Sentences with phrase «holy day masses»

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Angry clashes have already been reported, and the city is anxious about Friday, the Muslim holy day for weekly mass prayers.
Mark Greaves has written an article for this week's Catholic Herald («Bishops insist on uniformity for Masses on Holy Days») in which he quotes «an official» from Ecclesia Deiwho dutifully says of traditionalists «They're obliged to keep to the Holy Days that have been agreed upon» but then goes on to say that there is «no problem» with them also celebrating them during the week.»
«In these days of vigil Masses and evening Masses, it can never have been easier to attend Mass on a Holy Day.
We memorized the Catechism, went to mass everyday and celebrated the holy days.
Then comes a list of lesser things «beyond necessity, purely as a special service to God, which is contrary to faith... Tonsures, chasubles, albs... altar cloths, lights... bells, holy water, holy salt, incense», and a further list of ambivalent things: «veiling of statues, keeping fasts (except for the clergy), Litany of the Saints, Hymns to Mary of an evening, Confession torture, Palm swallowing, Passion sermons eight hours long, Consecrating the fire,... St Martin's Goose... three Christmas Masses, Oats on St Stephen's Day, St. John's draught».
I had just returned from St. Bernard Abbey, where for three days I participated in fixed - hour prayer, attended mass, joined the faithful in chants and hymns, wandered an ornate sanctuary, lit candles before alters, murmured the Lord's Prayer, repeated the Nicene Creed, dipped my fingers in holy water, crossed myself about a million times, and ate, slept, worked, and prayed beneath giant crucifixes that hung just about everywhere.
The mass performed on All Saint's Day became known as Allhallowmass, («hallow» meaning to make holy) and the night before became known as All Hallow's Evening, condensed to All Hallow's E'en, and further reduced to Hallowe'en or Halloween.
6/25/17 my 1 yr 6 mo tore up carpet into fluffy small pieces and swallowed them for many days we did not know because She did it under the beds got very sick had 7 days of vet visits many X-rays all kinds of test they couldn't see any problem until she vomited up a 2n by3 inch mass then thy realized the need for Barium upper G I and enama's were still not out of this do now no poo in2 days but we don't have any more bloody stools she is back to eating only700 plus vet bills no this puppy gets adoring care so there is more to this the vets just say she get holy stressed for some reason
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