Sentences with phrase «holy eucharist»

It is fitting that Matthew Barney, an artist so enamoured with heady conflations of mythmaking and physiological mutation, should have a retrospective of his drawings across the way from an exhibition dedicated to one of the greatest tales of transfiguration around — the Holy Eucharist.
In the same homily Benedict encouraged Christians to «ask the Lord to grant that we may overcome our limits, our world, to help us to encounter him, especially at the moment when he places himself into our hands and into our heart in the Holy Eucharist
[7] So the love of the Sacred Heart is of one economy with the wisdom enshrined within the fabric of our ancient universe, but most especially in Scripture, the institution of the Church and sacraments, and above all the Holy Eucharist.
«There must also be an intrinsic relationship to the Holy Eucharist in Christian marriage, a relationship which is
In conclusion, Fr Pacwa's book should provoke any priest to ponder what it is he is doing in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and it should be a great help to the laity in understanding the abiding presence of Our Lord in the action of the Mass and in Eucharistic adoration.
Obviously the first and fundamental truth to emphasise is the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist in the fully Catholic sense, stressing that the Eucharist is not bread, blessed bread, or super-blessed bread but the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
So if you are asked to not receive the Holy Eucharist because you are not Catholic it is out of love of Christ and for your soul's sake... if you eat or drink without discerning the body you would do judgment on yourself.
By issuing Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict has confirmed that Latin Rite Catholicism currently has two liturgical forms for offering the Holy Eucharist: the Novus Ordo as the ordinary form and the Usus Antiquior, the older Roman Rite, as the extraordinary form of celebration.
Make your communion with Him, feed on Him in your heart, feed on Him in the Holy Eucharist.
Dedicate one's life to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
Fr Roger Nesbitt with St John Bosco's vision - «He summed up the Catholic faith, our faith, with three important persons - first the Holy Eucharist, Jesus himself; second Mary, his Mother; third Peter and his successors.
Some sound bites: Fr Nick Walsh - «The Holy Eucharist is the centre and focus of the Church's life.
Having committed Himself to His Sacrifice by instituting the Holy Eucharist, that is, having entered upon His Passion, Jesus could say, about God the Father, «Henceforth you know him and have seen him» (John 14:7).
In this deeper sense, Saviour includes all that He is for us: Teacher, Healer, Good Shepherd, Bread of Life and Holy Eucharist.
We press Jesus to stay with us in our hearts, and pray that we may always recognise him in the breaking of bread, the Holy Eucharist.
It is precisely because His Body is glorified that He is able to give Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist.
It was his mortal flesh that was sacrificed on the Cross, it is his risen and glorified flesh that is present in the Holy Eucharist.
Our Lord was now speaking not about his sacrifice on the Cross, which was indeed the sacrifice of his mortal flesh but of the eating of his sacramental body in the Holy Eucharist.
To know Jesus fully in a personal relationship in the power of his cross and resurrection is to find him above all in the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.
This community is entered by the sacrament of baptism; its members are nourished in their Christian discipleship through the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the holy eucharist, the mass, the Holy Communion.
This, of course, he considered could be linked up with the most orthodox theology of the holy Eucharist
The reception of the Holy Eucharist is the most misunderstood aspect of the Catholic faith, and when the likes of such public policy - makers as Nancy Pelosi make a national mockery of Communion without consequence, there is little wonder why it has become a mere symbol of self - affirmation rather than the efficacious sign of personal transformation through the Cross of Christ and the «renewal of the mind» (Rom.
Partaking in the Holy Eucharist unworthily, without examination, has produced a culture of «weak and ill» Catholics, some of whom are already spiritually «dead» (1 Cor.
That appeal is highlighted by the Pope's focus on the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist:
As well as the dangers already mentioned, this also meant, especially in the early days, that it had no clear connection to the sacramental and liturgical life, above all devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and all too often doctrinal and catechetical formation were dismissed as mere «academics» or intellectualism; doctrinal formation and apologetics being seen as something purely for those of a «theological bent».
All the ordinary means of sanctification which are given to us in God's mercy through the Catholic Church are available to those who choose to be involved in Faith, most especially, the Holy Eucharist, the sacrament of Penance and personal prayer, as well as devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother too.
Jesus says that the Holy Eucharist is:
In this key text Jesus links the whole plan of God from the beginning to the Holy Eucharist — «As I who am sent by the living Father... so whoever eats me will draw life from me».
I would like to suggest that this important text refers not only to the Incarnation of the Son of God in Bethlehem but also to the Holy Eucharist and that it is prophetic of the Church's development of doctrine, supporting that development, and putting it within a cosmic context.
We are made members of the Body of Christ through receiving three sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation, which we receive only once, and the Holy Eucharist which is Christ Himself.
The eastward journey arrives at the event horizon in the Holy Eucharist.
Therefore Jesus Christ is predestined from the beginning, and is part of the very plan of God in the poising of matter at the creation of the universe, but so is the Holy Eucharist.
In this perspective on this key text (John 1:14) we have a remarkable prophetic description not only of the Incarnation but also of the Holy Eucharist and of the Tabernacle, as part of the very plan of God in sending Christ into the world.
The Holy Eucharist is therefore of universal and cosmic significance.
Jesus uses the identical word recorded later in John's Gospel for the Holy Eucharist: «The bread that I shall give is my flesh (sarx) for the life of the world.»
Indeed, a few of the headings in the Relatio itself were none too comforting vis - à - vis «positive aspects of civil unions and cohabitation» and the extensive discussion on making the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist available to the divorced and remarried.
Senior German churchmen have made clear that they believe something different from what's in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, whether the issue is the nature of marriage, the ethics of human love, the character of the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood, the authority of revelation, or the enduring effects of baptism.
Evangelical Catholicism lays particular stress on baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
It has happened before, for example, when gay rights activists crashed catholic masses in San Fransisco and desecrated the Holy Eucharist.
Could it be that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist was that which Judas could not accept?
The Holy Eucharist stands at the very center of evangelical Catholic life.
Only then, with true repentance and a firm decision to sin no more, can one receive absolution and enjoy the graceful assistance of the Holy Eucharist.

Not exact matches

Sacraments: Catholic are the only ones to have the concept of the seven sacraments (baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, and matrimony).
I have been able to celebrate Holy Mass in chapels built along mountain paths, on lakeshores and seacoasts; I have celebrated it on altars built in stadiums and in city squares... This varied scenario of celebrations of the Eucharist has given me a powerful experience of its universal and, so to speak, cosmic character.
Even if this fills us with a holy fear, we must recognise that together with the Eucharist, the mystery of this redeeming love is, in a sense in our hands.
The Holy Council wishes indeed that at each Mass the faithful who are present should communicate, not only in spiritual desire, but sacramentally, by the actual reception of the Eucharist.
To consider why this is so, let us go back to the very beginning, the institution of the Eucharist... Approximately two thousand years ago, Jesus had a roller - coaster Holy Week ride, which ultimately saw Him, through God's power, famously defeat sin and death, thereby providing us with the possibility of eternal life.
[51] The Eucharist is referred to, almost euphemistically, in this way, precisely because the first Christians believed it was so holy, that it was barely to be spoken of to anyone other than believers.
The greatest expression of Caritas as gift and relationship lies in the Eucharist, which is why the «holy communion» of God with men is realised most fully on earth among those gathered around the altar for the Eucharist.
In total, there are seven sacraments: baptism, confirmation, eucharist, penance, holy orders, marriage, and the sacrament of the sick.
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