Sentences with phrase «human language arose»

Human language arose around the same time as the chin.

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In this context, the question of the metaphysical reality of God, that is, of God's existence prior to, and apart from, human language can not even arise.
Four issues which will be significant in the subsequent analysis of models arise here in discussing these other linguistic forms: (1) the role of analogy, (2) the relation of religious symbolism to human experience, (3) the diverse functions of religious language (especially evident in the case of myth) and (4) the cognitive status of religious language.
For Vyvyan Evans, a cognitive linguist, studying emoji entails exploring everything from the nature of communication to the evolutionary origins of language to how meaning arises in the human mind.
According to Andreassen, the study's senior author, some think of schizophrenia as a «side effect» arising from advantageous variants in genes that are related to the development of human traits, such as cognitive and language skills, that may have increased risks for developing psychoses.
«Some linguists consider such examples of abstract symbolic reasoning as an indication of the ability to produce language, which seems to have arisen in humans only around 100,000 years ago,» Panne says.
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