Sentences with phrase «how about abortion»

How about abortion laws, and bans on gay marriage?

Not exact matches

So, in theory at least, serving anti-abortion ads to women of child - bearing age who have been reading about abortion online and who come near an abortion clinic is a spot - on example of how marketing should work when it's well tuned.
How many of those pro-Obama opponents of late - term abortion heard about President Obama's appalling vote to oppose extending legal protections to infants who survived attempted abortions?
With more than a hint of exasperation, Scalia concludes: «One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions; and will find in our society's tradition regarding abortion no hint that the distinctions are constitutionally relevant, much less any indication how a constitutional argument about them ought to be resolved.
They talk about an attack on religious teachings while speaking at an NRA event about how abortion is murdering unborn children while at the same time wanting to go to war and bomb thousands of innocent men, women, children, as well as innocent pregnant women with unborn babies.
From Nicole Brodeur's column, «Swedish Abortion Decision: How About Respect for Patients?»
In the midst of giving generally good advice to conservative pro-lifers about how to play to their political strength — by emphasizing the issue of late - term abortion, where a consensus of public opinion is on their side — Krauthammer offered this:
Hey Rob, how about by restricting abortions for women, that's affecting me.
If we really think about this statement we will understand just how absurd and immoral abortion is.
i think its funny how catholics standup beat chest about how great and holy they are by helping the poor, stopping abortion while OPENLY denying thousand of peoples cry about pedaphile priests....
My question to your mother would be, how come you are against abortion but don't care about the well being of an unwanted child.
What do you think this blog is about, abortion or something??? Let's get back to the pressing topic at hand, namely, how stupid, willfully ignorant, and hateful everyone who believes differently than you is!
But as long as I know how important maternal health is to Haiti's future, and as long as I know that women are being abused and raped, as long as I know that girls are being denied life itself through selective abortion, abandonment, and abuse, as long as brave little girls in Afghanistan are being attacked with acid for the crime of going to school, and until being a Christian is synonymous with doing something about these things, you can also call me a feminist.
I would like to hear from both Perry and Bachmann about how they read this passage, and how it can simultaneously justify opposition to abortion rights and support for the death penalty.
When I first read about the bill proposed in Texas that would require fetal remains to be buried or cremated after miscarriages or abortions, my first thoughts were, «How does this help people?
How can a «Good Christian» gun down a doctor at an abortion clinic because the doctor went against their ideals and that's a grey fuzzy area but when a follower of Islam kills someone when outraged about their own beliefs, it's pure evil?
How about Christians who bomb abortion clinics?
I guess I feel the same way about a liberal agenda that say that to get out of debt we have to spend more, or that my tax dollars have to pay for something I think is morally wrong (Obamacare sets up a fund to pay for late term abortions) or a government that confiscates kids lunches, or tells me how much soda I can drink, or uses my tax money to choose winners and losers (mostly losers but Obma doners) in energy production that produces no energy yet we are sitting on more coal and oil than any other nation on the planet.
The publicity about, and consequent opposition to, partial - birth abortion rendered a great service in educating the public on how extreme is the abortion license created by Roe v. Wade.
We also can not verify how «god» feels about abortion, gay rights, euthanasia, immigrants, war, or any other BS.
Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life 16 % Woman can't afford baby now 21 % Woman has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 12 % Woman is unready for responsibility 21 % Woman doesn't want others to know she has had se x or is pregnant 1 % Woman is not mature enough, or is too young to have a child 11 % Woman has all the children she wanted, or has all grown - up children 8 % Husband or partner wants woman to have an abortion 1 % Fetus has possible health problem 3 % Woman has health problem 3 % Woman's parents want her to have abortion < 1 % Woman was victim of ra pe or inc est 1 %
However, it is still disheartening to see a conservative commentator spout tired liberal talking points about how generous social programs are an effective strategy for reducing the abortion rate.
For instance, we can ask: How did the social / philosophical / religious environment in which a person was raised affect the way in which that individual thinks about tyranny in general, and the problem of abortion in particular?
Except that there are a ton of hospitals that would be happy to hire someone who hadn't learned about birth control or how to perform an abortion.
Go spew this down south near an abortion clinic and let us know how that goes, or where an islamic center is about to be built.
It condemns sex - selective abortion and female infanticide, although one wonders exactly why, and exactly how it intends member states to go about addressing what it calls the «root causes of son preference» in benighted native cultures that don't understand all about human rights the way that most EU countries do.
Agents of the state can teach your children how to have sex, give them condoms, put them on the pill, give them the morning - after pill if it doesn't work, and take them off for an abortion if that fails - and all without you having any say in the matter or necessarily even knowing about it.
I have no idea how the author of Fables feels about abortion, and that's a good thing.
On Tuesday night, for instance, he said he noticed «how much the crowd goes crazy and how passionate they are about abortion and gay marriage and the social issues.»
How would the President encourage pro-life pastors to think about the President's views on abortion?
Offensive??? How about billboards and signs with abortion pictures!
I hope this puts to end any discussions about how bad abortions are.
Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith From Politics by Alisa Harris — If, like me, you knew what abortion was before you knew where babies came from, you'll love this funny and insightful book about finding faith outside of politics.
Having established that the Holocaust was an unspeakable crime against humanity, the questioner then invites those being interviewed to make a provocative connection: «How do you feel about abortion
If we just educated EVERY single American about how Plan B contraception works (not an abortion pill), we would prevent countless abortions.
Those who are involved in small groups often claim that these groups have influenced how they think on political and economic issues — for example, raising their interest in questions of peace and social justice or, in the case of conservative religious groups, generating ire about abortion and gay rights.
The legal issues and factual background of Stenberg forced each Justice to confront the raw facts of precisely how abortion brings about the destruction of the human fetus.
How I feel about abortion, and why I plan to vote a certain way about it, can not exactly be summed up in one or two sentences.
The sufferings endured through not relating to the internal Kingdom of Our Lord are of great concern - marriage breakdown, living together before marriage, domestic violence, utter confusion over sexual matters, abortion, to name a few of the problems - when we have little idea about how to grow in love through the necessary inner emotional conversion.
It seems to me that if the Republican Party was serious about appointing judges to overturn Roe v. Wade and passing laws that would make abortion illegal, they would provide voters with some specifics about how this would work out practically.
In it, Bush - one of the most openly religious presidents in recent history - speaks freely about such faith - related issues as how his mother's miscarriage shaped his opposition to abortion and how the Rev. Billy Graham helped him to quit drinking and led him to Jesus.
This Pope is ranting about how the Church will die if it does not tolerate gays, lesbians, abortion... Well, I just want to correct him: The «Real Church of Jesus Christ» will continue to survive and thrive until the trumpet sounds and it is pulled out of this crazy world, while the «artificial Church» that the Pope is leading will implode and die - just as the Pope himself has predicted.
Although both sides appeal to facts, it is hard to deny Luker's fair - minded assertion that «the abortion debate is not about facts, but how to weigh, measure, and assess facts.»
Ok how about we forget the consensus, and see if the baby grows, and lives without an abortion.
In its final weeks, this dying government is forcing Catholic schools to provide information on how girls can kill the babies in their womb; it is boasting about how St Thomas More School in Bedford is already providing «non-judgmental» information about abortions.
Justin how do you feel about abortion?
Debates about this will easily generate much more heat than light unless the energy of both sides is focused on the right question, which is: «Given that 200,000 abortions a year is far too many, how can a deliverable change in the law most effectively reduce that number?»
No more 10 commandments, constantly Taking God out of the US, making abortion ok, making us pay for teens having babies, the bailing out the fat cats on w street, doing nothing for the people, How about the violent video games, or taking the parents out of as head of the families.
Imagine a one minute ad that interspersed ultrasounds of a second trimester fetus with audio from Planned Parenthood officials about how they «crush» around the valuable organs that they sell, and then pictures of extremist politicians who support late - term abortion.
Of course, asking men to share in the costs means that they will have more say about how a pregnancy should be handled, perhaps leading some to pressure a woman to have — or not have — an abortion.
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