Sentences with phrase «hocking began»

In April 2010, Amanda Hocking began self - publishing ebooks, chiefly on Amazon.
Reduce heat, cover pot, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until hocks begin to soften, about 1 hour.

Not exact matches

Xapo itself has made no public comment on the lawsuit, nor did Casares mention the legal dispute to its three new advisory board members — Larry Summers, Visa founder Dee Hock and former Citigroup (c) chairman and CEO John Reed — or at least not until Fortune began making calls.
We began hocking sauce at Portland farmer's markets and now we're in over 300 (and counting) roadhouses, eateries, and groceries from here to New York City, proudly gracing tables where the food matters, but the decor may not.
Fed up with attempts to find a traditional publisher for her young - adult paranormal novels, Hocking self - published last March and began selling her novels on online bookstores like Amazon and
For every Amanda Hocking, Abbie Glines, David Gaughran, Bella Andre, or Hugh Howey (the list goes on and on), industry watchers and consumers alike begin to show a small measure of greater respect for the... [Read more...]
Either way, over the last couple of years — beginning with the high - profile snagging of Amanda Hocking — at least 50 indie authors (many of them interviewed in this very book) have been courted and won by traditional publishers.
And NO, my numbers don't IN ANY WAY even begin to compare to some of the success stories, like Amanda Hocking's for example.
Hocking recently began writing the Kanin series (debuting with Frostfire) about the princess of an icy kingdom charged with a self - sacrificing mission.
The poster girl for self - publishing, Amanda Hocking (her ten YA urban fantasy and paranormal romances have grossed around $ 2 million since she began publishing them through Amazon's CreateSpace last year), was profiled in Sunday's New York Times Magazine.
Amanda Hocking wrote 17 novels in her free time and then began self - publishing them as ebooks in April 2010
Amanda Hocking was a superstar at the beginning of the year, but already in April her books were sliding down the bestseller lists.
Fed up with attempts to find a traditional publisher for her young - adult paranormal novels, Hocking self - published last March and began selling her novels on online bookstores like Amazon and Barne...
It could be a result of a fading self - publishing hype, which started at the beginning of the year with a huge news coverage about Amanda Hocking.
Front legs should have a tubular appearance, rounding down around the paws... For the back legs begin by brushing the upward and trim around the foot then continue upward at a 45 degree angle to the hock.
Pododermatitis is a condition where the hind feet near the elbow area or hock of the rabbit begin to show signs of infection.
Yarrow Earth Hock's painting process begins in the plein - air style using imagery from the light drenched natural environment.
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