Sentences with phrase «how environmentalists»

His other books are titled Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them (Regnery Publishing, 2009) and Science - Based Risk Assessment: A Piece of the Superfund Puzzle which was published by the National Environmental Policy Institute in 1995.
Lomborg starts off his treatment of the hurricane - climate issue by showing how some environmentalists have over-hyped the science, either by directly linking climate change to individual events like Hurricane Katrina or by ascribing too much certainty to conclusions that are still the subject of considerable expert debate.
«Too much ice is really bad for polar bears,» climate skeptic Willie Soon said in a 2008 speech titled, «Endangering the Polar Bear: How Environmentalists Kill.»
23e The Science of Mercury Behind the Headlines: Fiction, Misunderstanding, & Reality 24c Hurricanes, Global Warming, and the Sun 25c Global Warming 101: Al Gore's Carbon Dioxide Theory 26l Endangering the Polar Bear: How Environmentalists Kill.
He wrote an interesting novel, State of Fear, that used global warming to illustrate how environmentalists misuse science for a political agenda.
And this is one more example of how Environmentalists regard the «ethics» of climate change as trumping fundamentals of democratic society.
Having read one of the most influential and eye - opening books of my life, «Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing your Children's Future ``, it was refreshing to stumble across the featured article in this post, penned by the same author James Delingpole, out of the Daily Telegraph.
Taking a page from the rabid teabagging right, Steven Milloy launched into an angry tirade during a speech he gave on Monday to promote his book, Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Ruin Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them, at the Heritage Foundation.
or how environmentalists are worshiping the false God of «Mother Earth».
Doctor Carlin may ask a good question to wonder how environmentalists could get the science of climate so consistently wrong?
Titles include The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled The World's Top Climate Scientists by Roy Spencer; The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is The Obsession With «Climate Change» Turning Out To Be The Most Costly Scientific Blunder In History by Christopher Booker and Killing The Earth To Save It: How Environmentalists Are Ruining The Planet, Destroying The Economy And Stealing Your Jobs by James Delingpole.
Readers curious about Al Gore's false statement that a scientific survey had found polar bears drowning because they could not find ice should see my talk on how environmentalists are the real threat to polar bears.
Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children's Future by James Delingpole
Delingpole is a British climate writer and author of the 2012 book «Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children's Future.»
How environmentalists and women's groups went off the rails.
He is the author of numerous fantastically entertaining books, including his most recent work Watermelons: How the Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children's Future, also available in the US, and in Australia as Killing the Earth to Save It.»

Not exact matches

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton struggled with how to secure the endorsement of labor unions while announcing her opposition to the Keystone XL oil pipeline, a project they supported but environmentalists opposed, according to leaked emails published by Wikileaks on Friday.
Over the last two weeks, the world's politicians, businessmen, scientists and environmentalists have gathered in Paris to discuss one thing: how to save the world from the catastrophic effects of climate change.
Environmentalists and health workers in favor of the CPP will emphasize how the plan would lead to billions of dollars in savings on hospital bills because it also would slash emissions from coal plants.
Taseko's revised application to build the Prosperity Mine without killing Fish Lake proves that First Nations, environmentalists, and concerned British Columbians were right to oppose the original project, and demonstrates how out of touch the B.C. Liberals are on environmental...
In this episode of the One Verse Podcast, we see that as followers of Jesus, we should not be condemning the environmentalists, but should actually be leading the way in showing this world how to take care of this earth.
We do well to see the relevance of the denial of an atomized self for an environmentalist like Callicott and then see how Buddhism supports and enriches his claim.
To raise questions about the control of reproduction is to threaten the longstanding concerns of feminists and environmentalists who worry, in the first case, about who should control procreation and, in the second, about how much procreation creation can sustain.
He shows how the fear of dire ecological disaster has repeatedly allowed the unscientific claims made by environmentalists and the consequences of the reforms they propose to escape unchallenged.
From Rachel: How can we environmentalist help challenge and change the notion that environmentalism is about politics?
If it's the former, can you explain to us how being a Christian led you to also being an environmentalist?
June 1: Participate in Environmentalists Respond to the Trump Administration and Congress, a discussion of how current events in Washington impact climate change and energy (Vineyard Haven)
With the potential for the Hudson River to become a major oil transportation corridor, there's concern from environmentalists as to how complicated cleaning up a spill on the river would be.
How, for instance, could Parete dump environmentalists Tracey Bartels and Manna Jo Greene from the Environmental Committee?
She described how in Mexico (where she served as embassy public affairs officer) environmentalists created what she called «an opening in civil society» that expanded when a devastating earthquake hit their country in 1985.
Utility companies, environmentalists and state leaders disagree on how to phase in EPA's requirement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Environmentalists say the vague language of the EPA's current regulations leaves room for developers and governments to interpret how to reduce stormwater to the «maximum extent practicable.»
Scientists, industry officials, and environmentalists are giving mixed reception to a new plan to revamp how the Canadian government assesses the environmental impacts of development projects.
Environmentalists see the latest agreement as a textbook example of how Third World countries are being forced by debt to liquidate their natural resources.
Manual 2000 is a how - to book for forward - thinking environmentalists.
It was then that she saw how the issues concerning scientists, economists and environmentalists weren't being communicated effectively to «regular people.»
«As a taxpayer, and an environmentalist who has focused on community revitalization for 25 years, this is how I want to see my tax dollars utilized,» she said.
And it's funny how there is a sense in which environmentalists, people who're these great believers in markets at some level, you know, at least in the information, because markets basically are just [an] information system, right.
Meanwhile, though, companies, environmentalists and consumers find themselves struggling with a new question: How do you measure the carbon footprint of a «cloud»?
EPA career staffers, former agency employees and environmentalists view the changes as a troubling sign of how the new administration plans to deal with climate change policies and the agency's workforce.
And then to show how mild and reasonable Lovelock is, throw in a bunch of environmentalists who follow the precautionary principle (the people who've been totally excluded from the CC deabte).
The Carbon Tracker Initiative — led by James Leaton, an environmentalist who served as an adviser at the accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers — combed through proprietary databases to figure out how much oil, gas and coal the world's major energy companies hold in reserve.
Yep, she's both a radical environmentalist and feminist, and she shows vividly how destructive agriculture is to the planet, and how beneficial free - ranging animals are to the environment.
Immediately it brought me back to childhood and a novel I read about the endangered Fender's blue butterfly in the Douglas fir forests of southern Oregon, a story about the clash between environmentalists and the logging industry over endangered species and their habitat, (a fictional story so I'm not sure how entirely accurate).
So any environmentalists or vegans out there please welcome us with open arms as we are just doing our best with what works for us and not trying to tell anyone what / how they should live their life!
When asked how this squared with the environmentalist message of the Vivienne Westwood label, he suggested that people should only buy the things they really want, waiting a day between the initial impulse and the actual purchase (This made sense as it isn't vanity per se that is the root of fashion's environmental problem, but overconsumption.)
Keeping with the environmentalist themes, «It's Easy Being Green» (4:38) features cast members reading fun facts about how to be good to Mother Earth and be healthy.
Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning and Peter Sarsgaard as idealistic environmentalists in the Pactific Northwest, Reichardt and co-writer Jonathan Raymond set out to see just how much tension can be squeezed out of the most mundane of people and situations.
The event assembled community planners, civic leaders, environmentalists, architects, museum curators, and educators, who covered topics such as the purpose and importance of design and how it permeates the way we think and live.
Just as a family plants a tree in the backyard of their Brooklyn neighborhood, another family in Kenya plants a tree, a reflection of the country's Green Belt Movement, created by environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai.In simple yet poetic and inspirational text, Diane Muldrow shares stories describing how trees, whether in Central Park or Paris, New England or...
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