Sentences with phrase «hoffer chapbook»

Gioia has published five full - length collections of poetry, as well as eight chapbooks.
I am packing my books, pulling the dusty tomes down from a high shelf, when my dead friend's poetry chapbook falls and hits me on the head.
A member of Laurel Poetry Collective, she is the author of the full - length House of Music and a chapbook, What Other Worlds: Postpartum Poems.
*** Wendy Wisner is the author of two books of poems, Morph and Bloom (2013) and Epicenter (2004), as well as a chapbook, Another Place of Rocking (2010).
Dina Paulson - McEwen is the author of Parts of love (Finishing Line Press, 2018), a 2017 finalist in the Finishing Line Press New Women's Voices Chapbook Competition.
Free and open to the public, the library includes books, journals, chapbooks, audio, video, and electronic media.
They also created a website so that people could add haikus online and then compiled them into a chapbook, which they distributed across the city, including to Cambridge Mayor David Maher and members of the Cambridge City Council at a meeting in January.
I've used Dog Ear with some success and no problems, but their cost keeps increasing, and I've self - published chapbooks with Diggy Pod, and have been highly satisfied with those projects, although they are not set up to help authors market their works.
Many traditional writers self publish such work because economically and physically there isn't a lot of sense in print publishing them, with the exception of limited edition chapbooks etc in specialised / genre markets, and usually for very popular writers.
Tagged as #amwriting, #writerslife, Doll God, Kin Types, Poem, Poetry, poetry chapbook, poetry collection, prose poem, Writing, Writing tips
Consider a possible theme for your poetry chapbook.
A prize of $ 1,000 and publication by Finishing Line Press is given annually for a poetry chapbook by a woman who has not yet published a full - length collection.
Amy MacLennon, author of several poetry chapbooks, says, «I just don't like the * concept * of a contest.
My first published book, I produced as a chapbook which I printed on my computer and sold for five dollars.
Alison Townsend is the author of two books of poetry, Persephone in America and The Blue Dress, and two chapbooks, And Still... read more
But chapbooks, which are shorter collections of 24 - 48 pages, are also very popular now!
In 1992 she published a fiction chapbook entitled October Brown, which earned her an Artscape Prize for Maryland Writers.
This novel takes a character from her chapbook October Brown and her novel Rattlebone and explores her life and experiences as an unwed teacher and African - American mother in the 1950s.
The books themselves come in many forms, with popular chapbooks (which were widely distributed but rarely preserved) at one end of the spectrum and luxury editions aimed at a wealthy, courtly audience at the other.
And when your entrants range from a chapbook of poetry to a five volume history of World War I, you come to see the necessity of awarding people in their specific genre or field to truly reward their accomplishments.
Whether you end up distributing your own prose or poetry at a reading or collecting the work of your friends in limited editions, these instructions on how to create and bind your own chapbooks offer hours of bookmaking fun.
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See all the Kattywompus Press books, chapbooks and unique limited editions, artist's books, musical literary publications and more in our shop.
Harshman is the poet laureate of West Virginia, and his poetry books include Green - Silver and Silent and the chapbook Rose of Sharon.
I imagine if you can maintain a sense of fairness for who is responsible for what; you can check out co-publishing material like the chapbooks published by Carolyn Howard - Johnson and Maggie Ball.
I've also written a poetry chapbook, DUSK BEFORE DAWN.
Carol, Jill, and Amber (at the self - publishing division of Writer's Relief) could not have been more generous with their time as we worked together toward the final product, Still Life With Weather, a chapbook.
Our titles have won the American Book Award, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, the Devil's Kitchen Reading Award, the John C. Zacharis First Book Award, and the Eric Hoffer Chapbook Award, and have been finalists for the Norma Farber First Book Award, and Debultizer, among others.
Jeff Oaks» most recent chapbook, Mistakes with Strangers, was published by Seven Kitchens Press.
Chapbooks — short books under 40 pages — arose when printed books became affordable in the 16th century.
Hand - stitched limited edition chapbooks, hand - bound full - length books, CD / chapbook musical publications, One - of - a-kind and limited edition artist's books
Tommy Dean is the author of a flash fiction chapbook entitled Special Like the People on TV from Redbird Chapbooks.
Jacqueline Doyle's flash fiction chapbook The Missing Girl is available from Black Lawrence Press.
In the beginning there was quite a bit of hustle going on; a lot of selling zines and chapbooks to raise enough money to get to the next city on the tour.
When I have the chance, I intend to have my college chapbook revised, expanded, rebound, and self - published with both old and new material.
January 13 is «Make Your Dreams Come True Day,» and one of the smartest ways to achieve your dream of becoming a published author is to get that novel, memoir, or poetry chapbook of yours out the door and into the hands of readers!
- Poets and Writers has an extensive Grants and Awards section, which includes chapbook contests:
In the United States, anthologies, collections, and chapbooks of them have sold about a million copies — not as many as a John Grisham best - seller, but notable nonetheless.
They Could No Longer Contain Themselves: A Collection of Five Flash Chapbooks.
Subscribe to Cardboard House Press for the next 5 books, 3 chapbooks, and our annual book art that we publish, or substitute * existing publications for forthcoming titles.
The artwork for your poetry chapbook cover doesn't have to be deep and serious — especially if your writing has a touch of humor or whimsy!
The chapbook style lends itself particularly to collections of poetry, instruction manuals, or pocketsized field guides.
I would love for them to see and recognize poetry everywhere in their lives, to talk about the poets they love and the ones they don't, to write songs and spit lyrics and make chapbooks.
Chapbooks have been around since medieval times, when European salesmen, or chapmen, moved from town to town selling goods and eventually books.
«Chapbooks are smaller, published in limited quantities, and often include hand - made qualities such as letterpress, hand stitching, or silk - screening.»
Self - Publishing Relief recommends you gather your individual poems into a chapbook or poetry collection and self - publish your own book!
The efforts of water sedge to flourish despite difficult odds seems kindred in spirit to poets hoping to successfully publish their poetry books and chapbooks in an uncooperative publishing environment.
With the WaterSedge Poetry Chapbook Contest, we can help our winning poets get published and thrive.
Tags: art, chapbooks, digital publishing, E-books, Publication Studio, reader community, self publishing, USA
For example, compare a romance novel ebook selling on Amazon in English with a poetry chapbook in Dutch selling in a unique bookstore in a chic corner of Amsterdam.
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