Sentences with phrase «how much oxygen»

Wareable speculates the heart rate sensor may use a unique pulse oximeter to measure how much oxygen is in the user's blood, as well as a red sensor to provide a more accurate heart rate.
(As I understand it, energy is either consumed or released in these reactions depending on how much oxygen is available in the local environment.)
If that wasn't enough players must be aware of how much oxygen they have when in the dust (which is 90 % of the world).
She does a great job of reminding you about the small stuff like the landing gear not being deployed, to the more serious matter of how much oxygen is left when the hull is breached.
I'd be content hoovering up junk, converting junk to loot, stressing over how much oxygen I have left, cooking wolf soup, and populating my base with placeholder characters.
How much oxygen depends on how active you are.
This mist is extremely hazardous and you will need to pay careful attention to how much oxygen you have left in your air tank while within it.
In a ridiculously effective touch, his diving suit actually has a counter showing how much oxygen he has left!
How much oxygen your blood can absorb is measured on a pH scale that ranges from 0 to 14.
Luckily, you have three exercise energy systems that can be selectively recruited, depending on how much oxygen is available, as part of the cellular respiration process to generate the ATP energy for your muscles.
The study also found that during the workout portion of the trampoline routine (not including the warm - up and cool - down), participants averaged 79 percent of their maximum heart rate and 59 percent of their VO2 max, a measure of how much oxygen the body can utilize during exercise.
What it is good for is improving cardiovascular endurance, or how much oxygen is diffused across your muscles and how much energy it takes to achieve this — i.e. your VO2 - max or the highest heart rate you can maintain.
The masks are used to calculate how much oxygen athletes can gulp and how efficiently they can utilize the oxygen under exertion.
«If we can measure how much oxygen is in a galaxy, it will tell us about all these processes,» said Shapley, who, along with Sanders, is interested in learning how galaxies form and evolve, why galaxies have different structures, and how galaxies exchange material with their intergalactic environments.
Shapley said that prior to Sanders» discovery, researchers didn't know if they could measure how much oxygen there was in these distant galaxies.
The amount of oxygen in a galaxy is determined primarily by three factors: how much oxygen comes from large stars that end their lives violently in supernova explosions — a ubiquitous phenomenon in the early Universe, when the rate of stellar births was dramatically higher than the rate in the Universe today; how much of that oxygen gets ejected from the galaxy by so - called «super winds,» which propel oxygen and other interstellar gases out of galaxies at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour; and how much pristine gas enters the galaxy from the intergalactic medium, which doesn't contain much oxygen.
The researchers can pinpoint activity by observing how much oxygen various brain regions are using.
By calculating the number of these elements relative to oxygen, the researchers were able to predict how much oxygen should be in the atmosphere of the white dwarf — but they found significantly more oxygen than if there were only rocks.
An accurate reading of how much oxygen is present would help doctors calculate how much radiation might be necessary.
Measuring this shift in the MRI signal reveals how much oxygen is present.
The researchers knew how much oxygen should have diffused down into each section of sediment from the seawater, so any «missing» oxygen meant microbes had consumed it.
Heglund and colleagues tested the Nepalese porters by weighing their packs and measuring how much oxygen they used up and how much carbon dioxide they blew out, numbers directly related to how many calories they burn.
Dr Lucy Hawkes, of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter's Penryn Campus, said: «It all seems to come down to how much oxygen bar - headed geese can supply to their heart muscles.
Kim's team then measured a variety of differences between the two groups: how much oxygen they consumed, how quickly they detected prey, and how often they «sniffed» surrounding waters by flicking their antennae.
By comparing the amount of carbon 13 in the inorganic particles with the absence of carbon 13 in the organic matter, scientists can estimate how much oxygen was present in the atmosphere at that time.
Knowing how much oxygen they use, for example, would indicate how much energy jellies require, how much prey they need to consume, and thus how big a player they are in the underwater food web.
Deutsch's latest research is untangling how much oxygen loss is linked to climate change and how much is due to normal variation in oxygen levels.
The metals» solubility depends strongly on the amount of oxygen present, so the amount and type of those metals in ancient sedimentary rocks reflect how much oxygen was in the water long ago, when the sediments formed.
«How brightly our phosphorescent molecules emit light depends on how much oxygen is present,» said Li.
Can one simply sample the cord blood at intervals in order to see how much oxygen is getting through?
It's hard to put those things to the side, considering how much oxygen they have occupied in Beckman's three seasons, but let's do so for just a moment.

Not exact matches

Everybody works for Ronaldo and the guy sucks up all the oxygen in the room so much so that you never realize how much contribution the other players are making.
Sometimes that debate gets a little spiky but if it ever developed into abuse I'd make sure we never crossed paths again (or at least I'd try to — Twitter has a habit of making even the blocked appear on one's timeline — no matter how much I try to exclude anything written by Barton or Morgan, the two wastes of oxygen still invade).
For a moment I thought about asking Chris to describe where we were on the road, and how much longer it would take to get there, but instead decided to focus on deep breathing, and getting as much oxygen in me, to Silas, as possible.
I wonder about how much suffering through years of oxygen deprivation would have effected her?
The amount of light reflected back from each region is determined by how much blood and oxygen the brain is using in that area.
That leaves scientists still asking the question — how much is global warming limiting oxygen availability worldwide?
Mark, who focuses on the Andes region, developed a method of determining how much of a community's water supply is glacier - fed by analyzing the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in water samples.
From the obtained data, we can estimate the total uptake of oxygen by the reef community, which expresses how much carbon is turned over within a defined area of the reef.
Because black holes can not be observed directly, Schulze's team instead measured emissions from oxygen ions [O III] around the black hole and accretion disk to determine the radiative efficiency; i.e. how much energy matter releases as it falls into the black hole.
Such oxygen measurements allowed the researchers to estimate how much food these organisms were consuming.
They next measured overall energy expenditure by giving volunteers water laced with hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and measuring how much was excreted in urine.
You Talk During The Entire Workout: If you have enough breath in your body to carry on a conversation about any other topic other than how much weight you should be lifting then you are using up unnecessary oxygen.
In my own experience, many people could also benefit from some simple exercises to improve activation of the diaphragm, because when performing at a high intensity, the ability to supply oxygen and remove waste product via respiration will affect your performance no matter how much strength work you have done previously.
The researchers monitored the volunteers» heart rate, blood flow, blood pressure, amount of oxygen their bodies used, and how much fat was broken down to release energy (fat oxidation) for 90 minutes after each drink was consumed.
But when things go wrong, and you have no idea why or how to fix it, all the fun leaks out of the game like so much oxygen from a punctured dome.
> that makes the» next molecule» colder by many degrees, than are the other surface molecules - > its temp becomes closer to 4C (SHRINKS) and becomes much heavier than the other surface molecules that the molecule next to them didn't evaporate - > because becoming heavier - > sinks deep down ==== because was on the surface, had oxygen attached to it — that's how the Springer's «cool skin layer» is actually SINKING and delivering oxygen deep down to the critters that need it.
Further reading Aquatic «Dead Zones» Contributing to Climate Change How much do oceans add to world's oxygen?
They analyzed that oxygen levels in the oceans have been diminishing, though they are not sure how much global warming has contributed to it.
I never thought that I will be defending Mann — but I have to; so hopefully you can see how ignorant the Fake Skeptics are: LIA was colder in Europe, North America — at that same time — S / H had much» HOTTER» days = LAWS OF PHYSICS say so; Your pagan believes are giving oxygen to Mann.
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