Sentences with phrase «human spite»

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All I'm saying is that you can not talk about love without first talking about God... in spite of what we humans do with that word / concept, God is at the core of it.
It has been the trend of American churches for some time to venerate marriage as the holy grail of human experience — in spite of the obvious preference of New Testament teachers — including Jesus — for singleness (Matthew 19:10; 1 Corinthians 7).
But apart from all this, and in spite of the fact that «work» and the satisfaction of wants has usually engaged the greater part of the attention of mankind, there is another form of activity, peculiar to human beings, that does not suffer from the defects inherent in «work» and the satisfaction of wants: «play.»
God can work mightily when you persist in believing Him in spite of discouragement from the human standpoint... I am moved by what I believe.
I also believe that, in spite of Whitehead's reluctance to concede privileged status to human occasions of experience, the introduction of the wide range of conscious anticipation of the future which humanity represents in comparison to lesser types of existence also introduces justice as a characteristic of the specially human aim at harmonious beauty.
In spite of the vicissitudes of human history the developing sequence of events that constitute the history of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ is simply non-negotiable.
In spite of all the news we have shoved in our faces daily, this is a reminder that there IS good in human nature!
14:1 - 16:12) In spite of the recalcitrance of the Jews, especially their leaders, Jesus continues to minister to human need wherever he finds it, and the crowds respond to his mercy and kindness.
It's never been proven and therefore not a fact that humans are animals in spite of your group think.
I didn't find much mythology about the Musk - Goats as I googled today except humans have loved hunting them and eating them into oblivion forever in spite of their «formidable strength».
Thus, in spite of the centrality Western culture gives to «being intimate,» the Wynnes view intimacy as a supplementary, not an essential, process «for strengthening the bonding that has been crucial for the survival of the human species throughout the ages.»
The underlying theological dynamic here is the sovereign act of creation which brings human beings into being as God's children in spite of their anxiety, disobedience, and guilt.
In the twentieth century we have witnessed a resurgence of tenorism in spite of the new emphasis on human rights.
Human life touches on absoluteness in virtue of its dialogical character, for in spite of his uniqueness man can never find, when he plunges to the depth of his life, a being that is whole in itself and as such touches on the absolute....
When Pasteur, in spite of his paralysis, sought for the secret of disease, he was hunting a remedy for human ills.
If I can never adequately state the significance of my relationships with those whom I love in this world, or give a neat description of how I can overcome the alienation and estrangement of myself from another, or describe with any fullness what it means to be accepted by another and loved in spite of my deficiencies and my self - centeredness, I can never state in other than symbolic idiom the opening of further human possibilities with the overcoming of human deficiencies in my relationship with God — a relationship that has been broken by my willfulness and sin.
It may well be said that the [acceptance of man] in - spite - of [his sin] character of the Christian faith, by means of prophetic criticism and the «will to transform» based upon divine justice, functions as a militant element in the realm of human society and history, whereas the just - because - of [human sin and selfishness acceptance] nature of Buddhist realization,... functions as a stabilizing element running beneath all social and historical levels.
This book, therefore, in spite of its emphasis on women's needs, is a book about human liberation.
(This analogy is essential in spite of Brunner's emphasis on the different origins and character of our knowledge of God and of other human persons.
Both the ascetic saint and the detached sage, exalted in various hagiographies as the true beacons for humanity, may in the final analysis in themselves prove to be poor human models, because they are, in spite of their perfection, incomplete human beings, static and unchanging.
Kappen says «paradoxically, in spite of his avowed atheism, Marx's philosophical concern has much in common with the ultimate meaning of human existence.
Tragic natural disasters, the consequences of human preditory selfishness and injustice will be experienced by both believers and unbelievers; but whether those experiences make us bitter and cynical or empathetic and compassionate will depend a lot on whether the inevitable suffering that comes to all will depend a lot on whether we believe our flawed existence to be essentially good, though disordered or essentially evil in spite of its few «good» moments.
What is remarkable is the human capacity — in spite of this intensive societal indoctrination — to perceive where justice demands change, to discover that one's society or one's peers are morally wanting.
I said that Christians do not love all living creatures for Christ's sake; but if they think he died for all human beings, and wanted all human beings to share God's life through him, then we must either want to advance his purpose or want to frustrate it; we must either love our fellow men for his sake or hate them to spite him.
By examining Marx's critique of religion optimistically and without prejudice we found that Marxists and Christians can agree, in spite of several disagreements, that both are ultimately concerned for true humanity, especially for the rights of the poor and needy, the hungry and hopeless; both could agree that they strive to be «true to the earth».1 We observed that Marx's atheism is primarily an anthropological affirmation; it is another way of putting human being in the centre of human interest and concern.
That is, a human being is not, in spite of the Leibnizian view, the same as his career.
In spite of that, human rights organizations argue that European governments are being too restrictive on people who are just searching for a better life, or worse, fleeing war and other danger.
But if, on the other hand, our theory should allow that a book may well be a revelation in spite of errors and passions and deliberate human composition, if only it be a true record of the inner experiences of great - souled persons wrestling with the crises of their fate, then the verdict would be much more favorable.
In that beautiful film, the computers are so sophisticated that they, in fact, dominate human beings, even to the point of experiencing basic human emotions like spite, jealousy, and, unfortunately, revenge.
It is even possible to assert that human life can know a genuine recovery of innocence in spite of evil.
Indeed, it still reigns, in spite of all human efforts to conquer it, except by Jesus, the Christ.
In spite of the profound ways in which we are shaped by our environments, which, as we have seen includes the entire past, nevertheless, the human self is not totally determined.
In spite of this reciprocal influence, however, it is clear that Whitehead's fundamental categories are generalizations from human experience (PR 172).
The human sciences, in spite of some notable exceptions, are still under the spell of this dualistic - materialist way of thinking.
There are many discrepancies between words and acts in Christianity (look at some of the fundamentalist Republicans for example) just as there are in other religions because in spite of having the Creator within us, we are all still human.
It means, furthermore, that in spite of our weakness and unwisdom, God can use in the making of peace any gift that is brought in love for the service of human need.
Because God in Jesus Christ became human and is linked with us in spite of our godlessness, human well - being and dignity will be a criterion of all things.
On no other foundation can Christian marriage achieve true fulfillment; on this foundation in spite of much human shortcoming the grace of God can find a way.
The new church, in spite of whatever human goodness it may foster, can be henceforth counted on as a staunch ally in every attempt to stifle the spontaneous religious spirit, and to stop all later bubblings of the fountain from which in purer days it drew its own supply of inspiration.
Faith = the ability to believe in something in spite of the fact that science can PROVE what you believe in is impossible (it is absolutely impossible for a human being to die, be dead for 3 days and rise from the dead, still haven't been able to get someone to walk on water, and if I could turn water into wine, I'd work from home).
In spite of his fascination with theory, Jung observed: «It is a remarkable thing about psychotherapy: you... can cure only from one central point; that consists in understanding the patient as a psychological whole and approaching him as a human being, leaving aside all theory and listening attentively to whatever he has to say.»
In spite of the common understanding that process theists limit God to persuasive action and evangelicals affirm that God acts coercively both sides agree that God ordinarily works in human experience through mutual interaction, or persuasion (Hasker, «Response» 41).
But should events continue in their normal course, with the ups and downs of human history and a forward movement that prevails in spite of temporary regressions, the future is open.
This was its linking belief in God with belief in posthumous careers for human persons, in spite of the fact that, in the Book of Job for instance, although the divine existence is there taken for granted, there is not a whisper about Heaven or Hell, or about posthumous rewards or punishments, or any other prolongations of a person's experiencing after death.
In spite of their extensive firsthand knowledge of the destructiveness in men, many contemporary depth psychologists (in contrast to Freud) hold a kind of cautious optimism regarding human potentialities.
Therefore, in spite of the selfish impulses in human nature, a certain optimism is in order regarding the human situation.
In spite of the fact that Socrates studied with all diligence to acquire a knowledge of human nature and to understand himself, and in spite of the fame accorded him through the centuries as one who beyond all other men had an insight into the human heart, he has himself admitted that the reason for his shrinking from reflection upon the nature of such beings as Pegasus and the Gorgons was that he, the life - long student of human nature, had not yet been able to make up his mind whether he was a stranger monster than Typhon, or a creature of a gentler and simpler sort, partaking of something divine (Phaedrus, 229 E).
If you can't conduct friendly team rivalry without bitter personal hatred and spite - when TRUE hatred should be reserved only for terrorists, racists, bigots and low life oiks (from wherever they come and who ever they support, even if it is Arsenal,) then you are not a fully civilised human being, in my opinion.
In spite of it being nap time, on our flight home from Cuba my arms got quite the workout as I acted as a human jolly jumper for pretty much the entire duration.
Yet in spite of all our wishing and wanting and hoping for time to freeze them in that perfectly small shape, they grow into these tiny little humans — ones who sometimes — blissfully — still gift us fleeting reminders of the babies they once were: Like when their eyes catch the light a certain way, and we remember the first time they opened them.
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