Sentences with phrase «holy spirit in»

And I know the Lord is pleased when we submit to the Holy Spirit in the area of our flesh... whether it be what we eat or drink (diet coke;)-RRB- or what we wear or how we speak or choose to wear our countenance for the day.
About Blog We here at Hopewell Baptist Church come together to worship and praise God, demonstrate God's love in ministry, preach God's word in the power of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism.
I think it still has the holy spirit in it.
By shattering the fourth wall in a terrific, unsettling reveal at the tail end of the quest, Saga not only re-contextualizes everything that came before, but it also paints a full, meaningful portrait of the Holy Spirit in action.
Each Devotion requires students to look within themselves, reflect how they are living and how they can find their place in the world and with the Holy Spirit in their heart, but they also present opportunities for teachers to have students write and share their ideas, insights, strengths and weaknesses with partners and the whole — in order to maximize engagement.
Clearly you have the Holy Spirit in your heart that is guiding you in the right direction.
It's a parenting book that makes the crazy assertion that you don't need a parenting book - you have all you need in the God's guidance through the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
As has been said in a couple of previous blogs, the only real cure is the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of each one of us.
Joe that is a good point, but you want to quench the holy spirit in habitual sin so that grace may abound?
Neither the German Bishops, nor Blessed Pius IX, nor Cardinal Ratzinger found a need to assert the role of the Holy Spirit in springing surprises.
In other words, Muentzer demanded that the prince and common man be reborn by the Holy Spirit in order to create a political force which would cleanse the world of all evil through the sword of the elect.
If we followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our assemblies and the guidelines as provide in the epistles what would the church really look like, nothing like I have seen thus far.
The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives allows us to know Jesus, to love him and to keep his word.
She is thus a bridging figure between the close of his earthly ministry and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal birth of the Church.
The apostle Paul experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit in his daily life.
The participants noted that in its theological understanding of other religions, Christian theology tends either to expand Christology (by means of the logos doctrine or «anonymous Christianity,» for instance) or to expand pneumatology (dealing with the work of the Holy Spirit in other religions) And yet a trinitarian approach would insist that the two can not be alternatives or competitors.
All are grafted onto the vine through action of the Holy Spirit in baptism and the sacramental life of the Church.
I say I will be surprised if there will be anyone in heaven, as when we commit the unforgivable sin of taking the name of the Holy Spirit in vain we will all be up the creek without a paddle.
The gesture implies that the Divine Spark / Holy Spirit in me greets the Divine Spark / Holy Spirit in you.
(The dove, a visible sign of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament accounts of Jesus» baptism, was a bird often linked to female deities in the ancient Near East.)
And to truly understand the scriptures you must accept Christ and receive the Holy Spirit in order to receive the wisdom to understand them.
He admits it's not always black and white, but the key is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in whatever you say and do.
Likewise, teachers can guide students toward God, but only the work of the Holy Spirit in their souls can make them into the kind of Christ - honoring graduates that we would like to produce.
First, worship is grounded in God's action in Jesus Christ which, although it occurred in the distant past, is now recurring through the Holy Spirit in the present.
LETS start the healing Be Afraid Not We hAve the HOLY SPIRIT in FULL Blow
«This requires us to be responsible in submitting to and watching for the continuing leading of the Holy Spirit in how God is developing faith in the community rather than perceive that our own faithfulness - in - action is directing change.»
Getting my ordination from a Pentecostal denomination, you would think I was a pro concerning the Holy Spirit, since Pentecostals notoriously focus on the Holy Spirit in lieu of Chrisy himself.
The sin of the church, according to Annie Dillard, is the absence of expectancy in its life and witness, the failure to take adequate account of what the living God is contemporaneously doing in the world to bring his reign to visibility in, with, and under the affairs of the earth; the practical denial of the trustworthiness of the Father, the efficacy of the Son, and the agency of the Holy Spirit in personal and public life.
I never dared inquire what he actually made of the Holy Spirit in the course of my long treatment of it before the correction was made.
Anyway, there are numerous others insights into the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in Radmacher's book, and it is now available on Amazon as a paperback and eBook.
The man who spent his early life as a worker behind the Iron Curtain became the instrument of the Holy Spirit in teaching the world about the true dignity of man, of human labour, and about the unfathomable power of Divine Mercy to transform evil into good, despair into hope, and oppression into freedom.
I have the witness of the Holy Spirit in my life and in the same way I can not judge anyone's standing in the Lord, no one except the Lord can judge my standing in Him.
To the gift of Christ, God has added the gift of His Holy Spirit in the Church.
But are we not to have teachings about and indeed from the Holy Spirit in God's word?
In Christian mission we are invited to participate in the liberating movement of the Holy Spirit in the world.
I say this because those truly open to the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the operation of spiritual gifts are now in the majority among evangelicals in the UK.
1 john 3:9 Its the holy spirit in us who is the one that can not sin we are still of the flesh so we do sin.
Having said that, when I feel deep «pre-verbal» pain I still grapple with it at first and it takes me a while to yield to it and to the work of the Holy Spirit in me — I'm a very «reluctant heroine» at times!
I see myself as equal to it as I have the same Holy Spirit in me as that which inspired it.
But, it is the Holy Spirit in us, walking by the spirit, rather than the flesh, as the flesh was shucked off.
The trinity is simply not taught in the bible and is only taught by Christian groups that accepted some very bad interpretations of a handful of scriptures that just happen to mention the father, the son and the holy spirit in the same sentence.
It is possible for people who have been enlightened about salvation, who have fully experienced salvation, who have come to participate with the Holy Spirit in a deep and vital way, who have fully experienced the Word of God and the powers of the age to come, it is very possible for them to fall away.
Instead, Acts 16:14 is a verse which shows the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of other people.
What do we mean by the Holy Spirit in this scientific age?
Most don't have this ability to understand the spirit that is inside of them much less the work and voice of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
He places His Holy Spirit in you sealing you unto the day of redemption.
It is the already present reality of the Father's glory which Christ shares with us and confers upon us by the indwelling of Holy Spirit in the sacramental life.
«I went 1,000 miles to find out I had the Holy Spirit in my backyard.»
So cursing the Holy Spirit is not what Jesus had in mind when He spoke about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in Matthew 12:31.
the Holy Spirit in manifestation to me so that I might Know for sure that I belong to Jesus as the scripturs require... we muct belong to Jesus and the only way to truely confirme that is by the Lord Himserlf doing so... without that we might be doing all kinds of things tryin g to win his approval... I already have his approval... that's when you recive the Holy Spirit... the Holy Spirit is Christs approval his seal of redemption..
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