Sentences with phrase «holocene optimum»

And you have no references on the MWP, LIA or Holocene optimum and their correlationm with CO2 level.
Your view of WVP as a feedback gas would lead to runaway warming which clearly doesn't happen, and for sure the globe has been warmer in the recent past, especially the holocene optimum, without running away.
Also, RGB at Duke would scold R.Gates for making the «schtick» «First, the climate now is not warmer than it was in the Holocene Optimum (do not make the mistake of conflating the high frequency, high resolution «2004 ″ data point with the smoothed low frequency, low resolution data in the curve — even the figure's caption warns against doing that — for the very good reason that in every 300 year smoothed upswing it is statistically certain that the upswing involved multidecadal intervals of temperatures much higher than the running mean.
Things were good during the warmth of the Holocene Optimum when Mesopotamia flourished, they were good during the Medieval Warm Period when Vikings inhabited Greenland, and things have never been better than they are today, even though today is warmer than the norm.
Thus we still have the MWP (and the RWP, the Minoan, and the Holocene optimum)-- all of which were warmer than today and none of which had AGW contributions.
=========================================== I thought it was established, through pollen and plant remains, that the last glaciation and Younger Dryas were much more arid than now, and the Holocene Optimum warmer and more humid.
I doubt that she will find any that agree that we are warmer than the Holocene Optimum, as portrayed by her fantastical plot.
The holocene optimum didn't make THE big difference.
After the Holocene Optimum, temps were undergoing a slow downward trend globally, with significant spikes up and down during such events as the 8.2 KY event, the Roman Warm Period, the MWP, and the LIA, etc..
At the peak of the Holocene Optimum 10,000 years BP (Before Present), coral adapted to tropical ocean temperatures in the heart of the Coral Triangle that were 2.1 °C warmer than today.
Climatologists call this period either the Climatic Optimum or the Holocene Optimum
That assumption conflicts with studies finding that the Northern Hemisphere was warmer than present for several decades during the Medieval Warm Period and Roman Warm Period and for thousands of years during Holocene Optimum.
Nevertheless, the salutary aspect of the GISP 2 data is the clear indication it provides of a gentle, truly secular cooling trend since the Holocene optimum, overlain by weakly stationary, strongly structured, quasi-Gaussian stochastic variations whose ordinate distribution and power - spectrum both diverge from anything resembling a Poisson process of abrupt jumps.
Precession / obliquity — Precession very favorable while obliquity is lessening and becoming more favorable as compared to the Holocene Optimum period of time and this is why I think the global temperatures in general have been on a decline overall since the Holocene optimum however with fits and starts due to solar activity changes / volcanic activity and enso superimposed upon this general trend.
Jim D March 2, 2017 at 11:16 pm Your sign is wrong for the Holocene Optimum, and your theory goes to pot because of just that.
Your sign is wrong for the Holocene Optimum, and your theory goes to pot because of just that.
We know about the Holocene Climate Optimum or aka Hypsithermal, Altithermal, Climatic Optimum, Holocene Optimum, Holocene Thermal Maximum, and Holocene (according to wiki).
Holocene optimum followed by Minoan warm period then Roman warm period.
This graph shows all the climate events discussed by Paleoclimatologists like Bryson and Lamb including the sharp cooling 8,200 ybp, the bifurcated Holocene Optimum and the cooling that preceded the drying of the Sahara and the rise of Egypt.
Over the almost the entire period of the Holocene Optimum from 9000 to 3000 years ago the Earth was warmer than today.
It fits well with earlier and more recent records and documents the Holocene Optimum.
We are cooling since the Holocene optimum.
Likewise, the late - styled LIA has gone from everything since the Holocene Optimum to just nine decades ending about the time of Malthus.
If you look at the last 11,500 years, the current warming is approximately «on time» (with no CO2 effect whatsoever), and the warming peaks display a downward trend since the «Holocene Optimum».
Current GCM models may have realistic - seeming weather patterns, but are totally incapable of producing phenomena that look like the Holocene (Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Roman Warm Period, Holocene Optimum, the steady decline of temperature on average over the last 3,000 years, etc.) The Climate Science community has, instead, taken the path of trying to claim that these swings didn't occur (Michael Mann's «Hockey Stick», etc.) This does not give me a lot of confidence in the rest of their «science».
Longest was the Holocene Optimum between 8000 and 5000 years ago (ya); the Minoan Warm Period 3400 ya; the Roman Warm Period 2400 ya; the Medieval Warm Period 1000 ya and most recently the 1930s warm period.
Even on the most aggressive interpretation of CO2 forcing, the increase in forcing is much, much lower than the Holocene summer insolation forcing (JJA insolation in the Holocene optimum was more than 40 wm - 2 higher than at present.)
For most of the last 10,000 years the world was warmer than today: a period variously known as the Climatic Optimum, the Hypsithermal and now the Holocene Optimum.
Why didn't it go off during the Holocene Optimum, or the Eemian?
The long term cooling trend of the Holocene since the Climatic Optimum (aka the Holocene Optimum) was an established fact even before alarmist lame brains tried to hijack climate science and turn it into a cult.
Read up on Climatic Optimum (aka Holocene Optimum).
Instead of starting at the bottom of the Little Ice Age, do the same chart beginning at the peak of the Holocene Optimum!
Most notably missing (I realize it's off scale but I assume their «noise and oscillation free» trend continues to the earlier dates) is the Holocene Optimum.
Maybe this means you disagree with the Milankovitch trend since the Holocene Optimum too.
This is understood to still apply today so our temperature should be nowhere near the Holocene Optimum, yet we now exceed it.
Remember the warm period was called «The Holocene Optimum» for a reason.
And the third set of around twenty series shows the holocene optimum we know, with a peak around 2 C warmer than today.
The «Holocene Optimum» series have been mixed in with a bunch of «random noise» series and some «Holocene dip» series which has the effect of bringing the Holocene peak down to below a degree.
Yes, we have been in the Neoglacial for thousands of years, the Holocene Optimum was roughly 9,000 to 5,000 years BP.
I am sure that all on this list know that the temperature maximum for this interglacial period occurred during the Holocene Optimum some 2,500 to 5,000 years ago and that we have been cooling ever since.
After the Holocene Optimum ended about 5,000 years ago and sea level rise slowed, California's current rate of coastal erosion decreased to about 10 to 30 cm / year.
The sea level high - stand was associated with the so - called Climatic Optimum or the Holocene Optimum, during 8000 to 4000 BC when average global temperatures reached their maximum level during the Holocene and were warmer than present day.
During the Holocene Optimum beginning about 9000 years ago, Jakobshavn retreated further than its present day terminus and remained that way for almost 7000 years.
Leif, are you also dismissing medieval, roman, etc,, warm periods, the Holocene optimum out of hand?.
The fact that the LIA was the coldest point in the entire Holocene (which has been systematically cooling from the Holocene Optimum on) is also worrisome.
It was a blip by comparison with the Holocene Optimum, but the skeptics love it anyway, because they have no sense of the long view.
Climate alarmists conveniently overlook evidence during the Holocene optimum where there were extended periods of temperatures exceeding the averages by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius above present temperatures.
I understand there used to be monsoons over the Sahara about 8000 years ago, during that Holocene Optimum we were talking about earlier... The theory is that this is because it was warmer back then.
Rud my friend — for Holocene optimum; the data was harvested from thin air also!
And there is another weaker move to say the 2C target was not by 2100, it was forever (ECS)... which is a long time in a world episodically cooling since the Holocene optimum some 10 millennia ago.
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