trends in order to identify overarching structural patterns and logics.
I am tempted to also speculate that original July 1 fiscal year may have been due to seasonality of revenues (which is how some seasonal businesses decide on their fiscal calendar - they start the year after the seasonal income spike, thus they know what their yearly budget is clearer), but without decent historical research this is just idle speculation.
It could also be a normal historical process, says Amato, who has collaborated with Cuban biologists, including Milián - García and Pérez, on crocodile research there since the 1990s.
The new projections are based on leading research into contemporary and historical climate data, but also new scientific reconstructions of the only comparable period in human history: the last Ice Age.
Researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) have now revealed, on the basis of historical data, how plant diversity in the region of Halle an der Saale has changed in over 300 years of urbanization, and have also made predictions about the future.
While taking stock of the Ph.D. dance phenomenon, I also did some historical research.
Using genetic and historical data, the research team also found that the differences in beak length had occurred within a relatively short time frame.
«We also believe this research will benefit scientists working with rare animals that are either hard to collect or extinct but are represented in fluid - preserved historical collections.
The appointments also portend a new push aimed at marrying the institute's historical strength in basic biomedical research with translational medicine designed to turn research leads into novel treatments.
It would also serve as stimulus material for older students who could use the very helpful web links for further research into other scientific or historical aspects of this article.
The internet is awash with articles relating to oil pulling, and if you do a little research, you'll find that this historical remedy has also been linked to several other health benefits.
But he also gave longer speeches, and often their preparation included arduous historical research: You would have a hard time composing a better summary of early American history than the first half of the Cooper Institute Address.
I've also made a background knowledge reading and research piece to help students understand more of the historical background of the piece.
Meridian's play, like those written by many of the students, also required her to conduct historical research because it was about two real - life female pirates who ended up on the same ship.
He introduced me to the idea of using simulations to teach the AP course, and also to the principle of fostering student ownership, with a strong foundation in historical research.
For education research, Nguyen contributes an important and understudied perspective on popular and alternative spaces of learning; also she demonstrates the Vietnamese case of public education and cultural library policy under different political and historical regimes.
You can also see the historical performance of these asset classes and the projections by the research team of Sharekhan.
Also any signal should be researched on historical charts or back tested to see the historical profitability of trading off the signal.
ETF Trends also cites long - term historical analysis of dividend grower outperformance and volatility by Ned Davis Research.
Also, I'm incredibly fascinated by the historical accuracy of some of the aspects of his games — he does a lot of research, an awful lot.
Although a great deal of research and work is necessary to determine the aesthetic and historical significance of this current display, we may be assured that the so - far - generated polemics regarding its place and meaning have laid the foundation for its enduring significance not only in Iran but also worldwide.
Her original work adds to the canon of art historical research and also extends our own commitment to drawing connections across time and place in the continuing narrative of the history of visual culture.»
Spanning practice and theory, Hockney's investigation of artistic techniques has also developed through art - historical research, resulting in Secret Knowledge (2001), his publication on the optical devices used by the Old Masters, as well as A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen (2016), written in collaboration with art critic Martin Gayford and further exploring the many ways artists have pictured the world.
Still we might do some more material and art historical research as we are not only researching the right attribution but also contextual information about the working process, materials used, etc..
During that time, Muntadas not only researched the history of «academia» as an institution in the Western world — tracing its historical development from its inception in ancient Greece to its scholastic rebirth in medieval times, its re-foundation during the Enlightenment, its establishment in the New World, to its present challenges — but also interviewed a dozen renowned faculty members at Harvard, MIT and other research universities across the United States.
Schjerfbeck also produced a number of extraordinary portraits testifying an increased interest in the fashion of her time — an aspect that has only drawn little attention in art historical research to date and is now explored in more detail in the Schirn's presentation for the first time.
However, research into art and design in the twenty - first century does more than simply provide those subjects with an art historical and theoretical context, which is why Stedelijk Studies is also open to other, sometimes more practice - based forms of research that are conducted in the museum and the university (such as studies into the presentation, mediatization, commodification, and teaching of art and design).
Mesiti stated of her plans for next year's pavilion: «I have a long process of research and development ahead of me -LSB-...] Let's just say I'll [be] using music as a mode of translation, but also as a way of looking at significant historical moments that shape the narrative of who we are — not just in Australia.
It's also true to say that, since the 1960s, and especially since open - access historical archives have been made available online by many institutions, in recent decades research facilities available to the general public (as well as teachers) have improved beyond measure.
I wonder if tonyb (climatereason) has also been looking at sealevel in his historical researches.
We will also review historical cases of research misconduct, and we will analyze recent retraction cases.
There's also the historical sea ice extent compilation by Walsh and Chapman at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research / University of Illinois (as plotted at Cryosphere Today):
GISS relies on data collected by other organizations, specifically, NOAA / NCEI's Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) v3 adjusted monthly mean data as augmented by Antarctic data collated by UK Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and also NOAA / NCEI's Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) v5 data.
This period also involved providing personalized resolutions and plans for specific enterprises» historical evolutions, property rights form and corporate culture via the research mentioned above.
Michael Ehline is an appellate attorney, and personal injury attorney, with an emphasis on legal and historical research, and also president of the Circle of Legal Trust.
Your likelihood of winning the interview race greatly increases if you first move yourself through the intellectually brain - wringing exercises that tap your historical career reserves while also applying your best research skills that locate and assess target companies and THEIR needs.
Aside from my love of moving the human spirit — I also research and rejoice in the fields of neuroscience, historical arts, and quantum mechanics.
For instance, there is an established link between parenting stress and depression, particularly in the postnatal period (Epifanio et al. 2015) and research has also suggested a possible link between Postpartum Depression (PPD) and historical childhood sexual abuse (Wosu et al. 2015).
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