Sentences with phrase «human brains respond»

MRI studies have shown that the human brain responds favorably to a person who's smiling, and this leaves a lasting positive impression.
«Louis's works explore the boundary between representation and abstraction, posing questions about how the human brain responds to images that are, at once, familiar and disorienting.»

Not exact matches

«We also found a neuron that responded very strongly to human faces,» says Ng, who led the project while at Google Brain.
For evolutionary reasons, the human brain is «optimized to identify and respond to bad experiences.»
As human beings we have two sides to our brains that respond respectively to the denotative (left side) and the evocative (right side)(Troeger).
This evidence is presented in depth in The Mommy Brain, which cites research showing that humans and other mammals respond more readily to their second baby than to their first.
«It seems the serotonin helps respond to the rhythmic movement of the worm in different ways, similar to how serotonin is thought to drive arousal in the human brain,» said Collins.
Evidence that animal pheromones don't always work in they way we thought, backed up by a growing number of brain - imaging studies in humans, is convincing some researchers that we really do make and respond to pheromones.
Unlike the human receptors, which respond to odour molecules, the snakes» thermal receptors respond directly to heat, triggering nerve impulses that their brain interprets as an image.
And just like a human brain, if a new task came along too quickly, it could not respond until its router reset.
Because zebrafish have a similar brain chemistry to humans, how they respond to certain drugs might indicate how the same drugs will affect people.
At the Liberty Science Center's Communication exhibit, visitors can explore the origins of human language, as well as how the brain responds to a range of words and sounds and how we bond using different modes of self - expression.
Dr. Akakhievitch had discovered 18,000 neurons in the human brain that respond uniquely to a person's mother.
«It shows that dogs and humans have similar brain mechanisms for processing the social meaning of sound,» Andics says, noting that other research has shown that dogs «respond to the way we say something rather than to what we say.»
Rather than being programmed, the neural network, like the human brain, responds to training: It can continually integrate new information and change its response accordingly.
Previous studies in humans and a variety of animals have shown that the OPFC is part of a network of brain regions that respond to food, sex, and other rewards.
With the Human Brain Project, researchers will use supercomputers to reproduce how brains form — basically, growing them in an virtual vat — then seeing how they respond to input signals from simulated senses and nervous system.
In the future, a nurse could determine whether a baby is likely to develop a reading disorder simply by attaching a few electrodes to its scalp and watching its brain waves respond to human speech.
It also showed how that region of a dog's brain responds more strongly to the scents of familiar humans than to the scents of other humans, or even to those of familiar dogs.
«It is a very bold theory,» says Arne Öhman, a psychologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who uses brain imaging and behavior studies to test how humans respond to visual threats.
One tantalizing possibility is that as these restless bits of DNA drift throughout the genomes of human brain cells, they help create the vibrant cognitive diversity that helps humans as a species respond to changing environmental conditions, and produces extraordinary «outliers,» including innovators and geniuses such as Picasso, says UC San Diego neuroscientist Alysson Muotri.
After analyzing the MRI imaging of the dogs» brain activity as the animals listened to each combination, the researchers found that the dogs — regardless of intonation — responded to the words of praise with heightened brain activity in the left hemisphere in a way similar to humans.
Their brains respond similarly to the human brain.
The group is studying how neurons respond to light by implanting fiber - optic threads the width of a human hair into the brains of lab mice.
These stimulate areas of the brain that would normally respond to the different sound frequencies of human speech.
meshwork is analogous to the process of frontal lobe development in the human brain; each additional cohort is a cascading wave of neurons growing through established layers, establishing new synapses, and responding to dynamic activity in an ongoing process of pruning and strengthening to create an incredibly complex processing unit — dare I call it an «Ed.L.D.
The task was designed to determine which brain circuits differentially respond to human hand signals denoting the presence or absence of a food reward.
Across films like «Human Factors» and «Soft Addiction», the collapse of «virtual» and «absolute» space causes internal and external languages to collide, as the body - and by extension our brains - respond to the small shifts in navigating the tools of daily life.
If you like to respond to emails with your brain like a normal human, keep reading.
HOW YOUR BRAIN RESPONDS TO TOUCH VS TECH (PART 2 0F 5) By Caralee Frederic, LCSW Certified Gottman Therapist Couples Workshop Presenter What happens when human connection is lost?
Well, according to About Money: «It's been said that as human beings, we have a lizard or reptilian brain that responds to certain primal urges.
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