Sentences with phrase «hummingbird update»

For the most recent, as of the date of this writing, look for information on the Hummingbird update.)
With the Hummingbird update, search results came up that were deemed the most relevant based on the untyped intent of the user.
Google's Hummingbird update changed the game when it came out in 2013.
Ever since Google's Hummingbird update, social signals are having a greater impact on search results than ever before.
Through its Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird updates, Google's making it even harder for site owners and bloggers to get quality incoming links.
As a result of updates in Google's algorithm such as Google panda, penguin, and hummingbird updates, the algorithm is much more advanced now and you may have to do a lot more to please this advanced algorithm.

Not exact matches

Yes Google has changed a lot things with the algorithm updates like Penguin, Panda and the Hummingbird.
Google has issued five major algorithm updates, named (in chronological order) Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, and Fred.
In the last couple of years, we've seen the positive impacts of the Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, and Fred algorithm updates on SEO.
But it's the major updates (Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, and Fred) which represent the game - changers that all SEOs and content marketers must be aware of.
Google's Hummingbird algorithm was the largest algorithm update in years for Google.
So far, we've talked about Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird and how these Google algorithm updates affect site owners who want to improve search engine rankings without getting penalized.
With Google algorithm and platform updates including Florida, Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, RankBrain, Mobile, Possum, Fred and the thousands of launches, live traffic experiments, side - by - side experiments and over 130,000 search quality tests, it makes you wonder: is this all for improving the customer experience or is some of it to thwart SEO?
The emphasis toward user - friendly content continued in 2013, when Google came out with their Hummingbird algorithm update.
The Hummingbird algorithm update has shifted the web user's experience from a rigid, mechanical process to something more semantic.
Updating hummingbird cake into muffins changes everything.
How Google's Hummingbird SEO Update will Affect Your Author Website.
What's really juicy is that the «Hummingbird» update is coming.
I updated and it said XOS Hummingbird but the mobile was lagging hence I restarted it and thats it.
The update to Hummingbird has stripped off the screenshot feature.
Thanks to Google updates such as Hummingbird — where a whole sentence or context meaning query is taken into account — the search engine giant has a more topic - matching approach with their algorithm.
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