Sentences with phrase «how was he a pedophile»

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The Internet transformed how we live our lives, but also made it easier for pedophiles to convene and illicit drugs to be delivered.
How are the police pedophiles?
It seems that the «anyone can be cured» psychological community should be taking some heat — How many psychologists pronounced pedophiles, priests, rabbis, ministers, teachers, Catholics and not (MOSTLY NOT) «cured,» only to have the behaviors recur?
see I'm right down the middle, see how many directions I go lol... And for all you that think only priest to blame,,, hate to break it to yeah but even your family ancestry has pedophiles in it,,, as no one escapes this horror, and denying it helps enable it!
It's amazing how these die hard Catholics gloss over the fact that their pedophile infested cult protects these child r@pists, shuffling them onto new unsuspecting victims.
I do believe William is right, however, as I've heard the stories on how pedophiles get murdered by other inmates.
Routinely fundamentalist Christians compare people in same - sex relationships to pedophiles and demand an explanation for how their most important relationships are any different than people having sex with dogs.
How could anyone be so dumb as to think islam is true and mohammad was anything but a murderous pedophile?
what matters is how many child raping pedophile priests he protected from the police, and i'm sure it's more than one.
How can anyone take their children to a Catholic church when you don't know who is a pedophile or who isn't.
How is a pope living in Rome managing the theological affairs of billion people supposed to know about a pedophile priest who has managed to fool those living closest to them for decades?
Catholics are horrified at Dolan's elevation to Cardinal when he helped hide pedophile priests, so inviting him shows how out of touch the GOP truly is.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard a well - intentioned Christian say something about how children in gay families suffer (this is not true) or how all gay people are pedophiles (also not true).
The thought went through my mind one day: «How do I know I am not a pedophile
I wonder though if they might be asking whether he has the appropriate judgement to be in a leadership position seeing as how he allowed a pedophile to be ordained.
The fact that you honestly just compared «atheists» to «pedophiles and serial killers» just goes to show everyone reading how truly, truly deluded you are.
It would be great if everyone would live as the Bible suggests, but then how could it be expected when every other teacher, pastor, and priest is either gay or a pedophile and their leader the pope would rather shuffle them around rather than remove them from «service» to God.
How many times must it be pointed out that there is a significant difference between two consenting adults and a pedophile preying on a child?
Ah, let's see now... religious law vs. secular law... how many pedophile priests were protected over the last 3 decades by «religious law»... the Catholic Church transfering them here and there... a whole bunch...
Pedophile priests and bishops of the Catholic church, telling their sheep how to behave in a moral way is laughable.
How about this one, since you KNOW what a pedophile is, and you KNOW what a practicing homosexual is (though you can't seem to find the words), and you KNOW that both are sinful, then you must also KNOW that since pedophilia is against the law, then the practice of homosexuality should also be against the law.
How are you turning an article about nuns into something about pedophiles?
Ask militia - owner, polygamist, pedophile muderous thug david Koresh or mass - murderer Jim Jones how religious they were, and they would say 11 out of 10.
LOL — the church is grasping at straws to keep young people in the church — I wonder how many times the pedophile priests have to post their confessions and how many «Hail Mary's» they have to say — most «Catholics» I know got baptized by their parents and had to go through confirmation classes and get confirmed and then never set foot in church until someone dies or gets married...
That would be a red flag to anyone with a sense of sanity) 5) Being a convicted con — it makes sane sense that this convicted con - artist also had a thing for young girls and multiple wives (how convienient if one is in a monthly cycle, chances are he could get the boo - ty from another — and keeping them below legal age is an added treat for a pedophile - oriented putz) 6) I'm still stuck on the multiple boo - ty thing... was a great thing in my younger days but I grew into self - reponsibility to my mate and offspring 7) I'm still stuck on the Black thing in Mormonisim — banned until recent time.
The catholisc and their chief pedophile poop must believe it is some how ok with their god for grown men (in dresses for cryin» out loud) to bugger their little boys as they keep offering up their own children.
These extended courtships, which are calculated to break down the child's inhibitions, might take weeks or even months, but the determined pedophile coach knows exactly what he's doing and how to take advantage of his position of authority and trust.
Criticizing Obama for wanting to protect children from pedophiles just goes to show you how morally bankrupt they actually are.
Anyways the problem i have become convinced is the true enemy, is how many women can not get happy with their appearance, not even to the point of when i am very adamant about how much i love their breasts (i happen to prefer breasts that are saggy, because to me, those are real breasts, perky just makes me feel like a pedophile), and i use that as an example, it could just as easily be their bottom or legs or whatever.
Run - ins with a pedophile trucker (which builds to an inevitable cameo appearance, natch), an encounter with suicidal river - rafting tour guide (Charlie Day), and sing - a-longs to Seal's «Kiss From A Rose» (utilized perfectly to mark how the family is bonding — or rather not) follow.
What's this secret underground network of potentates and pedophiles, and how does it operate?
This would be a minefield even if its creator weren't dealing with rumors regarding his own alleged bad behavior; as it is, the movie's questioning of whether great art excuses artists with personal failings and how privilege plays into it («I guess only poor people are pedophiles,» says one character) comes with C.K.'s usual sharp wit, anything - goes experimentation (that black - and - white cinematography, those old - school Hollywood credits) and a refusal to offer up easy answers.
I am sharing my story with you not for your pity, money or publicity, but to raise awareness of pedophiles, sexual assault and how «Ring» helped me and my family find some piece of comfort knowing that we are going to be okay and if the pedophile violated his restraining order, we would have evidence with the «Ring».
How she divorced her children's father (now my husband) because he was a pedophile (he's not).
«I was blown away by how useful EMDR is in meeting the needs of clients with various trauma histories, as well as its ability to treat pedophiles and other typically resistant maladapted behaviors.»
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